Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Slave Constraints

This is my short narrative and relevant references from the Books where Slave Constraints are mentioned.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

I have not attempted to list every imaginable variation of how a slave might be constrained. But I have listed quite a few.

I have also not list every reference even to the variations shown below, but I have listed quite a few.

Being Gorean is not all about whips and chains, BDSM and torture. However, in certain circumstances, elements of these things do apply.

Click a heading to jump down to that topic.

Ankle Cuffs
Belly Chain
Body Hood
Binding Cords
     Long Chain
     Short Chain
Hair (opens another page)
Harl Rings
     Slave - Half
Iron Belts
     Binding Fiber
     Slip Ring
Leash Cuffs
Leash Paces
Leg Spreader
Leg Stretchers
     Master's Will
Slave Bit
Slave Sack
Slave Strap
Walking Chains


Belly Chain
To The Top

A tight belly chain, locked on her, running to a heavy ring in the wood, about a foot from her, secured her in place.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 453

"Then," said he, "I think we may now send you to your kennel, in a belly chain, its lock at your navel, your hands braceleted closely behind you, to the chain."
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 246

"You wear the belly chain of a slave!" he cried.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 295

I was then naked, except for the belly chain. Its links were heavy. Whereas it is sometimes possible for a male to slip such a chain, because of his straight hips, they stay well on females. About our waists, between the flaring of our hips and the swelling of our bosoms, they find a natural, lovely and secure mounting. This chain was locked on me with a heavy padlock, from the back. In the front, linked to the chain, and dangling down from it, over my lower belly, was a heavy, medallionlike metal disk. On this disk, so that it could be read from the front, was a large, cursive "Kef," for "Kajira," a larger version of the same letter adorning my thigh.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 296

I expected him to put a belly chain on me, padlocked in front, with slave bracelets attached, in the back.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 312

"Sometimes slave girls," I said, "are aroused and then put in their kennels with their hands braceleted behind their backs, held there with a belly chain, or a belly cord.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 358

Our hands had been braceleted behind our backs, to the belly chain, that we not be able to tear at the brand.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 500

Ellen then stood as an erect, graceful slave before her master. From his pouch he withdrew a light belly chain, which hooked in front, with attached slave bracelets at the back of the chain. He then put her in the belly chain and bracelets, her hands braceleted behind her, at the small of her back. Given the flare of her hips, her hands would be kept there, at the small of her back.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 310

She pulled a little against the bracelets and there was a tiny sound of chain, emphasizing her helplessness and captivity, and her movements, too, of course, drew the belly chain back, more tightly, about her, reining in her belly, which, in emphasizing the narrowness of her waist, the contrasting flare of her hips, the swelling, lovely ascent to her bosom, and her condition as bound thrall, presumably did not much help either.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 313 - 314

Following my marking, still blindfolded, my thigh burning, I was returned to my cell, but now, by means of a belly chain and bracelets, my wrists were fastened behind me, closely, at the small of my back. Thus, I could not reach the brand. Another chain, something like a yard in length, run from the belly chain, held me to the wall behind me.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 65

The three I was familiar with were a common tunic and collar, such as the slaves would most often wear outside the court, and a belly chain with attached bracelets.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 241

I wore, too, a locked belly chain, tight on my waist. The lock was at my waist. My hands, then, were held behind my back, fastened in the attached bracelets. If the chain is locked in the back, then one's hands are fastened before one, at one's waist.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 245

I again wore the brief yellow tunic, and the belly chain, its bracelets once more confining my hands behind my back.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 249

"How is it you have the key to the bracelets?" I said. The belly chain and the bracelets were then deposited, as had been the slave bit, in some sack, or container, which proved to be an across-the-body satchel.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 259 - 260

It was a holding pole, which, in the case of Dorna, served as a feeding pole. Whereas holding poles differ amongst themselves, depending on accouterments, such as belly chains, neck collars, and bracelets, and the purposes to which they may be applied, the device in Dorna's cell was rather typical. It was some five feet in height and four inches in diameter. It was anchored solidly, vertically, in the stone flooring of the cell. It lacked a collar arrangement, but it did have a belly chain and adjustable bracelets. The pole in Dorna's case served primarily as a feeding pole. As it was used, in her case, the slave is knelt and her back is fastened closely against the pole by the belly chain. Her wrists are then lifted, and fastened well back, and well over her head by the bracelets. In this way she is knelt, held in place, and cannot feed herself. In its way the pole is a rather severe reminder of one aspect of a pervasive understanding in Gorean culture - slave dependence.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Pages 346 - 347

Toward the center of the room is a metal holding pole with a belly chain and wrist shackles."
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 352

"Put her at the pole, belly chain and high-wrist shackling. "The guard then undid the swathing of ropes which had held the treated cloth so tightly about her body, and put her, kneeling, she held by Miles, at the pole, her back to the pole. The guard then cinched the belly chain about her, pulling her back, tightly, against the pole, and then drew her wrists up, high, over her head, and shackled them to the pole. "I think she has slept long enough," said the officer. "Awaken her. "The guard went to the pool of water, and returned with a pan of water, which he dashed over her body. She awakened, instantly, screaming, "Not water! Not water!" Then she struggled in the belly chain and shackles.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 358

"Now look," I said, "at the prisoner at the pole, pathetic and helpless, in her thin, gray gown, her only garment, her hands braceleted high and back, over her head, her sleeves falling down her arms, to the elbows, a belly chain pulling her back against the pole, her shackled ankles, visible below the gown, the chain run behind the pole."
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 376


Belts - Ankle
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Belts - Chain
To The Top

I felt a chain belt put about my waist and padlocked shut at my navel. At the back of the belt, attached to it, was a pair of light manacles of the sort suitable for females, which I would learn are called "slave bracelets."
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 218


Belts - Iron
To The Top

The White Silk Girls, of course, having been released from the house, would have been placed in locked, iron belts.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 147

To their consternation, before being permitted to leave the training room, Virginia and Phyllis, beneath their livery, had locked on their bodies, by Sura, the iron belt.
. . .

"She wears the iron belt," said Sura.

Relius nodded.

"And I will hold the key," said Sura.

"Of course," said Relius.

Virginia did not raise her head.

"This one does, too," said Ho-Sorl, a bit irritably.

"Of course I wear the iron belt," said Phyllis, even more irritably. "What did you expect?"

"I will hold the key to her belt as well," said Sura.

"Let me hold the key," suggested Ho-Sorl, and Phyllis blanched.

Sura laughed. "No," she said, "I will hold it."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 214

Phyllis, wild eyed, the clothing half torn from her, the iron belt revealed, was trembling by the iron banister on the ramp, on her knees shuddering, her left wrist braceleted to the railing, breathing spasmodically.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 218

At that time a slave girl, a blond girl, sped by and the three slaves, stumbling, bleary-eyed, bumping into one another, dutifully took up her pursuit. She turned, laughing in front of them, would run a bit, then stop, and then when they had nearly caught up with her, she would run on again. But, to her astonishment, coming up from behind, catching her by surprise, another male seized her about the waist and held her, while she screamed in mock fear. But in a moment it was determined, to the rage of all save the girl, that she wore an iron belt. "Kajuralia!" she laughed, wiggled free and sped away.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 223 - 224

I wore the slave oval locked about my belly, and was neck chained.

The slave oval is a hinged iron loop which locks about a girl's waist. Two wrist rings, on sliding loops, are fitted on the oval. It also has a welded ring on the back, through which a slave bolt may be snapped, fastening the girl to a wall or object, or through which a chain might be passed. My wrists were locked in the wrist rings.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 324

I left the tenting. One pays before the meal, and carries a disk, a voucher, to the table. The meal itself is brought to his place, marked on an identical disk, by a slave girl. One surrenders the disk to her and she places the meal before you. The girls wears a leather apron and an iron belt. If one wants her one must pay more.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 62

But these passers-by, and others, did not order us apart. We were slaves. Such scenes are not unknown on Gorean streets. They would attract little more attention than would the writhings of pet sleen. It is for such reasons that slave girls are sometimes sent from their houses locked in the iron belt. To be sure the slave girl is more likely to be attacked by young ruffians than male slaves, who are often closely supervised.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 183

She also wore an iron belt. This belt consisted of two major pieces; one was a rounded, fitted, curved barlike waistband, flattened at the ends; one end of this band, that on the right, standing behind the woman and looking forward, had a heavy semicircular ring, or staple, welded onto it; the other flattened end of the waistband, looking forward, had a slot in it which fitted over the staple; the other major portion of this belt consisted of a curved band of flat, shaped iron; one end of this flat band was curved about, and closed about, the barlike waistband in front; this produces a hinge; the flat, U-shaped strap of iron swings on this hinge; on the other end of this flat band iron is a slot; it fits over the same staple as the slot in the flattened end of the left side of the barlike waistband. The belt is then put on the woman in this fashion. The waistband is closed about her, the left side, its slot penetrated by the staple, over the right side; the flat U-shaped band of iron, contoured to female intimacies, is then swung up on its hinge, between her thighs, where the slot on its end is penetrated by the staple, this keeping the parts of the belt in place. The whole apparatus is then locked on her, the tongue of a padlock thrust through the staple, the lock then snapped shut. I almost fainted when I first saw this thing. She actually wore it. It was on her! It was locked on her! The insolent mastery it bespoke made me almost giddy, the very thought that a woman might be subjected to such domination. She did not even control her own intimacies. They were controlled by him who owned her, and them.

"You seem interested in the iron belt," had said Drusus Rencius. "No," I had said. "No!"

There are many varieties of such belts," said Drusus. "You see a rather plain one. Note the placement of the padlock, at the small of her back. Some regard that arrangement as more aesthetic; others prefer for the lock to be in front, where it may dangle before her, constantly reminding her of its presence. I personally prefer the lock in the back. Its placement there, on the whole, makes a woman feel more helpless. Too, of course, its placement there makes it almost impossible for her to pick." "I see," I had said. How irritated I had been then with Drusus. He had discussed the thing as though it might have been a mere, inconsequential piece of functional hardware. Could he, not see what it really was, what it meant, what it must teach the girl, how it must make her feel?
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Pages 103 - 104

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

We were all naked. It was easy to tell, however, which of us were virgins, for the virgins, like myself, wore the "iron belt," Its horizontal portion, like an iron oval, would close about my waist, and the vertical portion, like a "U," hinged in front to the horizontal portion, flattened, shaped and slotted at its center, would swing up between my legs and there its flattened, laterally slotted end, like a hasp, would be placed over the staple on the left side of the oval ring, the other side of the oval ring, the right side, already over this staple, and secured there, behind my back, with a heavy, dangling padlock. There was little danger I would be penetrated while wearing this device.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Pages 64 - 65

I did not lift my head. I moved a little in the iron belt. It was not as well fitted to me as it might have been. They just take belts they have at hand, and, finding one of the proper size, or approximately so, they put it on her. The "U-shaped" vertical bar on this belt was, at the center, hammered flat, shaped and slotted. It chafed the upper interior of my thighs a little. I had diffidently called this to the attention of a fitter some two weeks ago but, after he had checked it, and had determined to his satisfaction that the matter was not serious enough to have warranted my complaint, he had simply cuffed me, and sent me, blood in my mouth, back to my lessons. I had not complained afterwards. That I was a virgin had undoubtedly been included by Teibar in my papers, or records. On the other hand, when I had begun my lessons, and given the apparent alacrity with which I took to them, they had, to make sure, removed the belt, and checked the matter. The report had been correct. The belt was then replaced on me. I had, for most practical purposes, worn it since, even sleeping in it, in my kennel. I gathered they did not entirely trust the discipline of the guards.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 70

In the flattened, shaped part of the metal under my belly, about a quarter of an inch from my body, there was a curved slot about three inches in length and three-eighths of an inch in width. The interior edges of this slot, heavy and iron, were serrated, jagged, like the teeth of a saw. The belt, accordingly, equipped with this device, and locked so closely upon me, so fixedly upon me, would be likely, I thought, to frustrate or discourage a male, unless, of course, he had its key, or a tool to remove it.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 71

Too, more than once one of the guards at the house had angrily tested the security of the iron belt on me, and then, finding it secure, had thrust me from him, then taking another girl in hand, one not in such a belt, for the satisfaction of his fierce needs.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 88

"Kneel up," said a man. "Higher, up, off your heels. Keep those pretty knees wide. Hold still."

I felt then the encircling clasp of metal closed about my waist, and then, swinging up between my legs, another piece of metal. These things were fastened in place, the right side, and the lower portion, hasplike, over the staple on the left side of the apparatus. The whole was then secured behind my back with a padlock. Once again I wore an iron belt.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 99

Too, it is not uncommon, as a discipline, to send a girl out naked on errands. In such a case she is often locked in an iron belt.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 163

"You will spend your time during the day," he said, "as before, in the kitchen."

"Yes, Master," I said, apprehensively.

"Do not be afraid," he said. "You will be in the iron belt."

"Now?" I asked. I was now, after all, red silk.

"Yes," he said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Too," he said, "in the iron belt, and braceleted at night, and working in the kitchen, you will have a chance to simmer."

"To simmer, Master?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

I did not understand him.

Then he picked me up, very gently, and carried me downstairs, to the basement, and my kennel. There, before my kennel, he put me in the iron belt. He then removed my hood. It seemed light them, even in the dimness of the basement. I saw that there was now a whole blanket, not just a part of one, in my kennel.

"Thank you for the blanket, Master," I said.

"Crawl into the kennel," he said. "And lie down."

I did so, and he covered me with the blanket, rather gently, I thought.

"Good night, Doreen," he said.

"Good night, Master," I said.

He then closed and locked the kennel door. I watched him through the bars as he went across the room, and blew out the small tharlarion-oil lamp there. He then went upstairs. Again I wore an iron belt. I did not understand why until I had slept and, well before dawn, awakened in the darkness. I squirmed. Then I pulled at the bracelets, futilely. I realized then, suddenly, feeling helpless, I would have to wait three days for a man's touch.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Pages 218 - 219

"Have you contented her?" asked he before whom I knelt.

"Not I," laughed the fellow. "She is in a collar. She is nothing. Let her grovel, and scream with need. It amuses us."

"I see," said the fellow before whom I knelt. He did not seem too pleased with what he had heard.

"Besides," said the first of my master's men, "as you can see, her pretty little body is snugly enclosed in the iron belt."
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 309

Indeed, some masters seem to think that that is one of the major reasons for permitting a girl clothing, to make possible the exercise of this additional power over her. It may be denied, to her, for example, as a discipline. Few girls desire to be sent shopping naked, through busy streets. To be sure, in such a case, they would probably be put in the iron belt.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Pages 300 - 301

"She is not in the iron belt," said Marcus.

"That is a further insult to those of Ar," I said, "that they would put unbelted flute girls among them."

"Yes," growled Marcus.

The tone of his voice, I am sure, did nothing to set our fair prisoner at ease. Flute girls, incidentally, when hired from their master, to entertain and serve at parties, are commonly unbelted, that for the convenience of the guests.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 121 - 122

Ellen had arrived at a bold plan. That she was in the iron belt must be meaningful, an indication of her master's interest in her, his solicitude for her, his reserving of her deflowering, or her "opening for the uses of men," for himself alone.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 144

Also, out here, in the vicinity of the villa of her master, I doubted that she was in the iron belt. Also I did not detect, beneath her dampened tunic, any sign of the close-fitting apparatus, no sign of either its horizontal component, usually a bar or metal strap tightly encircling the waist, nor of its vertical component, usually hinged to the horizontal component in front and swung up, then, between the girl's legs, to the back, where the whole is usually fastened together, there, at the small of the back, with a padlock.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 293

Unauthorized uses of female slaves are almost always by free men. They have little, or nothing, to fear, for the girls are only slaves. The masters, if they are concerned about such things, may put the girls in the iron belt, particularly if they are sending them on late errands, or into disreputable neighborhoods.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 427

"I think," I said," rather, I will have you locked in an iron belt, the heaviest and most uncomfortable that may be procured."
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 370

It had been the morning following that supper, when he had come to her cage, released her, and had her stand, bent forward, gripping the roof of the cage, her back to him, her legs widely spread.

He had been carrying an object whose nature was not immediately clear to her.

Facing away from him, her legs widely spread, she had become aware of him reaching in front of her, and then of two circular, hinged, straplike bands being put about her waist, and then being brought together, front to back, behind her. Another piece of the apparatus dangled before her, but it was, in a moment, on its hinge, drawn up between her legs. She felt the object being jerked about, and, with two hands, being adjusted on her. These three parts of the apparatus were then fitted together, the two side straps over a staple welded to the central portion of the device which had been lifted up between her legs and was now at the small of her back. She then felt the bolt of a heavy padlock thrust through the staple and snapped shut, this holding the pieces of the apparatus together, at the small of her back. When she moved she was conscious of the padlock, its weight, and how it moved, against the three parts it secured in place. Again the object was moved about, and adjusted, with two hands, on her body.

"A good fit," said a guard.

"Yes," had said her master.

"Master?" she had asked.

"You have not been given permission to speak," he said.

"Forgive me, Master," she had said.

Because of the narrowness of her waist, and the natural flare of her hips, she could not hope to elude the device.

She wore the iron belt. Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 131 - 132

She no longer wore the iron belt. She drew her legs up, close to her body. The cruel security, the protection, the safety of the iron belt was gone.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 241


Belts - Wrist
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Binding Cords - Cored
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Binding Cords - Rope
To The Top

These were no lovely, silken cords, supple, delightful cords, bright with color slave cords, suitable for the attractive binding of a secured, helpless slave but were a common, coarse ropage, the same, it seemed, as that which tethered the boats in place.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 476


Binding Cords - Silken
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

These were no lovely, silken cords, supple, delightful cords, bright with color slave cords, suitable for the attractive binding of a secured, helpless slave but were a common, coarse ropage, the same, it seemed, as that which tethered the boats in place.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 476


Binding Cords - Yellow
To The Top

men of Tharna are commonly recognized by the two yellow cords, each some eighteen inches long, that they wear at their belt; such cords are convenient for the binding of a woman, hand and foot;
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 138


To The Top

Many slave hoods, and those at the site of the old camp were among these, combine the advantages of the blindfold and gag. They fit entirely over the girl's head and buckle under the chin, about the neck. Some are of leather, others of canvas. Some lock.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 208

The blindfold is a simple and common device of slave control. It is inferior, of course, to the slave hood.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 272

I then put her on her back on the mats, and, kneeling across her body, transferring my left hand from her mouth, I thrust a scarf, wadded, deep into her mouth, then fastened it there with several turns of sash, using the extra length of the sash, tying it, to blindfold her. I then threw her on her stomach. With a length of strap I tied her hands behind her back, and, with another scarf, crossed and bound her ankles.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 142

She wore a slave scarf, as a blindfold. It was all she wore.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 433

Her small bands, her wrists secured in slave bracelets, by means of a locked chain snug at her waist, were held at her belly. She could not, then, reach the blindfold. It was of black cloth. It covered most of the upper part of her head.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 127

I regarded her blindfold. It was efficient, and Gorean. Most blindfolds, of a sort used on Earth, are inefficient, for one may see under them. This is not the case with the common Gorean blindfold. It consists, commonly, of three pieces, usually two rounded pieces of soft felt, three to four inches in diameter, and the binding, which usually consists of two or more turns of a dark, thick, folded cloth, or scarf, knotted behind the head. The pieces of rounded, face-hugging felt, the eye coverings, in the girl's blindfold were about three and a half inches in diameter. They were yellow. The binding, some three turns of folded, opaque, thick black cloth, knotted tightly behind her head, held the eye coverings securely in place. The blindfold, of course, is seldom used in the transportation of a slave. Slave hoods are much more common in such a role. Some of these are fitted with gags. Also, they may be, or some of them, locked upon the girl. The blindfold, of course, as will be recalled by those who have seen a girl in one, has its own advantages. It permits, for example, something of the beauty of her face, such as her trembling lips, to be seen. Also it permits you to place your teeth upon hers, to test her tongue for responsiveness with yours and, if one wishes, to run the tip of one's finger lightly inside her mouth, between her teeth and the interior of her cheek.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 201

But I saw him draw forth from his belt a half hood. This coved the head to the upper lip. It was put over my head and drawn back, tightly, and buckled shut. I then heard a lock snapped through rings. It was locked on me, in place. I could not see under the device, at all. In this respect it differed from imperfect blindfolds and resembled the full slave hood. Similarly, although it is usually regarded as inferior to the full slave hood in its security, it tends to be more secure than many blindfolds, particularly makeshift ones, seized up from materials at hand. For example, unlike many blindfolds, it, and in this respect it is similar to the full slave hood, is not likely to become dislodged or loose, even if the girl is handled with great roughness. It does, however, of course, possess certain of the rich and attractive advantages of the blindfold, such as allowing its fair captive to speak, to use her tongue, to lick, to kiss, and so on.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 199

A great many women, particularly the most sensitive and intelligent among them, fear tarns greatly. It is not unusual for them to become hysterical in their vicinity. It is not uncommon then for the tarnsman to hood or blindfold them. This aids in their control and management. Too, of course, if the woman is a captive, or slave, one may not wish her to understand where she is, or be able to retrace her route, or know where she is being taken. It is enough for her to know, when the blindfold or hood is removed, that she is in perfect custody. Sometimes a woman does not learn for weeks, sometimes until, say, the very night of her sale, where she is, in what city she finds herself. "I can't see!" she said. "That is the purpose of a blindfold," I said.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 133

An advantage of the blindfold, of course, is that it enables the mouth of the female to be seen, and to be kissed, and such. It also allows her to use her own mouth, of course, in kissing, and such.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 242

The opaque cloth of the blindfold had been wrapped twice, snugly, about her head, and knotted in place, behind her head. She could see nothing.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 83

Her hair was undone, and behind her. About the upper part of her head, thrice wrapped, was a blindfold.
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 293

I felt the bracelets removed from my wrists. He then relieved me of the leash, and, lastly, the blindfold. This is the order in which such things are commonly done.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 393

The blindfold and gag both enhance the feeling of helplessness, that they are wholly at the mercy of another. With respect to the blindfold, the slave does not know what is to be done to her, say, when or where she will be touched or caressed. Perhaps the master has a switch or whip in his hand? Will it strike her?
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 17

It is common for a blindfolded slave, particularly a new slave, to have her hands braceleted or tied behind her. In this fashion she cannot tear off the blindfold. A blindfolded slave more familiar with her collar, on the other hand, may have her hands free. She well understands that she is not to remove the blindfold without permission. The blindfold induces in the slave a sense of vulnerability and helplessness, a sense of being in the power of another, which is arousing to her. In a blindfold, whether back braceleted or not, she may kneel and press her lips to her master's feet, begging to be used. To be sure, if a blindfolded slave, even one who has well learned her collar, has her hands free and is sufficiently perturbed or terrified she is likely to tear off the blindfold. This is not practical, on the other hand, if she is back-braceleted or has her hands tied behind her back.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 31


To The Top

Unresisting, the girl extended her wrists, and the soldier snapped slave bracelets on them light, restraining bracelets of gold and blue stones that might have served as jewelry if it had not been for their function.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 102

"I ask your favor," said Talena, standing meekly by my side, her hands confined in front of her by the colorful slave bracelets, the leading chain still dangling from her throat.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 105

I looked at the girl, now after her long days of suffering and flight at last a captive, her slender wrists encircled at last by Thorn's hated bracelets, beautifully wrought bracelets, like many, of exquisite workmanship, bright with color, set even with jewels, but like all slave bracelets, of unyielding steel.
Outlaw of Gor     Book 2     Page 62

On each small wrist, locked, she wore a slave bracelet, of simple, unadorned steel. The two bracelets were joined by a light, gleaming chain of perhaps a yard in length.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 182

They wore the brief gray livery of the state slave of Ar, slashed to the waist, knotted with a gray cord; about their throats was locked the gray metal collar of Ar's state slave; they were barefoot; on the left ankle of each was the gray metal band, with its five gray bells, worn by the female state slave. Their hair, in state fashion, had been cut short, shaped, and combed back around the head. The wrists of each were confined behind her back with gray slave bracelets.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 395 - 396

the three-linked slave bracelets of a Gorean master;
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 55

And she wore ankle rings, and linked slave bracelets, again with shimmering droplets pendant upon them and a locked collar matching.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 100

I held the chain joining the slave bracelets. I shook it, that she might well feel the steel retainers on her wrists.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 83

Too, there was a small box of slave bracelets, all opening to the same key. The box, though small, was heavy, for slave bracelets, in quantity, are heavy.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 210

Two of the men of Torvaldsland had, from their left shoulder to their right hip, that their right arms be less I impeded, a chain formed of slave bracelets; each pair of bracelets locked at each end about one of the bracelets of another pair, the whole thus forming a circle. Now they removed this chain of bracelets, and, one by one, removed the pairs, closing them about the small wrists, behind their backs, of the female captives, now bond-maids. These bracelets were of the sort used to hold women in the north. They are less ornate and finely tooled than those available in the south. But they are satisfactory for their purpose. They consist of curve, hinged bands of black iron, three quarters of an inch in width and a quarter inch in thickness. On one of each of the two curved pieces constituting a bracelet there is a welded ring; the two welded rings are joined by a single link, about an inch in width counting both sides, each of which is about a quarter of an inch in diameter, and three inches long. Some of the girls cried out with pain as the fetters, locking, bit into their wrists.

I saw the slender girl's wrists pulled behind her and snapped in the fetters. She winced. They were rough, plain fetters, but they would hold her well, quite as well as the intricately wrought counterparts of the south.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Pages 46 - 47

Before her body he locked her wrists in three-link slave bracelets.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 144

"We have you," he said. I tried to jerk back but his hand, on the chain between the bracelets, held me, my hands confined in his bracelets.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 305

I thrust the tiny key into the locks on the slave bracelets and, with two small, heavy clicks, and an opening of metal, removed them from her.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 96

"This is the key to your slave bracelets," he said. He showed me a key, on a string. He slung the string over my head and, by it, hung the key about my neck. It fell between my breasts. Much good it did me. I could not reach it with my braceleted hands.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 348

I felt a chain belt put about my waist and padlocked shut at my navel. At the back of the belt, attached to it, was a pair of light manacles of the sort suitable for females, which I would learn are called "slave bracelets."
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 218

At her right hip, over the belly cord, hung a pair of bracelets, small, sturdy, pretty bracelets. They were joined together with three links of steel.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 77

She felt her wrists lifted a bit, and the steel checked. There was a tiny sound of metal links.

The steel was tight on her small wrists.

That was not necessary, but it left her in no doubt that she was helpless.

She also did not doubt but what the tightness was intentional, and responsive to some instruction.

Slave bracelets were usually snug, but seldom tight.

Sometimes they were even rather loose, suggesting to a foolish girl the possibility of slipping them. But shortly, to her frustration, she learns she is held perfectly. The master, for his amusement, has been playing with her, and, in his way, instructing her.

Such small things help the new girl, in particular, to realize she is a female slave.

A girl who has better learned her collar is never in any doubt about such things.

Bracelets, chains, and such, incidentally, induce a sense of helplessness and vulnerability in the female, which sensations, whether she wishes it or not, increase her receptivity.

To be sure, they also hold her with perfection.

Her master had apparently decided that the bracelets would be tight, that it would please him to have her brought before him extremely conscious of her utter helplessness.

How faraway was the classroom!

There were six tiny links joining the bracelets, one for each letter in the Gorean spelling of 'kajira'.

The key to the bracelets was on a tiny string looped about her collar, not that this did Ellen any good.

"They are pretty bracelets," said the guard.

"We think so," said the first instructrix.

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk, well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace, attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors, tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation, simple holding, and so on.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 171 - 172

"And slave bracelets are not designed to be slipped by their occupant," said Cabot. "They are manufactured to guarantee a female's utter helplessness."
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 514

Shortly after her capture and return to the camp, Lord Grendel, with a tool, had widened one of the links on her slave bracelets, so that she might separate her hands, but the rings of the bracelets, each with a bit of dangling chain, were still locked upon her wrists. In this fashion, if it were desired, the opened link might be once more closed, and her small wrists might then be confined as wished, either before her body, or behind it.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 533

"Why then should she be denied, as her own world would deny her, submission to the mastery, ropes on her ankles, her wrists pinioned behind her back in slave bracelets, a collar on her neck, her lips pressed obediently to a master's whip?"
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 555

I preferred the chains, the bracelets, and restraints of the slave house, where I had been trained. They are light, lovely, tasteful, attractive, and feminine. They, like the brand and collar, are intended to enhance our beauty, for a woman's bonds, like her garmenture, if she is permitted garmenture, are intended to set her off nicely. In them she is to be framed, presented, and displayed, excitingly and attractively, purchasable goods. I suppose it only needs be added that in them, as well, as lovely and feminine as they are, we are helpless; they confine us with perfection.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 58

Metal encircled my wrists. I heard two small, decisive clicks. I jerked at my wrists, but could not part them. They were fastened in place, closely together, behind my back. It was the first time I had been placed in such things. I would grow familiar with them. They are designed for women. Many are plain, but many, too, are lovely, designed, like jewelry, to set off, and enhance, not only the utter helplessness, but the beauty of their occupant. So I wore, for the first time, though I did not know it, slave bracelets. I heard two similar clicks, to my left, and I gathered that Paula was similarly secured.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 45 - 46

I pulled a little at the slave bracelets that confined my hands behind my back.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 209

Our wrists were fastened behind us, in slave bracelets, light, but secure restraints. We were helpless in them. That is their purpose, to render their occupant helpless.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 597

At that moment, Miles, of the holding of Bosk of Port Kar, entered, thrusting a cloaked, trim figure before him. I heard a clinking of bangles and a rustle of bells. The cloak was cast aside and I saw belts of shimmering, threaded coins, ropes of necklaces, bright armlets and bracelets, and swirling flutterings and flashes of diaphanous silks.

"Sandra, Sandra!" cried men, delightedly.

"She is one of the possessions of Bosk of Port Kar," said Miles.

"I think she is the finest dancer in Port Kar," said Florian.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 439

She lacked the ornaments, the jewelry, the armlets, the bracelets, the anklets, bells, swirling dancing silks, and such, of the common tavern dancer, but this was not one of the finer, more expensive taverns closer to the center of Brundisium, but the Sea Sleen, in the harbor district, and no claim or pretense was being made that she was other than a common slave accompanying her master in the tavern.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 592

Occasionally, as one or another of the slaves moved, I saw that her wrists were not pinioned behind her body by thongs as I had expected, but by slave bracelets. Such bracelets tend to be more comfortable than thongings, and they are, of course, more effective as constraints, not because the prisoner is not unutterably helpless in thongs, but because they cannot be untied or cut loose by another party. Slave bracelets are much lighter than the manacles which are commonly used in the case of male prisoners, but, like those manacles, they render their commonly smaller, lighter occupants similarly helpless. Whereas the slave bracelets confining the catches of the rider were plain, slave bracelets often supplement their custodial aspects with aspects one might more normally associate with jewelry. Imagine, if you will, two lovely matching bracelets, one on each wrist, but joined by a metal linkage. Some slave bracelets are enameled, engraved, plated, set with jewels, and so on. It is not unusual for a Master to desire to enhance the beauty of his properties by various means, jeweled collars, and such. In promenades, Masters are commonly accompanied by leashed slaves, often strikingly adorned.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 180


Bracelets - Bejeweled
To The Top

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk, well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace, attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors, tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation, simple holding, and so on.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 171 - 172

Occasionally, as one or another of the slaves moved, I saw that her wrists were not pinioned behind her body by thongs as I had expected, but by slave bracelets. Such bracelets tend to be more comfortable than thongings, and they are, of course, more effective as constraints, not because the prisoner is not unutterably helpless in thongs, but because they cannot be untied or cut loose by another party. Slave bracelets are much lighter than the manacles which are commonly used in the case of male prisoners, but, like those manacles, they render their commonly smaller, lighter occupants similarly helpless. Whereas the slave bracelets confining the catches of the rider were plain, slave bracelets often supplement their custodial aspects with aspects one might more normally associate with jewelry. Imagine, if you will, two lovely matching bracelets, one on each wrist, but joined by a metal linkage. Some slave bracelets are enameled, engraved, plated, set with jewels, and so on. It is not unusual for a Master to desire to enhance the beauty of his properties by various means, jeweled collars, and such. In promenades, Masters are commonly accompanied by leashed slaves, often strikingly adorned.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 180


Bracelets - Black
To The Top

Her wrists were still confined behind her back in the rude, black bracelets of the north, with their one heavy link.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 275


Bracelets - Enameled
To The Top

Occasionally, as one or another of the slaves moved, I saw that her wrists were not pinioned behind her body by thongs as I had expected, but by slave bracelets. Such bracelets tend to be more comfortable than thongings, and they are, of course, more effective as constraints, not because the prisoner is not unutterably helpless in thongs, but because they cannot be untied or cut loose by another party. Slave bracelets are much lighter than the manacles which are commonly used in the case of male prisoners, but, like those manacles, they render their commonly smaller, lighter occupants similarly helpless. Whereas the slave bracelets confining the catches of the rider were plain, slave bracelets often supplement their custodial aspects with aspects one might more normally associate with jewelry. Imagine, if you will, two lovely matching bracelets, one on each wrist, but joined by a metal linkage. Some slave bracelets are enameled, engraved, plated, set with jewels, and so on. It is not unusual for a Master to desire to enhance the beauty of his properties by various means, jeweled collars, and such. In promenades, Masters are commonly accompanied by leashed slaves, often strikingly adorned.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 180


Bracelets - Engraved
To The Top

Occasionally, as one or another of the slaves moved, I saw that her wrists were not pinioned behind her body by thongs as I had expected, but by slave bracelets. Such bracelets tend to be more comfortable than thongings, and they are, of course, more effective as constraints, not because the prisoner is not unutterably helpless in thongs, but because they cannot be untied or cut loose by another party. Slave bracelets are much lighter than the manacles which are commonly used in the case of male prisoners, but, like those manacles, they render their commonly smaller, lighter occupants similarly helpless. Whereas the slave bracelets confining the catches of the rider were plain, slave bracelets often supplement their custodial aspects with aspects one might more normally associate with jewelry. Imagine, if you will, two lovely matching bracelets, one on each wrist, but joined by a metal linkage. Some slave bracelets are enameled, engraved, plated, set with jewels, and so on. It is not unusual for a Master to desire to enhance the beauty of his properties by various means, jeweled collars, and such. In promenades, Masters are commonly accompanied by leashed slaves, often strikingly adorned.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 180


Bracelets - Golden
To The Top

This afternoon I had presented her, with her maidens, in the chains of slave girls, together with portions of the treasures of the treasure fleet, and accountings of the balance thereof, before the Council of Captains of Port Kar. They had been beautiful, in silver throat coffle, their wrists bound behind their backs in golden slave bracelets, kneeling as pleasure slaves among the jewels, the piled gold, and the heaps of silk and kegs of spices. She who was to have been the Ubara of Cos was in the city of Port Kar only booty.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 232

She wore on her throat a high, gold collar, with, in front, a large golden loop, some two inches in width. Threaded through this loop loose, was a golden chain. This chain terminated, at each end, with high, golden slave bracelets.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 79


Bracelets - Hook
To The Top

"Yes, Master," I said. "Does Master desire special equipment, or harnesses?"

"Hook bracelets," he said.

"Yes, Master," I said, putting my head down to his feet. He then left me, to return the bracelets and keys to the counter. I rose to my feet and went to the slave room to fetch the hook bracelets, leather cuffs with locks on them, and snaps; they are soft and the snaps, as opposed to the cuffs, require no key; some men enjoy them on their slaves; by means of the snaps the girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs, her hands being fastened behind her or before her, or perhaps to her collar.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 296 - 297

"Would you please unsnap the hook bracelets?"

In an instant, with infuriating ease, she had opened the snaps, freeing my wrists, one from the other. I was furious.

It was so simple. She who wears the bracelets, of course, cannot reach the snaps.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 303 - 304


Bracelets - Light
To The Top

He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 132

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk, well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace, attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors, tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation, simple holding, and so on.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 171 - 172

Kneeling beside the fourth, her wrists moved a little in the closely fitting, light steel bracelets behind her.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 527


Bracelets - Long Chain
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Bracelets - Plain
To The Top

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk, well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace, attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors, tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation, simple holding, and so on.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 171 - 172


Bracelets - Plated
To The Top

Occasionally, as one or another of the slaves moved, I saw that her wrists were not pinioned behind her body by thongs as I had expected, but by slave bracelets. Such bracelets tend to be more comfortable than thongings, and they are, of course, more effective as constraints, not because the prisoner is not unutterably helpless in thongs, but because they cannot be untied or cut loose by another party. Slave bracelets are much lighter than the manacles which are commonly used in the case of male prisoners, but, like those manacles, they render their commonly smaller, lighter occupants similarly helpless. Whereas the slave bracelets confining the catches of the rider were plain, slave bracelets often supplement their custodial aspects with aspects one might more normally associate with jewelry. Imagine, if you will, two lovely matching bracelets, one on each wrist, but joined by a metal linkage. Some slave bracelets are enameled, engraved, plated, set with jewels, and so on. It is not unusual for a Master to desire to enhance the beauty of his properties by various means, jeweled collars, and such. In promenades, Masters are commonly accompanied by leashed slaves, often strikingly adorned.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 180


Bracelets - Serving
To The Top

They had been serving bracelets, with two lengths of chain, each about a foot long, which linked them.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 123


Bracelets - Short Chain
To The Top

Her fists were clenched in the slave bracelets. The short chain, joining the bracelets, was taut.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 86

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Bracelets - Snap
To The Top

I took her wrists and pulled them forward, to the two posts, some six inches apart, part of the branding rack, putting them in the snap bracelets which dangled there, one from each post. These are simple mechanisms. It is quite easy to open and shut them, and it may be done with a snap of the finger, one for each bracelet. As the bracelets are situated, some inches apart, of course, and as the snap is on each bracelet itself, at the wrist, the girl herself cannot get her finger, of either hand, on the mechanism. Others may open them easily; she, on the other hand, is perfectly held.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 337


Chain - Ankle-Ring
To The Top

Without much haggling, I bought one, which seemed to me pretty. They are adjustable, with rings, from a length as small as two inches, for security, to a stride length of about twenty inches. Two keys are provided, each of which fits both ankle-ring locks.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 49

Their ankles were confined in loose, steel ankle loops, but they could not slip them. A common chain ran though rings on the loops. No longer were their ankles confined with a foot of chain between them. Their ankles, now, for the chain running through the loop-rings was long, could be moved as closely together or as widely apart as they, or their masters, might wish. There were round, pierced metal balls at each end of the ankle chain, to prevent its slipping through the rings entirely. One such ball was to the right of the blonde's right and the other was to the left of the left ankle of the last girl on the chain. This ankle-chain arrangement, permitting much plasticity of movement, makes it easier to display a girl.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 64

A chain then ran from my collar to the chain on, my wrist rings and from thence, the same chain, to the chain on my ankle rings. My ankle-ring chain was about twelve inches in length, and my wrist-ring chain was about six inches in length. The central chain, where it dangled down from the wrist rings, lay on the floor before the throne, before it looped up to where it was closed about a central link of the ankle-ring chain.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 186

I clasped the ankle rings about her ankles, locking them. I thrust the short, attached chain, attached to the ankle-ring chain at one end, and the wrist-ring chain at the other, and the wrist rings, on their short chain, between her legs and through the sturdy floor ring.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 115

One of these chains, a long, vertical chain, attached to the collar, dangles downward. To it are fastened two horizontal chains, one, from its attachment point near the lower belly, terminating in slave bracelets, wrist-rings, or manacles, and the other, from its attachment point at the end of the dangling chain, usually lying on the floor, or ground, terminating in shackles or ankle-rings. Parts of this arrangement may function separately, of course, for example, the long chain as a leash, the horizontal attachments as, say, slave bracelets or ankle shackles.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 165

At the end of the chain dangling from the collar, to which the wrist-ring chain was attached, was an ankle-ring chain, terminating at each end with an ankle ring, into which her ankles had been placed and locked.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 360

From where I stood I could see the linked ankle rings on her fair ankles, and part of the long chain running from the ankle-ring chain up, before her body, to the staple on her collar.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 373

My name had been mentioned by the slaver's scribe before the sale, with my measurements, my collar size, my ankle-ring size, and such.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 32


Chain - Body
To The Top

The loop of the body chain was some five feet in length. It was made to loop the throat of a woman several times, or, by alternative windings, to bedeck her body in a variety of fashions. The chain was not heavy, but, too, it was not light. It had a solid heft in one's hand. It was closely meshed and strong. It could be used, if a man wished, and perfectly, for purposes of slave security. It was decorated sensuously with colorful wooden beads, semiprecious stones and bits of leather. Detachable, but now attached to the chain at one point were two sets of clips, one of snap clips and one of lock clips. It is by means of these clips that the chain can be transformed from a simple piece of slave jewelry into a sturdy and effective device of slave restraint. I put down the tarsk bit, and the man took it, and slipped it into his pouch. "Do not give that to a free woman," he grinned. "It is pretty," I said. I looped it several times, and put it in my pouch. "It is a body chain," he said.
. . .

Then I continued on my way, wondering why I had purchased so strange an item as a body chain, a form of jewelry obviously designed for the body of a female slave.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Pages 71 - 72

"Chain!" she cried. "Master!" She tensed her body and struggled, but only for an instant. I tightened the chains. She ceased struggling. The chains were tight in her flesh. "Master?" she asked. I then lifted the chains from her, and held them out, before her. "It is beautiful," she said. She saw now that the chains had been the loops of a single, graceful body chain, sinuous and glossy, closely meshed and dark, ornamented with colorful beads of wood, semiprecious stones and bits of leather. Its full loop is some five feet in length, and it can be wound and looped, and twisted and strung about a woman's body in a variety of intricate fashions. It is light and the closeness of its meshing allows it to follow closely the contours of a woman's body. It is unbreakable. It may be worn with or without clothing. By means of small clips, snap clips or lock clips, it may be used to secure as well as adorn a woman. It is to be worn, of course, only by a slave. "It is beautiful my Master!" she said.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 281

The body chain I had purchased, though efficient, and attractive and sturdy, was not an expensive one. Some such chains, of course, such as those sometimes worn by high slaves, are quite expensive, being of gold and set with such stones as rubies, sapphires and diamonds.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 283

Her first taking had been on the floor of the bedroom, she still locked in the body chain.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 289


Chain - Hobble
To The Top

One of the kinsmen of Farouk went to the kurdahs of slave girls, hobble chains at his saddle pommel; he would rein in before a kurdah, throw the girl the hobble and order her, "Shackle yourself"; he would wait the moment it took for the girl to snap the small ring about her right wrist and, behind her body, the larger one about her left ankle; the rings are separated by about six inches of chain;
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 82

I then crouched down and tore off a bit of the hem of her robes, but not enough to offend her modesty, for example, revealing her ankles, and, using the cloth as a bond; fastened her ankles together, leaving her some four or five inches of slack, rather like a slave girl's hobble chains.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 172


Chain - Leading
To The Top

I tossed to one side the leading chains, manacles, and slave bracelets that Talena and I had worn.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 105


Chain - Waist
To The Top

Shoka then freed her wrists of the wrist rings of the sirik and Uchafu locked a waist chain on her and then, about this chain, running the linkage of the bracelets behind it, braceleted her hands at her belly.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 127

For example, I could never slip a chain on my waist, fastening me perhaps to a beam. It would hold me quite effectively. The nature of my body would keep me its prisoner.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 49

She then knelt beside the unconscious Darla, and moving her inert body about, encircled it with a waist chain, which she drew back, snugly, about Darla's belly. The chain, as is common with such chains, contained its associated slave bracelets, by means of which a slave's hands may be cuffed before her body, or behind it, in both cases being held close to her body. A slave's hands are helpless in such a constraint. For example, if she is front-cuffed, she may not even lift her hands to feed herself.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 303

She opened her eyes, suddenly, wildly, and jerked at her cuffed hands, held behind her, the two, narrow, snug, circular restraints attached to her waist chain.
. . .

She struggled wildly in the bracelets, linked to the snug waist chain.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 310

She pulled at her wrists, behind her back, held in the cuffs, attached to the waist chain.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 319

A chain was about my waist, and my hands were manacled behind me, the manacles fastened to the chain.
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 127

Her ankles were shackled, and her wrists were fastened closely before her body, manacled together and held in place by a chain encircling her waist.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 499


Chain - Walking
To The Top

The use of a light walking chain, tethering the ankles, meant to be worn abroad, accompanying the master, incidentally, is not uncommon in the regions of the Tahari. A beautifully measured gait is thought, in the Tahari, to be attractive in a woman. There is dispute as to the desirable length of the stride, and the chain may be adjusted accordingly. To me it seems obvious that one must experiment with the given girl. Height and hip structure vary. I resolved to obtain such a set of chains for Miss Blake-Allen. I was curious to see what measure of stride would best suit the slave in her. Free women, in the Tahari, incidentally, usually, when out of their houses, also measure their stride. Some fasten their own ankles together with silken thongs. Some dare even the chain, though they retain its key. Free girls, not yet companions, but of an age appropriate for the companionship, sometimes signal their availability to possible swains by belling their left ankles with a single "virgin bell." The note of this bell, which is bright and clear, is easily distinguished from those of the degrading, sensual bells of the slave.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 45

I paused before a given stall, where light, walking chains were being sold. They were strung over racks rather like parrot perches. Without much haggling, I bought one, which seemed to me pretty. They are adjustable, with rings, from a length as small as two inches, for security, to a stride length of about twenty inches. Two keys are provided, each of which fits both ankle-ring locks.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Pages 48 - 49

I would cross Alyena's ankles and, with the walking chain, suitably shortened, chain them together. That way she could not stand.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 81


Cuffs - Ankle
To The Top

On the towels, however, coiled, there was a whip, and slave cuffs, and anklets, of leather, with snaps.
. . .

She put the objects she carried on the floor, to her right. "Here, Master," she said, feeling for it, "is a slave collar. You may place it on me when you wish." She put it, with its key, at my feet. "Here, too," she said, putting the objects near the collar, "are slave cuffs, and anklets." I regarded the objects, with their tiny belts and buckles, with their attached, sewn in, metal snap rings.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 200

She looked down at the steel cuff on her ankle.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 53

In a lovely variation of such harnessing, the slave is knelt, with her hands fastened before her body, close to her waist, by the waist belt, and then, behind her back, by short, stout straps run from the waist belt, and ankle cuffs, she is held on her knees.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 198


Cuffs - Thumb
To The Top

"You are on your way to the Cosians' siege camp at Ar's Station," I hazarded.

"Yes," he said.

I had thought that, too, was probable, as he was at the inn. He would want its protection, probably, for his goods. Coins, or letters of credit, might be concealed about a wagon, but it is not easy to conceal quantities of flour, salt, jerky, paga and such, not to mention the miscellany of diverse items for the field supply of which one can usually count on the sutlers, such things as combs, brushes, candles, lamp-oil, small knives, common tools, pans, eating utensils, sharpening stones, flints, steel, thumb cuffs, shackles, nose rings, binding fiber, slave collars and whips.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Pages 113 - 114

I noted one girl on the landing. From the way she held her hands behind her back I could tell that she was in thumb cuffs. These are handy devices. They are light and take up little space in a warrior's pack. I myself, thinking sometimes that thumb cuffs are perhaps a bit cruel, generally prefer, if slave bracelets are not available, a simple thong or a short length of binding fiber. A woman, of course, may be bound in a large variety of ways and with a large variety of materials. For example, one might use strips, cut and rolled, from her own clothing, particularly as one will probably be removing that garb from her anyway. If she is naked, she might even be bound with short lengths of her own hair. Two or three horts of hair suffice to tie her thumbs behind her back, and another two or three will suffice to tie her two large toes together.

I might mention two possible reservations pertaining to thumb cuffs. First, many feel that they are much less secure than, say, slave bracelets, because of the diverse ratios involved, of wrist to hand, and of upper thumb to the thumb joint, at their location points. To compensate for this, of course, one can make the thumb cuffs tighter, but this produces greater discomfort in the wearer. It is harder for her to attend to her lessons, naturally, if she is in pain. I generally feel that pain, at least generally, should not be inflicted on a slave unless it is meaningful. There can, of course, be a point to generalized discomforts, even of a rather trivial nature.

For example, when a woman has been slept naked on a hardwood floor without covers, she is likely to come to a much better understanding of the value of a slave blanket. Second, if the woman is in thumb cuffs, and she becomes hysterical, it is much easier for her to hurt herself. Accordingly, just as one would not wish to secure a sleen or a kaiila in a way in which it might inadvertently hurt or injure itself, so, too, one might not wish to secure a slave in such a manner. The slave, too, is a domestic animal, and like other domestic animals, has a specific value. Accordingly, thumb cuffs, if used on a slave, in my opinion at least, should be used only under close supervision. To be sure, under such supervision, they might be helpful.

Certainly it is hard for a woman to wear thumb cuffs and not understand her helplessness. Some masters favor them early in a girl's training, thinking that it hastens their progress. I generally prefer to ease them into it, giving them time to develop and gradually understand their new feelings and sensations, giving them time to accommodate themselves to their new life and destiny. Accordingly, though I might put a girl into thumb cuffs for an Ahn or so, perhaps early in her training, perhaps in the process of informing her as to the nature of various bonds, their textures, and such, I generally do not use them. I think of them, like close chains, more as a punishment than a restraint. That she knows they exist, and could be put on her, by my will, like close chains, in itself has its salutary effect on her. And that seems to me generally sufficient.

The major point of the restraint is to restrain not hurt. Indeed, pain can interfere with many of the diverse subsidiary values of restraints, physical and psychological. It can be distractive. Pain is a bit like the whip. The slave is subject to the whip, and truly subject to it, but this does not mean that she is necessarily whipped; that she could be whipped, and will be whipped, if she is not pleasing, is what is important, not that she need be whipped. Why should one beat a pleasing slave? To be sure, there are no bargains, contracts or arrangements in these matters, and the slave may be beaten whenever the master pleases, with or without a reason. She is, after all, a slave. Similarly, along these lines, to be perfectly honest, I have upon occasion used thumb cuffs on females, when it has seemed to me there was a point in doing so, or when it pleased me to do so.
. . .

I saw that the woman in thumb cuffs was now on her knees on the landing, and that her head was pushed down to the stone. The cord from her nose ring was lying beside her head on the stone. She was then put to use. I saw her wrists lifting, her fingers, beside her confined thumbs, jerking, opening and closing. Then she was pulled to her feet by the cord on the nose ring and hurrying after her master.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Pages 326 - 328

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns. Similarly, some collars, leather or otherwise, have rings to which such snap rings may be conveniently fastened. To be sure, something as simple as leather binding fiber, such as commonly belts the common camisk, well serves for the general purposes of ready tethering. Common, too, are leashes. The style, grace, attractiveness, and lightness of slave bracelets does not detract from their utility. They are more than adequate to hold a female, and with perfection. Not all slave bracelets are pretty, and such, of course. Some are quite plain, and these might be preferred by some men for their slaves, perhaps for reasons of instruction, or economy, or to avoid an appearance of ostentation, or such. Too, warriors, tarnsmen, slavers, and such, might prefer plainer custodial devices for early captures, transportation, simple holding, and so on. Sometimes no more than a string, nose-ring and thumb cuffs are used. Men, on the other hand, as one would suppose, are commonly held in heavier gear, for example, in heavy manacles.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 172


Cuffs - Wrist
To The Top

She wore bells locked on both wrists, and on both ankles, thick cuffs and anklets, each with a double line of bells, fastened by steel and key.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 29

The musician fastened leather cuffs, mounted each with three rows of bells, on her wrists and ankles.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 302

To one side, stripped, bound tightly in black leather, hand and foot, straps crossing between her breasts and circling her thighs, to which her wrists were secured, in buckled cuffs, knelt a whitish-skinned girl, blond, frightened.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 9

Her fists were clenched in the leather, buckled cuffs of her harness, held to her thighs by the thigh straps.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 26

I rose to my feet and went to the slave room to fetch the hook bracelets, leather cuffs with locks on them, and snaps; they are soft and the snaps, as opposed to the cuffs, require no key; some men enjoy them on their slaves; by means of the snaps the girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs, her hands being fastened behind her or before her, or perhaps to her collar.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 297

She pulled my wrists behind my back and, swiftly, snapped together the leather cuffs; I twisted on the vanity table, and fell to the floor, my wrists confined by the linked snaps behind my back.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 303

Their wrists, in the two-inch-high, steel cuffs, were small and lovely.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 61

Beside them, on the platform, were two pairs of opened, empty ankle loops, two pairs of opened, empty wrist cuffs, two opened, empty collars, and some chain, and two platform tunics, discarded.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 76

I then buckled the thick leather slave cuffs on her wrists. "Master?" she asked. I then thrust her right wrist through the slave ring and, with the heavy metal snaps, sewn into the cuffs, secured her there. She heard the strands of the whip shaken out. "Please do not whip me, Master," she begged. Then she put down her head. Then I lashed her, for she had been displeasing. I cast aside the whip and drew on my tunic, and gathered together my things. At the door I turned, to look back at the sobbing girl. She turned her head toward me, it still secured in the blindfold. She knelt naked at the ring, fastened to it by the cuffs, and, too, by the ankle ring, still locked upon her left ankle. She wore her collar. "I love you, Master," she said. "It is to such a man as you that I wish to belong. "I put down my things at the door. I went back to her. I pulled her out from the ring, half on her back, her hands above and behind her, twisted and helpless in the slave cuffs, held at the ring.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 222

She squirmed in the cuffs, unable to see, in a slave's fear.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 224

"Put your wrists out," said Tupita. The sheet fell a little. Tupita fastened a leather cuff on my right wrist. It was not a lock cuff. It buckled shut. It did have a snap ring on it. Sita fastened a similar cuff on my left wrist. Both of them carried long leather leashes. Tupita, with the snap ring on the leash, fastened the leash to my right cuff, and Sita fastened the other leash on my left cuff. The snap rings on the cuffs themselves, of course, make it possible, if one wishes, for the cuffs to be linked together. I saw the legs of a man. I looked up, and then, swiftly, the palms of my hands on the floor, the cuffs on my wrists, put my head to the floor before him.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 176

My wrists were also confined. I wore metal cuffs, joined by some inches of chain. My ankles, by metal anklets, linked by a bit of chain, were similarly secured. I crouched in the darkness, terrified. I felt the collar again. It was closed by means of a heavy lock, part of the collar itself. It would thus, presumably, respond to a key. The cuffs and anklets, on the other hand, were quite different. They had apparently been simply closed about my limbs, closed by some considerable force, perhaps that of a machine, or even, perhaps unthinkably primitive though it might seem, by the blows of a hammer on an anvil.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 6

Slave bracelets, designed for women, are often light and pretty, and are sometimes matched to outfits and such. Some, for high slaves, are bejeweled. Some might be worth the ransom of a Ubar. They can be matched to collars, as well, and shackles, and such. Some bracelets are fitted with lock rings, which can be snapped into one another, if and when desired. This resembles the leather slave cuffs worn by some girls in paga taverns.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 172

Ellen wonders, sometimes, how many of her former colleagues, in their private lives, in their secret lives, repudiate the falsity, foolishness and treason of their public lives. How many, she wonders, are dominated, stripped, belted in slave cuffs, and thrown to the bed, and from this surface look upward, into the eyes of masters?
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 481

She put her small hands before her face, wildly. Cabot thought they would look nicely in slave cuffs. Were not such small, lovely wrists made for a master's steel?
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 88

She pulled at her wrists, behind her back, held in the cuffs, attached to the waist chain. How well secured she was, I thought. How helpless we are in such things!
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 319

I jerked at my wrists. They were encircled with metal! I could scarcely part my hands! I was handcuffed! I struggled from bed. I stood, unsteadily, fighting to keep my balance. I was still clothed, in my long, blue, silken nightgown. It had not been removed. Did those who had put the metal on my wrists, who presumably could have done anything with me, nor care to see me naked? Was this some sort of insult? Was I not beautiful? Was I not one in a thousand! In rage I tried to part my wrists. They were well held! I tried to thrust the cuffs from my wrists, and could not do so. I would only abrade my wrists. I thought of the ruffian who had so discomfited me in the office. I could not part my wrists, no more than the single link I was permitted! My hands, at least, were cuffed before my body! Had they been cuffed behind my body I would have been even more helpless, and my figure, despite what I might wish, and to my frustration and dismay, would have been emphasized.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 16 - 17

A handcuff was snapped about Paula's right wrist, and she was drawn toward me. The other cuff was then snapped about my left wrist, after which I was unbound. We then stood before the men, bitted, and handcuffed together, her right wrist to my left wrist. The cuffs were the same as those in which I had earlier awakened.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 40

She was pale, and seemed distraught. She pulled a little, futilely, at the cuffs on her wrists. She was well held.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 376


To The Top

Then, with a shrug in my direction, as if to ask my pardon, he went to the girl and took a handful of her long hair. He wadded it into a small, tight ball and suddenly shoved it in her mouth. It immediately expanded, and before she could spit the hair out, he had looped more of her hair about her head and tied it, in such a way as to keep the expanded ball of hair in her mouth. The girl choked silently, trying to spit the ball of hair from her mouth, but of course she could not. It was an old slaver's trick. I knew tarnsmen sometimes silenced their captives in the same way.
. . .

She whimpered. Any other sound she might have uttered was stifled by the gag of hair.
Outlaw of Gor     Book 2     Pages 188 - 190

I heard the girl's voice again. "Take dear Vancius," she was saying, "bind his wrists and ankles, and put him in a slave hood, one with a gag. I may use him for my pleasure later."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 336

I examined the gag. Heavy leather strips were bound tightly across her mouth, doubtless holding a heavy packing within, probably rep-cloth. Such a gag would not be pleasant to wear.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 286

A slave hood with gag, was placed on her, that her weeping and cries might not disturb our rest.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 77

I felt the blade move between my cheek and the gag, cutting the gag free. I almost fainted. With my tongue I forced the packing from my mouth. I almost vomited.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 123

Across the back of her dark hair I could see leather gag straps.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 342

I looked upon Ilene. She was beautiful. I removed her gag, and kissed her. She looked at me, startled. I had no time to use her. I thrust the wadding again in her mouth, and fastened it tightly in place with the slave silk.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 192

"Gag her," said Vinca.

Again I thrust the heavy wadding of fur deep in Mira's mouth, and tied it securely in place with the strip, twisted, of panther skin.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 232

I wondered how she might feel, the gag hood drawn over her head from behind, locked shut behind her neck, stripped, thrown on her back over the saddle of a tarn, bound, swept away, with a beating of wings, into total bondage.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Pages 294 - 295

I saw a piece of cloth in his hand. It was large. I wept as it was wadded, painfully, in my mouth. He then secured it in place with a narrow piece of folded cloth which slipped deeply between my teeth. He then, with another three scarves, covering the bottom portion of my face, one over the other, completed the task of gagging the slave girl. I could not utter a sound.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 230 - 231

They helped me from the stock and I, by its head, sank down to the dirt. I could scarcely move. I could still taste the heavy, coarse, sour wadding of the gag in my mouth. I would not have believed so effective a gag was possible. At that time, however, I had not worn the Gorean slave hood with gag-attachment.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 238

I sensed him remove, with a rustle of leather, an object from his tunic. Suddenly I felt the wadding of the gag of a slave hood thrust in my mouth and, with its straps, secured. It was done swiftly. I could utter no sound. I was gagged. Then the hood itself was pulled up and jerked down, over my head, and buckled under my chin.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 333

She was naked except for her collar and a leather-and-metal lock gag. Her mouth was closed. I saw the curved metal bars, rounded, about a quarter of an inch in diameter, emerging from the sides of her mouth. By means of a ratchet and pawl arrangement the device is fitted to the individual girl. It locks behind the back of the neck. It cannot be removed, even though the girl's hands are free.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 347

Her gag, no longer necessary on her as an instructional or disciplinary device, was that which now packed the pretty face of the dark-haired girl, she who had been her second in command, who now brought up the rear of the coffle.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 419

The gag was of leather, black, and effective. It buckled behind her neck with two buckles.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 42

I fumbled with the knots on the gag. I loosened them and pulled the binding down about her neck. I pulled the deep, heavy wadding from her mouth.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 137

The slave regarded it with horror. It was a slave hood, with a gag attachment, common in many such hoods. "Do not kill me, Master!" begged the slave. "Please do not kill me!"

I thrust the thick, curled wadding of the gag deeply into her mouth. In her mouth it expanded. Then, using the cord and eyelets, I laced the two ends of the broad, flat binding surface, to which, in the front and the center, the wadding was attached, tightly together behind the back of her neck, She moaned. She was well gagged. She looked at me, wildly. It was a fitting gag for a slave, I thought.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 195

There is more, cosmetically, which can be done with long hair and such hair, too, is often useful in the performance of intimate duties for her master. Too, of course, it can be balled and thrust in her mouth, for use as a gag, either, say, when one does not wish to hear her for a time, or, perhaps, if one wishes, to silence her cries in the throes of her submission spasms.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 118

Something rounded and leathery was then thrust in my mouth, something attached at the back of a broad, leather rectangle, by one of the men behind me. There were straps and buckles attached to this and, apparently, a heavy, slotted leather pad which went behind the back of my neck. I felt the leather rectangle drawn tightly back and felt, too, the apparently slotted leather pad, through which the straps apparently passed, one above, and one below, pressing against the back of my neck. Then I winced as I felt the straps drawn back, even more tightly. Then they were buckled shut.

The apparatus was then fixed upon me. I had been effectively gagged.
. . .

I felt my bead pulled back. There was apparently a ring at the back of the leather pad now pressed so closely into the back of my neck.
. . .

Then I was thrust, in a sitting position, into the box. The ring at the back of the gag, doubtless sewn into the slotted leather pad, was snapped about a ring mounted at a matching height in the box.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Pages 33 - 34

My veil, not even unpinned, was wadded and thrust back, deeply in my mouth. I heard swords clashing. I was turned to the side and my robes of concealment were pulled forward and down, over my head. A narrow strap was then slung about my head and pulled back, deeply between my teeth, and tied tightly behind the back of my neck. This secured the entire arrangement.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 165 - 166

I then realized that no gag was needed to silence me. It could be done to me as simply and effectively by the will, or mere whim, of men such as these.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 48

When she had been used before my kennel she had been under "gag law," as is common when the guards use a girl, forbidden speech, save for moans and whimpers.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 65

It is all part of the hood, the leather ball, the strap attached at the front of it, and the belt, with its double loop, on the outside, held in place by the hood's belt loops, at its opening. Some hoods are little more than sacks, of canvas or leather, with drawstrings. The leather ball was thrust, by a thumb, into my mouth. I then felt its strap, attached at its front, drawn back between my teeth, and buckled behind the back of my neck. The hood itself was then placed over my head and some tucks were taken in it. It was then, by the double loop of the belt, passed twice about my neck, drawn shut. The hood was now closed about my neck. It was snug under my chin, held by the belt. The belt was then buckled shut behind the back of my neck, as the gag strap, inside the hood, had been. A small padlock, passed through two rings, the buckle ring and one of the small rings, sewn in the belt, now adjacent to it, secured the arrangement on me. I was locked in the hood.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 73

I wondered why we had been hooded, and had had heavy ball gags thrust in our mouths, and buckled back, in place.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 88

"Open your mouth," she said.

I did so, and felt a heavy, rolled-leather wadding thrust back, behind my teeth, over my tongue, so that I could scarcely move my tongue. This device would be secured in place by a broad, mouth-covering strap, with three smaller straps attached to it, one to secure the broad strap at the upper lip, another to secure it across the mouth, pulling it back between the teeth, and one to secure it at the chin. These straps were then pulled back tightly, and fastened, to the top strap above my ears, behind the back of my head, and the two lower straps behind the back of my neck. The roll in my mouth then loosened a little, as I could not help struggling with it, and this, by design, caused it to expand and, secured in place, pack my entire oral orifice.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 271

I then untied the gag strips from the back of her neck, and pulled away the gag. I then, carefully, delicately, removed the mass of sopped wadding from her mouth.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 361

I folded one scarf over several times, forming a narrow rectangle, several folds thick. This I placed beside her. I then rolled the other scarf into a tight, expandable ball. This I thrust into her mouth. It, in its expansion, filled the oral orifice. I then secured it in place with the first scarf, which I knotted tightly behind the back of her neck.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 64

I wanted to cry out to them, to shout at them, to tell them, to warn them! But the gag in my mouth was a Gorean gag. I could do little more in it then whimper, one whimper for "Yes," two for "No," in the common convention for communicating with a gagged prisoner, the verbal initiatives, the questions, and such, allotted not to the prisoner but to the interests or caprices of the captors.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 134

I was pleased that I had not been put in a metal-and-leather lock gag. In one common form of such a gag the sewn leather wadding, part of the gag itself, is commonly held in place by, and generally shielded from tampering by, a metal bar or strap, which locks behind the back of the neck. In another common form the "wadding" is a metal sphere, usually covered with leather, through which passes the metal locking bar or strap. A ratchet-and-pawl arrangement, in many cases, allows these to be exactly fitted. There are two general size ranges, a larger one for men and a smaller one for women. The advantage of this form of gag is that the prisoner cannot remove it, even though his hands are free. It is the smaller range of sizes in lock gags, as you might suppose, which is most commonly used. Indeed, they are seldom worn by men. They are almost always worn by slave girls. In such a case, most commonly, her master has her hands free to please and serve but need not, unless he wishes, hear her speak. The same effect, of course, may be achieved by an ordinary gag which she is forbidden to remove, or even the gagging "by her master's will," in which she is informed that she is not to speak, unless given permission. And indeed, in such a case, she may not even ask for such permission verbally, as is usually permitted to her. Speaking under conditions of imposed silence, of course, even so much as a word, is a cause for discipline. Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 165

Something similar occurs when a bound, stripped free woman is forced to hold a portion of her garments, perhaps a lovely, sliplike undergarment, between her teeth. This, as she is forbidden to drop it, acts as a de facto gag. Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 477

One interesting from of gag is being "gagged by the master's will," in which the woman is simply forbidden to speak, except, of course, for whimpers, in response to direct questions.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 256

In being "gagged by the Master's will," one may not speak, even to request permission to speak.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 453

The fellow with her drew forth from his pouch a lock gag. I had worn one only once, in training.

I pressed my head back, against the stone of the wall. I could not pull away from the slave ring, as I was leashed closely to it.

I made a tiny noise of protest as the leather pad, a part of the device, was thrust in my mouth. In a moment, with small adjustments, the entire device, of leather and metal, was fitted to me. It was then locked shut. I looked up at them, reproachfully.

The curved metal bars, well back between the teeth, where they cannot be slipped, holding the wadding in place, close behind the back of the neck. To these same bars, in front, is attached the binding. This binding is of thick, supple leather; it fits snugly, closely, to the contours of a girl's face and mouth; it had been drawn back, tight, on me; that is the way such things are worn; on the outside it is covered with hinged metal plates. It also, like the curving bars, goes behind the back of the neck. The whole then, the wadding bar, anchored deeply behind the teeth, holding the wadding in place, and the binding, with its protective plates, is secured with a single thrust lock. That had now been done.

I looked up at them.

How pleased was the Lady Constanzia!

They heavy wadding, or packing, was in my mouth, attached to the bar between my teeth. The binding was fastened tightly about my face; I could hardly move my lips within it; I tried to speak but could not, of course, even begin to do so.

They seemed amused.

I knelt there, I was well silenced; I was quite helpless.

I was in lock gag.

One of the advantages of the lock gag is that the girl cannot remove it, any more than a collar. She may thus serve in it with her hands free. To be sure, if the girl is disciplined, such a device is not necessary. An ordinary gag, which she is forbidden to touch, will suffice. Indeed, she may be simply "gagged by the master's will," and thus be forbidden to speak, even to beg permission to speak. There are various utilities of lock gags, which we need not note. One might observe, however, that they are occasionally useful with free female captives or even hysterical slaves. One utility which should be noted, particularly as I suspect that it may have been of interest to the Lady Constanzia and the fellow with her, is that, as the gag, with its plates and such, cannot be removed without a key or tool, it cannot be, say, conveniently undone, or cut away, by anyone who might wish to make inquiries of the captive or slave. A free man, thus, could not easily inquire of me, until the gag had been undone, the whereabouts of, say, a pretty slave and a fellow not of the city, a stranger, one clad in scarlet.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Pages 465 - 466

He then turned to me and pulled my head up by the hair. He saw the hinged metal plates across my mouth, those attached to the gag's leather binding, the curved bars, inserted deeply between my teeth, emerging then at the sides of my mouth, curving about my neck, the whole locked behind the back of my neck, secured there with a thrust-lock.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 484

There are several varieties of lock-gags. One common variety consists of a short, leather-sheathed metal chain which, at its center, passes through a heavy ball-like packing. The packing is thrust back in the slave's mouth, over the tongue, filling the oral orifice, making it impossible for her to do more than moan or whimper. The two ends of the short chain are then drawn back, tightly, back between the teeth, this holding the packing in place. The ends of the chain are then taken back about the sides of the neck and brought together behind the back of the neck where they are fastened together with a small padlock. The gag's dislodgment must then, since it is locked on the slave, await the master's pleasure. Another common variety of lock-gag involves a pair of narrow, rounded, curved, hinged rods, the hinge embedded in a heavy, leather, ball-like packing. This packing, as before, is inserted into the slave's mouth and thrust back, over the tongue, denying her any capacity to speak. The rods, which are back, between the teeth, holding the packing in place, curve back about the sides of the face and meet behind the back of the neck, where the ends may lock together, or, if a padlock is used, be locked together. An advantage of a lock-gag is, of course, that the slave, while totally unable to speak, may yet attend to whatever other duties her master may set her. To be sure, a simple tie gag, which the slave is forbidden to remove, has the same effect. Too, of course, her mouth may be simply taped shut. Similarly, more mercifully, and at greater convenience to the master, she may be "gagged by the master's will." In that case she is simply forbidden to speak, save perhaps for moans and whimpers. She may, of course, speak later, once she has received permission to do so. If the slave is in lock-gag, one understands, there are certain pleasures she is unable to give the master.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 134

She is likely to find herself instantly under the switch or whip, put in lock-gag, be forbidden human speech, be put in the discipline of the she-tarsk, or worse.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 205 - 206

The common Gorean gag, whether associated with a hood or not, consists of wadding, or packing, and binding. It muffles sound quite effectively, and is commonly used if one, say, might wish to transport a bound capture between sleeping guards, conceal a back-braceleted woman in a wagon making its way through a city's gate, or such. The prisoner of such a device can make only tiny, miserable sounds. The usual code in such matters, if the prisoner is interrogated, is one sound for "Yes," and two for "No." The gag fixed on Miss Wentworth, in contrast, allows a good deal of noise, and would not do for the usual considerations of security. It does, however, share one virtue with the common gag, of course, which is that it makes articulate speech impossible. When a woman cannot speak she commonly feels frustrated and helpless. The blindfold, or hood, in its way, has a similar effect. One effect of the ball arrangement which is not shared with the common gag is that of making the woman appear ridiculous, her mouth widely opened, the ball in place. This attacks the vanity of the woman, with the consequence that she often becomes quite docile, hoping to be soon relieved of this indignity. Afterwards, a simple frown, or brief word, may be enough to silence her, perfectly. She does not wish to be again subjected to the humiliation of the ball and strap. She has then learned she may not speak, if men do not wish it. In passing, a bit gag might be mentioned. These may be fastened in place, or be as simple as a stick held between the teeth, which the woman is forbidden to drop. Both the ball gag and the bit gag are safer than the common gag, as they permit breathing through the mouth. A prisoner should never be left untended if fastened in a common gag. For example, if certain forms of distress occur, such as regurgitation, the gag should be torn free instantly. A captive is not to be lost, but brought safely to your chains.

The ball in Miss Wentworth's lovely, but widely distended mouth was blue, and the straps which held it in place, buckled behind the back of her neck, were yellow. These are the colors of the slavers.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 205 - 206

He then unbuckled the gag, and pulled the leather ball from my mouth.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 641

The gags were tight and heavy in their gag-packed, swollen, distended mouths.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 276

The gag was thick and bulky in my mouth. It is unpleasant to wear such a gag. It is not attractive but it is quite effective.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 278

"You know gag signals, do you not Vulo?" she said.

I made a tiny, plaintive sound. I doubt that it could have been heard more than a few feet away. One sound signifies "Yes," two sounds, "No." All slaves are taught this.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 280

"Shall I use a readied gag?" asked the second man, "a slave bit?"
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 35

Also, any attempt to adjust, ease, or remove a bit or gag is cause for discipline. Accordingly, gagged or bitted slaves, even if their hands are free, would seldom dare to touch the gag or device.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 40

A heavy wadding was thrust into my mouth, and fastened in place by four broad leather loops wound tightly about my face, and then tied behind the back of my neck.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 168

With respect to the gag, she wishes, of course, in her fear and helplessness, she could assure the master of her total obedience, of her renewed efforts to be found perfectly pleasing in all respects. But she cannot. She is gagged. She desires desperately to speak but cannot do so. She has been denied the use of one of her most delightful and prized assets, her marvelous speech; she is a woman; she loves to speak; she wants to speak, but cannot now do so. How miserable and helpless this makes her feel!
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 17

"Do not touch the gag," he said. "It is a lock gag, and you cannot free yourself from it. I shall remove it shortly."
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 584


Harl Rings
To The Top

From one of the abandoned crates, discarded now because of its weight and its putative lack of utility, I spilled a quantity of chains to the grass. They were Harl rings, named for the slaver Harl of Turia, who is reported to have first used them. They consist, in effect, of four portions. First, there is a metal ankle ring, which snaps about the girl's ankle. Second, to the back of the ring, there is welded a closed loop. Third, to the front of the ring, fastened through another closed loop, is about a yard of chain. Fourth, this chain terminates in a locking device, which may then be snapped shut, if one wishes, through the welded, closed loop on the back of a second ankle ring. The Harl ring is a versatile piece of custodial hardware. It may be used to chain a girl to anything, the ankle ring closed on her ankle, and the locking device at the termination of the device being easily fastened, looped, say, about a tree, or stanchion, or the ankle of another girl, and then locked about its own chain, or through one of the links of its own chain. The chain, of course, may also be looped about, say, a tree, or a pillar in a public building, and the locking device snapped into the welded ring on the, back of the girl's own ankle ring. This is called a closed Harl Loop. One of the most frequent uses of the Harl ring, of course, is to form a segment in a slave chain, which may then be of any length, adding or removing girls, as short or as long as the slaver wishes.
. . .

I went to her who was now the first girl in the chain, she who had been last to be chained. There was, seemingly left over, the yard of chain, coiled on the grass, attached to the front of her ankle ring. It may be used, of course, to fasten the entire chain about, or to, some suitable object, a pillar, a stanchion, a wagon wheel, a tree, a column in a market colonnade, a post in a bazaar, one of the heavy slave rings, set, in the ground generally found at the edges of a square in a Gorean city. But, that it not impede the girl, I picked it up and, with the locking device through one of the links in the chain, fastened it about her left wrist. She could carry it that way until it was needed.

One key, incidentally, serves for an entire set of ankle rings and locking devices. The key had been in the crate with its set of Harl rings. I dropped the key in my pouch.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Pages 208 - 209

From our coffle we had separated eight girls and chained them in pairs, left ankle to right ankle, running the Harl-ring chain of one to the second welded ring on the Harl ring of the other. They were thus double chained and separated by about a yard.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 237


Hobble - Close
To The Top

I thought they would look well in close-fitting leather hobbles, twist hobbles, knotted on the outside of the left ankle, which she, her hands bound behind her back, would be unable to remove.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 128

They tied their ankles together in the fashion characteristic of close hobbles, the ankles not crossed but parallel to one another. In this way the girls, though well secured, could remain standing.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 453


Hobble - Heavy
To The Top

Ellen struggled to a sitting position, and looked down at the hobbles. They were of heavy iron. She did not try to rise. She was not sure she could do so.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 629

The heavy hobbles were removed from Ellen's ankles and she was lifted to her feet, where she stood, for a moment unsteadily.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 636


Hobble - Leather
To The Top

I glanced at the slender ankles of my charge. I thought they would look well in close-fitting leather hobbles, twist hobbles, knotted on the outside of the left ankle, which she, her hands bound behind her back, would be unable to remove.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 128


Hobble - Sleeping
To The Top

One of the kinsmen of Farouk went to the kurdahs of slave girls, hobble chains at his saddle pommel; he would rein in before a kurdah, throw the girl the hobble and order her, "Shackle yourself"; he would wait the moment it took for the girl to snap the small ring about her right wrist and, behind her body, the larger one about her left ankle; the rings are separated by about six inches of chain; they are not sleeping hobbles, which confine only the ankles; then he would rush to the next kurdah, fling a hobble to the next girl, and repeat his command.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 82


Hobble - Twist
To The Top

I glanced at the slender ankles of my charge. I thought they would look well in close-fitting leather hobbles, twist hobbles, knotted on the outside of the left ankle, which she, her hands bound behind her back, would be unable to remove.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 128


To The Top

Kamchak was fishing about among his paraphernalia and he came up with two wrist-ankle hobbles.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 152

I heard two snaps and saw that Kamchak had put a hobble on Aphris. The slave hobble consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for an ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right-handed girl, such as either Aphris or Elizabeth, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When the girl kneels, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 154

One of the kinsmen of Farouk went to the kurdahs of slave girls, hobble chains at his saddle pommel; he would rein in before a kurdah, throw the girl the hobble and order her, "Shackle yourself"; he would wait the moment it took for the girl to snap the small ring about her right wrist and, behind her body, the larger one about her left ankle; the rings are separated by about six inches of chain; they are not sleeping hobbles, which confine only the ankles; then he would rush to the next kurdah, fling a hobble to the next girl, and repeat his command.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 82

In making their examination of the caravan they had, with their scimitars, opened the curtains of the kurdahs, for there might have been Kavars concealed therein. They had found, however, only girls, slaves, their right wrists and left ankles locked in five-link slave hobbles.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 84

"Hobble her," he said. In a moment Ellen's ankles were clasped by slave hobbles. These were not common ankle chains. This particular device consisted of two hinged plates of metal, matching in their way, each of the two plates containing two hemispheric curvatures. There were front curvatures on the front plate, and back curvatures on the rear plate, such that, matched, each set of curvatures, in a circular fashion, encloses an ankle. The device is swung shut about the ankles; it is held shut on the left by the hinge; on the right, there are projecting perforations, one on each plate, with matching apertures; the tongue of a padlock is passed through these two apertures; the padlock is then snapped shut, and this closes the device on the right, fastening it on the slave. The ankles are separated by something like six inches. The slave can stand in such a device, though often with difficulty, and can walk, though, too, with difficulty, taking slow tiny steps. Since the device is of rude iron and the plates are closely joined, hinged at one side and locked at the other, movement can abrade the ankle. A slave or prisoner so hobbled is for most practical purposes immobilized. Commonly one does not move in such a device. Another form of hobble fastens one ankle some inches above the other. Thus both feet cannot be placed on the ground at the same time. Such a device then immobilizes a slave even more effectively than the straight-plated variety in which Ellen was placed. The point of Ellen's hobbles, she supposed, was to permit a slave enough movement to serve about a camp, perhaps to prepare food and such.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 626 - 627

Ellen struggled to a sitting position, and looked down at the hobbles. They were of heavy iron. She did not try to rise. She was not sure she could do so.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 629

It is easy to stand gracefully, and such, in hobbles, but it is not at all easy to move in them. One can move only in short, awkward steps, and the slightest miscalculation, or haste, may plunge one to the ground. But one can move, of course. Thus, in a night camp, even a hobbled girl is likely to be chained to a tree, or, by the neck, to the foot of her master.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 528

It is difficult to rise to one's feet when hobbled, and, without a display pole, extremely difficult to do so gracefully.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 535

I was thrust toward the wagons and I caught myself from falling. "Hurry, hasten, harta!" said the first man. "Run!" snapped the second. "I cannot run, Master," I wept. "I am hobbled. I can scarcely walk!" His switch caught me twice across my calves. "Harta!" he said. I hastened as I could, awkwardly. Before I reached the wagons, weeping, I had fallen four times, and had been switched at least a dozen times.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 309


Hood - Body
To The Top

The sack I had drawn over her was an improvised body hood. There are several varieties of body hoods on Gor, which is not surprising in a society in which slavery, and particularly female slavery, is an essential ingredient. Most body hoods are made of leather or layers of stout canvas. I have seen at least one in which two layers of canvas were sewn about a lining of linked chain. They may be fastened by means of such devices as cords, straps and laces. They may be tied shut or locked shut.

The prisoner is entered into some body hoods from the back, her legs being placed through openings in the lower portion of the hood, the hood then being pulled up and, from the back, laced shut. Most of these hoods do not have openings for the arms, but some do. In most hoods the arms are confined within the hood, either free within the hood itself or bound or braceleted within it. Some hoods are open at the bottom, and fastened on the prisoner by means of thongs or straps, often looped about the thighs. Others are constructed in such a way that they may be opened at the bottom, for the master's convenience. Sometimes the hood is thrust up and fastened about the prisoner's waist.

The typical hood provides hand and arm security with the advantages of the blindfold. Most body hoods, unlike many common slave hoods, do not have provisions for an internal gag. The prisoner, of course, may be gagged before being hooded. The body hood, like the slave hood, tends to keep a female docile. This may be a particular advantage early in her training, when she may not yet fully understand her new nature and its meaning. Another advantage of the body hood is that it is intriguing and attractive on a woman, baring her legs but usually, unless the arms are also intriguingly bared, concealing the rest of her, this sort of thing exciting male interest, and yet in virtue of the predominant concealment afforded, making her seizure less likely than if she were lying about more exposed in common bonds.

Slavers, in moving their wares through the streets, sometimes place them in body hoods. To be sure, it is more common to throw a cloak or sheet, which might be of various lengths, over their heads, this usually being fastened on them by means of a cord or strap looped once or twice about the neck and fastened under the chin. In many cities free women object to the marching of naked slaves through the streets. Still, even though the girls may be covered with cloaks or sheets, the men will usually come to watch, and call out to them, and jeer, and such. It is understood, of course, that the girls, beneath those cloaks or sheets, are slave naked. It is sometimes very trying, though also perhaps very instructive, for a new slave, perhaps a woman of a conquered city, to be marched thusly through the streets, stung with pebbles, pinched and slapped, subjected to the most intimate forms of raillery, jocosity and abuse.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Pages 151 - 152

I had been placed in a body hood, in which, indeed, I would spend much of the journey. The body hood is somewhat reminiscent of the common slave sack, if it were half its size, and open at the bottom. It slips over the head, and comes down to the waist. It is fastened on the slave my means of a heavy belt that is anchored in the back, and drawn up snugly between the slave's legs, and then buckled shut in front. In this arrangement the slave cannot see, as she is hooded, and she is helpless, as her arms are confined. She can walk, of course, and there is a leash ring on the hood, so that she may be leashed and led by the leash, should her master wish to do so. Normally she is freed of the body hood to be fed and watered, and such, but there is a laced flap near the mouth, that may be opened, and laced shut, if one wishes, through which she may be fed and watered.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 222

I do not know where, for the body hood, in the vicinity of Brundisium, that the tarn rider brought his immense, broad-winged beast to earth, but I think it must have been near the coast, probably south of the port, as we had come from Ar, for I heard gulls and smelled Thassa, the sea.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 223

The figure was enveloped, from her head down to the knees, in a body hood, a red body hood with black printing. The slaves crowded closer, toward the gate.

I did not know what might be the point of the body hood. Was it to protect the slave, being brought through the streets, from accosting, from unwanted attentions, from rude handling and pawing, or even from a mob's seizure and usage? I did not think so. Was it to keep the slave disoriented, so that, unhooded, she would not understand where she now was, that she would feel lost, dependent, and vulnerable? Was it so that she would not understand to what location she was being delivered? But would not a simple blindfold do as well?
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 351

The keeper then began unbuckling the body hood. Soon the hood was loose, and could be lifted away from what it had so amply concealed.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 352


Hood - Slave
To The Top

Bound in the saddle in front of me, drugged, her head completely covered with a slave hood buckled under her chin, was a girl.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 65

It was hot in the slave hood, of several layers of thick leather, stifling, locked under my chin and about my throat; further, this hood, like many, was so constructed as to ensure silence in a prisoner; leather wad that was packed in my mouth nor, because of the straps that held it in place, dislodge it.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 282

A slave hood with gag, was placed on her, that her weeping and cries might not disturb our rest.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 77

The two girls were brought up from the first hold. Their faces were red, and broken out. Their hair was soaked with perspiration. It is not pleasant to wear a Gorean slave hood. They gasped for air.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 34

Many slave hoods, and those at the site of the old camp were among these, combine the advantages of the blindfold and gag. They fit entirely over the girl's head and buckle under the chin, about the neck. Some are of leather, others of canvas. Some lock.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 208

Her head was concealed in a slave hood, buckled under her chin. The construction of this hood was such that it served not only as blindfold but gag as well, the wadding being sewn to the inside of the hood, and it being held in place by laces, emerging through eyelets, tying behind the back of the neck. Such hoods are often used in the abduction of women, either slave or free. Their efficiency and convenience mandates their use, regardless of the legal or social status of the girl on whom they are placed.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 146

At a gesture from Thurnus, Radish, Turnip and Verr Tail ungagged me and freed me from the heavy stock. They helped me from the stock and I, by its head, sank down to the dirt. I could scarcely move. I could still taste the heavy, coarse, sour wadding of the gag in my mouth. I would not have believed so effective a gag was possible. At that time, however, I had not worn the Gorean slave hood with gag-attachment.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 238

Suddenly I felt the wadding of the gag of a slave hood thrust in my mouth and, with its straps, secured. It was done swiftly. I could utter no sound. I was gagged. Then the hood itself was pulled up and jerked down, over my head, and buckled under my chin.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 333 - 334

The wadding of the gag of the slave hood was rolled and thrust deep in my mouth. The gag straps were drawn back, deeply, between my teeth; I winced; then, behind the back of my neck, they were cinched, tightly.

I looked at Belisarius, bound and gagged before him.

"Use her for wench sport," he said, "and then return her to the Chatka and Curla."

The slave hood was pulled up, and opened, and then pulled down and over my head; it was folded and tucked under the chin, taking up its slack, and the leather belt, looped twice about my neck, was drawn through its loops, tightened and buckled shut.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 338 - 339

I saw the wadding of a slave hood thrust deep in Constance's mouth and then, behind her neck, secured in place with two narrow, buckled straps. The hood itself was then drawn over her head and buckled shut under her chin.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 141

One of the men, from his tunic, drew forth a slave hood. "Who are you? What do you want?" I cried. Then the wadding connected with the hood was thrust into my mouth; in a moment, by buckled straps, fastened behind my neck, it was secured in place.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 220

I then took from Lola the third object which she had brought into the room. The slave regarded it with horror. It was a slave hood, with a gag attachment, common in many such hoods. "Do not kill me, Master!" begged the slave. "Please do not kill me!" I thrust the thick, curled wadding of the gag deeply into her mouth. In her mouth it expanded. Then, using the cord and eyelets, I laced the two ends of the broad, flat binding surface, to which, in the front and the center, the wadding was attached, tightly together behind the back of her neck, She moaned. She was well gagged. She looked at me, wildly. It was a fitting gag for a slave, I thought. Then I took the attached hood and pulled it up and over her head, and then jerked it down, that her head be fully covered. Then, using its strap and loops, I tied the hood in place, securely shut, under her chin. I then regarded her. The slave was well bound and hooded.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 195

This morning, to her consternation, I had fashioned a hood for Constantina, from opaque cloth, which artifact, once it was well on her, and completely enclosing her head, I fastened in place with some string about her throat.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 142 - 143

Gorean pleasure slaves, incidentally, are occasionally used hooded. The hood, of course, can increase the female's sense of vulnerability and sexual helplessness. She does not know, for example, where she will be next struck or caressed. Similarly the hood is sometimes used when the master lends or consigns the slave to others, she being hooded, perhaps, before the guests arrive, or, perhaps, after she has served them their supper and liqueurs. She may then, perhaps with other slaves, hooded, too, be turned about, and then knelt at the feet of one or another of the guests. She, and the other slaves, too, of course, must then serve the guest, or guests, to whom they have been assigned with perfection.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 160

Then, feeling about my head, Drusus Rencius undid the strap that held my gag and hood in place. The fresh air felt good on my face.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 166

Interestingly, each was hooded, the entire head covered in the hood, a slave hood. In such a device its prisoner is disoriented, and helpless, dependent for movement and direction on its custodian.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 557

As the cry of pain had been audible the hoods must not be gag hoods, hoods furnished with internal straps and packing. Such hoods are sometimes used in the abduction of free women, in order that they may be unable to call attention to their plight, perhaps while being transported through the streets and beyond the gates of their city, doubtless often within yards of guardsmen. I supposed, however, that the figures would have been forbidden speech. That is commonly forbidden to the hood's occupant.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 558

We were then hooded, blankets thrown over us, and belted about our necks.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 40

"You are going to be hooded," said the man with us. "Hold still."

The leather, sacklike thing was drawn over my head, and, with the belt, drawn shut under my chin. It was apparently buckled shut. Then I heard a tiny sound of metal, and the click of a small lock.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 44

Then, as I lay prone, my hands bound behind me, my collar was removed, and another was snapped about my neck, and then a slave hood was drawn over my head, and buckled shut, behind the back of my neck. I then felt leather about my neck, and the snap of a leash.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 105


Hood - Slave - Half
To The Top

But I saw him draw forth from his belt a half hood. This coved the head to the upper lip. It was put over my head and drawn back, tightly, and buckled shut. I then heard a lock snapped through rings. It was locked on me, in place. I could not see under the device, at all. In this respect it differed from imperfect blindfolds and resembled the full slave hood. Similarly, although it is usually regarded as inferior to the full slave hood in its security, it tends to be more secure than many blindfolds, particularly makeshift ones, seized up from materials at hand.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 199

I lifted my head in the half hood to him, piteously, my lip trembling. I heard nothing, no reprieve, no rescue. This was not such a world. Here I was a slave, ineradicably, and truly. I held my head level, although I could see nothing.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 200

The only bond I wore now was the half hood.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 217

I crouched beside the girl and undid the hood and pushed it up, and fastened it then as a half hood on her. In this way the effectiveness of the hood as a blindfold had not been compromised, for even an instant. I then untied the gag strips from the back of her neck, and pulled away the gag. I then, carefully, delicately, removed the mass of sopped wadding from her mouth. I put it on the deck beside her, heavy and sodden, with the rest of the gag. In this way these things were at hand, and her mouth might then, at our convenience, if we wished, be restored swiftly to its former condition of helpless closure.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Pages 361 - 362

The half hood is a device intended to couple something of the effectiveness of the full hood with the various exploitable advantages of the mere blindfold.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 242


To The Top

He carried several coils of light rope, sufficient for binding a woman. Ellen momentarily regarded the light constraints with chagrin, and dismay. Such things can hold me, and perfectly, she thought. With them I can be bound helplessly, hand and foot. Even laces and cords could bind me, as well.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 573


To The Top

"What is the common purpose of a collar?"

"The collar has four common purposes, Master," she said. "First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, if it should be covered by clothing. Second, it impresses my slavery upon me. Thirdly, it identifies my master. Fourth - fourthly - ""Fourthly?" he asked." Fourthly," she said, "it makes it easier to leash me."
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 80

The use of leashes differs among masters. Some masters use leashes for little more than tethering a girl. Others, of course, use them liberally as leading devices. They are often used with a proud, rebellious or recalcitrant girl, sometimes to publicly humiliate her. After being led on a leash it is not unusual for a girl to beg her master to be permitted to heel him, following him deferentially in her proper place. Leashes are generally used in cities, or in crowds. A loose slave can be a nuisance. They may be useful, too, of course, in broken or wooded areas, where a fleeing girl might attempt to find cover, or in dangerous places, where she might be stolen. A leash, it might be mentioned, aside from its convenience in controlling a slave, particularly the choke leash, is an extremely useful training device. Many trainers, the leash loop about their left wrist, hold the leash in their left hand and their training whip in their right. Girls, too, can be taught to use the leash to enhance their seductiveness, appearing to draw away, then approaching, using it about their body, kissing it, taking it in their mouth, fingering it, and so on. A test for slave potential used by some slavers is to leash a new girl and see if she, in her apparent rebellion and defiance, actually, subtly, perhaps in the beginning unconsciously, uses the leash to enhance her desirability and beauty. This indicates that she, in her heart, is not displeased to wear the leash of the master. Indeed, the leash, not uncommonly, can cause a woman to sexually blossom. This is presumably a function of such things as its actual restraint, which is quite real; its message to her that she is an animal, a slave; and its making clear to her, by a device, such as a bracelet, a brand or collar, what is the order of nature, who it is who controls her and who it is whom she must obey, who is the slave and who the master. A leash, even apart from questions of training, of course, can have a powerful emotional impact on a girl. It is a very useful way of convincing a girl that she is a slave; similarly it can always serve as an effective reminder. Some girls do not seem to believe they are slaves until they have been leashed. But after that, and after having been put through "leash paces," there is seldom any doubt in their mind. Some girls beg to be leashed, sometimes crawling to their masters, their leash held between their small, fine teeth. Most masters use the leash at one time or another. A Gorean saying has it that a leashed slave is a hot slave.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 366

In a moment she was hurrying behind me, hands bound, on the leash. Twice, that she might rest, we had stopped. Each time she had knelt quite close to me. The second time she had looked up at me, piteously, the tether on her throat, and kissed me on the thigh. It is interesting, the effect that a device such as a leash can have on a woman.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 371

"Do not lead me in on a leash," she said.

"It is common to take a girl to and from a market on a leash," I said.

"But Tenalion has known me as a free woman," she said.

"You will soon be known to him only as a lovely slave," I said.

"Not on the leash, please," she wept.

"On the leash," I told her.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 372

More Gorean leashes are long. There are two advantages to the long leash. It may be used, if one wishes, to bind the slave, and its long end, if one wishes, may easily serve as a whipping strap.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 146

Then I was leashed like a dog, or less than a dog. It was a slave leash. I was leashed like a slave.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 230

It was a sturdy ring attached to this collar, and, attached to ring, there was a long slave leash of black leather. It was some fifteen feet in length. In most leadings, of course, this amount of length would not be used, but would be coiled in the grasp of the master. The length is useful if the slave is expected to perform leash dances, is to be bound with the leash, or if, it doubled at the master's end, it is to be used to train or discipline her.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 336

He stood up, then, and, with a snap, shook out the leash, and then, looping it drew it back a bit towards him. He would play it out, or draw it in, as it pleased him, varying his perspective, and my distance from him, as I squirmed, and writhed and posed, from as little as an inch or two to the full length of the leash, something in the neighborhood of a full fifteen feet. "Perform," he said. "Yes, Master," I said, and performed. I performed as excitingly and seductively as possible. "More lewdly," he would sometimes say, "more salaciously, more lasciviously!" "Yes, Master!" I would try, and try to please him even more. He kept me on the leash for at least twenty Ehn and, in the latter portion of this time, commanded me. It seemed as if he made me move, and posed me, in almost every way in which a strong male might desire to see a human female, and I, of course, must conform perfectly to his wishes on my leash.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 339

The leash is long to permit it being used in a variety of ways, for example, for binding the female or, looped, or loose, for giving her the encouragement of the whistling leather, or, if desired, the administration of more serious lash discipline.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 308

The leash collar was a high, sturdy one, and fitted rather closely about her neck. Girls do not slip such leashes. It had two buckle fastenings. These I had fastened in the front and then turned to the back. This had brought the sturdy leading ring, on its plate, riveted into the leather, to the front, under her chin. This is the common position for front leading, the girl behind you, whether she is on her feet, as it was my intention to lead this girl, if only to save time, or, say, on her belly or all fours. The back position is commonly used when the girl is in front of you, and you are controlling her from behind, she either on her feet ahead of you, or, say, beside you or ahead of you on her belly or all fours. The front position is generally preferred as leash pressure is then received at the back and sides of the neck, not the front. To be sure, a girl is likely to be much more wary, and fearful, and docile, when the ring is at the back.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 430

Also, I think it does a girl good, and it had seemed to do this girl good, to hear it snap on the collar ring, either at the back of her neck, when she is to be back-controlled, or just under her chin, when she is to be front-led. Leashing, of course, of either variety, is excellent psychologically for the female, as it confirms her bondage upon her and helps to make clear to her her animal status. Similarly, the jerking of the leash, to test its strength, is good for her. It helps her to understand that it is truly on her. This leash pressure, in testing, of course, either is done with the ring in the front position, to avoid damage to the throat, even if the collar is then to be turned and she is to be back-controlled, or, if the ring is left in the back position, in such a way, say, with a thumb or fingers inserted at the front of the leash collar, as to take the pressure of the testing, and protect the throat. The general consideration here, of course, is to avoid pressure to the front of the throat. It is general Gorean practice to avoid even the slightest of pressures here. This does not represent a relaxation of Gorean disciplinary practices, incidentally, for discipline may be, and will be, if there is the least cause for it, inflicted outside the strictures of the leash. Too, if the ring is in the back position, if the girl is not compliant she puts this pressure on herself. An excellent example is the choke leash, which cannot be slipped, but can tighten. The least bit of resistance on the part of the girl closes the loop. In such a device, girls, after the first moment or two, follow without resistance.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Pages 430 - 431

I leaped upward but, cruelly, instantly, with an expert turn and throw of the leash, I was thrown twisting, gasping and choking, to my belly on the rug. I was startled with how excellently, how easily, how smoothly, and with such little thought this had apparently been done.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 42

I shook the slave leash, now on her. This movement was transmitted through the leather, until it jerked and snapped at the ring, on the leash collar.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 171

She knew that few sights were more stimulatory to masculine beasts than a leashed woman. The leash, too, made it clear to her that she was no more than an animal.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 637

To be sure, I supposed that Pertinax might at present be still somewhat diffident about leash-mastering a female. Doubtless there was still much of Earth in him. He could learn, of course. I supposed a woman could usually tell, even in a hood, from the way the leash was used, whether or not she was in the custody of one accustomed to the leashing and handling of a woman. When a woman is put through slave paces she is not unoften on a leash. Sometimes masters have contests with their girls in such a fashion. The winning girl often receives a sweet, the loser, often, two or three strokes of the switch, to encourage her to do better next time. It is not unusual to leash a slave, for tethering her, for taking her on a walk, and such. Slaves, on the leashes of their masters, are a common sight in the high cities, in the streets, on the bridges, and so on. On a leash, a slave is nicely displayed.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 148

The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 170


Leash - Ankle
To The Top

"Ankle leash her," said the lad who held Lehna. Another lad tied a tether on her left ankle. The ankle leash is cruel. It provides effective control of a girl. There is much that can be done with such a leash, particularly in the control of a skillful master. Most obviously, in an instant the girl may be thrown to his feet in a variety of positions, over which he exercises choice.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 165

"Ankle-leash her, both ankles," he said. This was done. I stood before them, ropes on my ankles. "Put your arms at your sides," said Bran Loort, "out a bit from your body." I did so. I then stood before them, double wrist-leashed, ropes placed knotted on my wrists. The ropes on my wrists and ankles, serving as leashes, were cut from the coils of rope brought to the field.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 221

The common Gorean leash, incidentally, unlike the simple strap I was using, has a lock snap and closes either about a collar or a collar ring. It might be mentioned that there are also such devices as wrist leashes and ankle leashes.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 371

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Leash - Beaded
To The Top

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Binding Fiber
To The Top

I then took the binding fiber and, looping it several times about the throat of each captive, tied them together by the neck. The fiber which separated them was about eight feet in length, enough to serve as a double leash.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 203

At least, she thought, it is common rope, and not a leash of knotted leather, or knotted binding fiber, because she knew that knots in such materials might be drawn so tightly that her small, delicate fingers, those of a woman, might lack the strength to undo them. At least, she was not in a lock leash, of chain or leather, or in a locked snap-leash that might be attached to her collar.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 649


Leash - Chain
To The Top

The auctioneer sprang to the block and, from the darkness at the foot of the steps, was hurled a chain leash, and then two more.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 298

She walked between two Warriors. Each held a chain leash that was snapped on her gray collar.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 396

About her throat was a light, chain slave leash.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 342

She had already removed the chain leash from my collar and, coiling it, slung it on her belt.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 57

The Lady Gina, then, placed the chain leash which was snapped on my collar in the hand of Lola.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 68

I saw a blond girl, shackled and sobbing, being led past on a chain leash.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 380

"Whereas this tie," I said, "is not good for general security, it is quite adequate for specific security, namely, security in a specific situation, in this case, in the presence of the master or a keeper. For example, under observation, you cannot very well employ your right hand in the attempt to undo the knot on your left ankle. If the tie, of course, is accomplished with chains, then it is also adequate for a general security, an aesthetic and delicious general security, a chain neck leash being added, naturally, to restrict movement."
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 207

One end of a long chain leash was tossed to one of the men near me. I felt it locked about my neck. Flaminius looped the other end of the leash twice about the horn of his saddle.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 259

The leash was of light chain.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 278


Leash - Choke
To The Top

Another girl snapped a choke leash on my throat, twisting it, so that I almost strangled. As I opened my mouth, gasping for air, a wadding was thrust into it by another girl. Then I was gagged. The pressure on my throat then eased. I was thrown onto my stomach and, with binding fiber, my wrists were tied behind my back. Then, by the choke leash, half strangling, I was dragged to my feet.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 117

The choke leash slid shut on my throat and, half strangling, stumbling, stripped and gagged, my hands bound behind my back, I was dragged after them, toward the darkness of the forest. I was terrified to enter the forest, but I had no choice. The choke leash is a useful device for controlling a bound slave. I must follow perfectly. I could not offer the least resistance without strangling myself.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Pages 121 - 122

He kept her on her stomach by the bath and slipped the leather loop of the leash over her head. Quickly his large, efficient hands shortened the loop, sliding the slip ring to a snug fit, then securing it in place, preventing its backward movement, with the snap lock. The leash could then tighten, functioning as a locked choke leash, but could not loosen.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 394

A given pressure on the handle tie, exerted through the strap at the back, permits it to function as a choke leash; a different pressure permits her to be hurried along on her toes.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 173

Also, I think it does a girl good, and it had seemed to do this girl good, to hear it snap on the collar ring, either at the back of her neck, when she is to be back-controlled, or just under her chin, when she is to be front-led. Leashing, of course, of either variety, is excellent psychologically for the female, as it confirms her bondage upon her and helps to make clear to her her animal status. Similarly, the jerking of the leash, to test its strength, is good for her. It helps her to understand that it is truly on her. This leash pressure, in testing, of course, either is done with the ring in the front position, to avoid damage to the throat, even if the collar is then to be turned and she is to be back-controlled, or, if the ring is left in the back position, in such a way, say, with a thumb or fingers inserted at the front of the leash collar, as to take the pressure of the testing, and protect the throat. The general consideration here, of course, is to avoid pressure to the front of the throat. It is general Gorean practice to avoid even the slightest of pressures here. This does not represent a relaxation of Gorean disciplinary practices, incidentally, for discipline may be, and will be, if there is the least cause for it, inflicted outside the strictures of the leash. Too, if the ring is in the back position, if the girl is not compliant she puts this pressure on herself. An excellent example is the choke leash, which cannot be slipped, but can tighten. The least bit of resistance on the part of the girl closes the loop. In such a device, girls, after the first moment or two, follow without resistance.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Pages 430 - 431


Leash - Cloth
To The Top

The dock workers had torn off his clothes and, ripping his tunic, had made a rope of twisted cloth, with which they had bound his hands behind his back. They also had him on a short neck leash, also fashioned of twisted cloth, from his tunic.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 154


Leash - Display
To The Top

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Double
To The Top

I then took the binding fiber and, looping it several times about the throat of each captive, tied them together by the neck. The fiber which separated them was about eight feet in length, enough to serve as a double leash.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 203

Soon Narla and I, sharing a common neck leash, two collars, with a strap with center grip, stood outside the long, low room, in the corridor. The leash dangled between us, depending from our leather collars.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 327

The girls were on a common tether, the throat of each tied at a different end of a long strap; it served as their common leash, a guard grasping it in the center.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 153

Then I pulled them to their feet and knotted together the two loose ends of the strap, thus again effectively putting them on a common leash. I then thrust them overboard, headfirst, into the arms of oarsmen who took them and, not gently, threw them to the bottom of the longboat.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Pages 141 - 142


Leash - Gold
To The Top

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Hair
To The Top

Some masters like the ponytail hairdo on a slave, which, on Gor, is usually spoken of as the "leash," or "hair leash," for, by it, a girl may be conveniently seized and controlled.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 112


Leash - Heavy
To The Top

Now, following Philemon, and surrounded by guards, one of whom held my heavy leash, we passed by the heavy, barred gate in the back of the Curulean, through which deliveries are made; some days ago Elizabeth, and Virginia and Phyllis, would have entered through that gate.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 286


Leash - Jeweled
To The Top

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Kur
To The Top

The collars were of thick leather, with metal insert locks, flat metal bolts slipping, locking, into spring catches; when closed, two rectangular metal plates adjoined; sewn into each collar was a light, welded metal ring; about this was closed the leash snap; the action of the leash snap was mechanical but, apparently, it was beyond the strength of a woman to open it. The leashes were some fifteen feet in length, allowing in this radius one Kur to hold several captives at once.
Marauders of Gor Book 9     Page 211


Leash - Leather
To The Top

She was dressed, save for her bondage strings, in much the same way as most of the women of the red hunters, bare-breasted, with high boots and panties. Thistle, however, behind her, was naked, in a northern yoke and on a leather leash.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 196

Her leash, in the hands of the other girl, was attached to a ring at the back of this collar. The leash, too, was of leather, and long. It was coiled four or five times in the hands of the other girl.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 146

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

At least, she thought, it is common rope, and not a leash of knotted leather, or knotted binding fiber, because she knew that knots in such materials might be drawn so tightly that her small, delicate fingers, those of a woman, might lack the strength to undo them. At least, she was not in a lock leash, of chain or leather, or in a locked snap-leash that might be attached to her collar.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 649

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Lock
To The Top

One of her guards snapped a slave leash on her collar. The leash key was on a tiny loop of wire. The guard twisted this wire about the red-enameled steel of her collar.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 248

As she stood in the room I took the key on its string from about her neck and removed the bracelets. I threw them with the key to one side of the room; then I unlocked the slave leash and threw it, with its key, also to the side of the room.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 249

Shoka then freed her wrists of the wrist rings of the sirik and Uchafu locked a waist chain on her and then, about this chain, running the linkage of the bracelets behind it, braceleted her hands at her belly. Uchafu then, with the black cloth, blindfolded her, and snapped a lock leash about her
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 127

The common Gorean leash, incidentally, unlike the simple strap I was using, has a lock snap and closes either about a collar or a collar ring.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 371

The common leash has a snap clip, sometimes a locking one.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 127

"You are in a lock leash," he said. "It is leather," I said. "It can be cut away with a knife." Some lock leashes are of metal and chain.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 649


Leash - Metal
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 170


Leash - Neck
To The Top

Soon Narla and I, sharing a common neck leash, two collars, with a strap with center grip, stood outside the long, low room, in the corridor. The leash dangled between us, depending from our leather collars.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 327

A slave girl, sitting, her hands bound before her body with cord, by a shortened neck-leash, was chained at one of these rings.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 175

"Whereas this tie," I said, "is not good for general security, it is quite adequate for specific security, namely, security in a specific situation, in this case, in the presence of the master or a keeper. For example, under observation, you cannot very well employ your right hand in the attempt to undo the knot on your left ankle. If the tie, of course, is accomplished with chains, then it is also adequate for a general security, an aesthetic and delicious general security, a chain neck leash being added, naturally, to restrict movement."
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 207


Leash - Rawhide
To The Top

She tugged on the rawhide leash I wore. Then she reached up and removed it from my neck, and coiled it, and replaced it on the ring on her belt.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 156


Leash - Rope
To The Top

On her neck was a hempen leash.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 173

The keeper wrapped the rope leash about the yoke, behind my arm.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 122

The rope was long enough to serve as well as a leash, and, moments after she had been ordered to her feet, some yard or so of it, rising from her confined wrists, had been looped and knotted about her throat, its free end then, some five feet or so in length, serving as a leash.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 365

The rope was then lifted and a length of it looped twice about the slave's neck and knotted there. In this fashion a single rope may be used for both binding and leashing. This is not all that unusual on Gor. One end secures the slave's wrists, the center collars her, and the remainder, the free end, serves as a leash or tether.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 574


Leash - Silver
To The Top

In cities, sometimes display leashes are used, of colored leather, of beaded, even jeweled, leather, or of light, closely meshed lengths of chain, sometimes of silver or gold. Most leashes, on the other hand, are little more than functional, and usually of brown or black leather. Metal leashes are common if one wishes to chain the girl to a slave ring, a convenience with which Gorean buildings and streets are usually well furnished. The typical leash is long enough to permit the binding of the slave, if one should desire to do that. In walking a slave, particularly on the promenades, it is common to make certain that the leash describes a graceful curve, from the master's hand up to the slave's collar.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Pages 169 - 170


Leash - Sirik
To The Top

the Sirik is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used separately; this also, of course, permits the Sirik to function as a slave leash.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 42


Leash - Sleen
To The Top

A sleen leash was attached to her collar and she was marched, as a she-sleen, crawling, abused, to the rape-rack in which I had been earlier confined.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 238


Leash - Slip Ring
To The Top

"Prepare to be leashed as a slave." He unlooped the long leash at his belt, with its slip ring and snap lock.
. . .

He kept her on her stomach by the bath and slipped the leather loop of the leash over her head. Quickly his large, efficient hands shortened the loop, sliding the slip ring to a snug fit, then securing it in place, preventing its backward movement, with the snap lock. The leash could then tighten, functioning as a locked choke leash, but could not loosen.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 394


Leash - Snap
To The Top

The common leash has a snap clip, sometimes a locking one. This snap clip has a variety of uses. It can snap about a link or ring in its own leash, the leash then functioning as a self-contained collar-and-leash device, or about such things, say, as a collar, collar ring or neck bond, perhaps of rope or chain.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 127

At least, she thought, it is common rope, and not a leash of knotted leather, or knotted binding fiber, because she knew that knots in such materials might be drawn so tightly that her small, delicate fingers, those of a woman, might lack the strength to undo them. At least, she was not in a lock leash, of chain or leather, or in a locked snap-leash that might be attached to her collar.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 649


Leash - Twice-Braided
To The Top

He slipped down the side of the defile to where he had left the blonde, sitting, her ankles crossed before her, tied together with the twice-braided leash, in such a way that her head, by the leash, was drawn forward and downward, and fastened to her crossed ankles.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 189

He then unwound the twice-braided leash from her throat, took it in hand, and knelt her beside him, a bit behind him, on the left, where slaves commonly kneel when accompanying a master.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 192

He had then, turning her again to her belly, with one strand of the double-braided leash, fastened her hands, already bound, closely against her belly, and knotted the holding strap behind the small of her back. With the second strand of the leash he improvised a sling and, with one loop under her arms and the other behind the back of her knees, and she behind him, he began to climb the tree. On a high branch, some seventy or eighty feet above the ground, he sat her back against the trunk of the tree, and, with the second strand of the leash, fastened her in place, by the feet, belly, and neck.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 199


Leash - Vine
To The Top

Constraints - Leash - Vine

He then ordered that the woman be stripped and a vine leash be put on her neck.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 231


Leash - Wrist
To The Top

"Put your arms at your sides," said Bran Loort, "out a bit from your body. "I did so. I then stood before them, double wrist-leashed, ropes placed knotted on my wrists. The ropes on my wrists and ankles, serving as leashes, were cut from the coils of rope brought to the field.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 221

With the other I tied her wrists together before her body, leaving enough strap to lead her by, as a wrist leash. "By me," I told her. She gasped. There was pounding on the door. I hurried to the trap door in the floor, that through which newly-hatched tharlarion, through the shelter of the tunnels, are brought from the incubation shed to the nursery. Window glass shattered inward, to the side. "Stop!" we heard. I, dragging the Lady Florence by the wrist leash, hurried down the smoothly sloping dirt ramp leading to the tunnel. Behind us we heard men forcing open the door. We heard another breaking through the glass and wood at the window. "Hurry, Prisoner!" I cried. "Prisoner!" she cried. But some fifty yards into the darkness of the tunnel I halted. As I had expected the men did not follow us blindly into the darkness. We might be presumed to know the tunnels. They would not. And I was armed, for now the steel of Orgus, the brigand, hung at my left shoulder. "Bring torches!" I heard someone cry. Chuckling I dragged the Lady Florence by her wrist leash through the darkness.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 337

The common Gorean leash, incidentally, unlike the simple strap I was using, has a lock snap and closes either about a collar or a collar ring. It might be mentioned that there are also such devices as wrist leashes and ankle leashes.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 371

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

I was a little curious as to why I had not been bound, in one way or another, perhaps put on a wrist leash, or something.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 150


Leash Cuffs
To The Top

Tupita fastened a leather cuff on my right wrist. It was not a lock cuff. It buckled shut. It did have a snap ring on it. Sita fastened a similar cuff on my left wrist. Both of them carried long leather leashes. Tupita, with the snap ring on the leash, fastened the leash to my right cuff, and Sita fastened the other leash on my left cuff. The snap rings on the cuffs themselves, of course, make it possible, if one wishes, for the cuffs to be linked together.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 176


Leash Paces
To The Top

Some girls do not seem to believe they are slaves until they have been leashed. But after that, and after having been put through "leash paces," there is seldom any doubt in their mind. Some girls beg to be leashed, sometimes crawling to their masters, their leash held between their small, fine teeth. Most masters use the leash at one time or another. A Gorean saying has it that a leashed slave is a hot slave.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 366

How skillful he was at teaching a woman her slavery. How well he had put me through my paces on the leash, and then later in his arms.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 344


Leg Spreader
To The Top

Below us, half concealed in the tall grass, on their backs, lay the two fellows I recognized as the brothers, Max and Kyle Hobart. They were stripped and their hands were thonged behind their backs. They could not rise to their feet. Each wore a crude, single-position, greenwood leg-spreader.

"It is a present to me, from my friends, the Dust Legs," laughed Grunt, "the leaders of those who followed us."

"A thoughtful present," I said. "Now they are yours."

"And a rich joke it is, too," laughed Grunt. "See?"

"Yes," I said. Max and Kyle Hobart wore leg-spreaders. These are commonly reserved by the red savages for their white female slaves. They wore single-position leg-spreaders. One ankle, by thongs threaded through a pierced end, is fastened tightly to one end of the sturdy spreader. The other ankle is then pulled to a corresponding position at the other end of the pole where, by means of another thong passed through another hole, drilled at that point in the spreader, it is fastened securely in place. More sophisticated spreaders have several positions. In the simplest case a series of holes is drilled in the pole and the girl's ankles are merely fastened on the pole at whatever separation the master desires. In more sophisticated devices, two, or even three, poles or boards are used, which can slide apart, and are fastened at given points by pegs or thongs. In this latter sort of device the girl's ankles, fastened at the far ends of the pole or board, need not be untied and retied. One may then, in accordance with one's moods, and at one's convenience, regulate the distance between them.

These spreaders may be used in a variety of ways, of course. Sometimes they are used for the wrists, the pole or board then usually behind the girl's back. Too, they may be used in concert with other devices. In the lodges of Warrior Societies, for example, as a portion of the amusements accompanying a feast, a girl may be richly used in one, her hands tied behind the back of her neck, in the draw cords, looped once or twice about her neck, of the sack drawn over her head. In this way she fears all the men of the society for she does not know who it was who was the most cruel to her.
. . .

"You wear leg-spreaders," laughed Grunt.

"They put us in them!" said Kyle Hobart.

"As though you might be women," said Grunt.

"Yes," said Max Hobart, squirming. He tried to rise. He could not, of course, do so.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Pages 162 - 163

Grunt cut the thongs binding the ankles of the Hobarts to the leg-spreaders. "On your feet," he said.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 166


Leg Stretchers
To The Top

"There is little more to tell," she said. "For seven years I was the slave of my young master. He was kind to me, and protected me, muchly, from the other children. Although I was only his slave, I think he liked me. He did not put me in a leg stretcher until I was fifteen." She was then silent. "I have combed my hair," she said.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Pages 236 - 237

"Here is another way of designating a white woman or a female slave," he said. He then made the sign for woman, followed by a downward striking motion, as though holding a switch. "Sometimes, too," he said, "when the context is clear, this sign alone may be used." He then spread the first and second fingers of his right hand and laid them over the index finger of his left hand. "You see?" he asked. "It is ankles bound on a leg stretcher."
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 244

"Perhaps you had better keep me bound, or put me in a leg stretcher," she said.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 133

"Surely she, now, honored and denied, celebrated and deprived, would be ready to beg for her own stripping, for the stroke of a man's lash, for the feel of her ankles being tied apart, widely and securely, in a leg stretcher."
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 149

There he had found them, the only survivors, stripped and put in leg stretchers, as though they might be slave girls, lying in the grass, awaiting his attentions.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Pages 467 - 468

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


To The Top

"La Kajira," she said, putting her head down, then covering her face with her manacled hands, weeping. "La Kajira. La Kajira!"
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 54

There was a pair of slave manacles wrapped about the pommel of the saddle, also a length of rope. These things thrust in my belt.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 274

She glanced at the chained male slave, and threw back her head, and smoothed her long, dark hair over her back. In his manacles, kneeling, between his guards, he regarded her. She observed him, and smiled contemptuously, and then looked loftily away, bored.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 11

Outside I looked about. At one side of the hut, where I could not see, I heard the heavy snap of slave manacles.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 125

I stood, and felt ankle rings snapped on my ankles, joined by some twelve inches of chain; another chain, attached to this chain, was some three feet in length, and terminated with light manacles. Strabo unbraceleted me, dropping the bracelets and their key back in his pouch. The sailor then, lifting the vertical chain behind me, fastened me in the light manacles.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 356

I saw a man within who was securing slaves. He had thrust them, ten girls, naked, in a row, kneeling, belly tight against a steel wall. On short neck chains, with collars, he fastened them in place. Their wrists, at the sides of their heads, in light manacles fastened to wall rings, were similarly secured.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 398

To my amazement I felt Kenneth thrusting a key into the locks on my manacles. "He is coming now, with others!" said Kenneth. "Out of the wagon!" Barus ordered another man. The manacles were pulled away from my wrists and cast through the bars into the wagon. "Unhood yourself!" said Kenneth. He was then opening the manacles of another man.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 327

Manacles were then clapped on the blonde and she was dragged from the block.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 80

With her small hands, her tiny wrists in their close-fitting manacles, she seized the chain attached to the collar on her neck. She jerked it twice against the back of her neck. It cut at the back of her neck. "I'm chained," she wept, disbelievingly.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 97

I locked her hands behind her back. I locked them there with slave bracelets. I did not have another form of manacles for her.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 221

The blond prisoner, her hands chained behind her, watched. I then freed her hands from the manacles and pulled her hands up and over her head.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 398

I pulled a bit at the light manacles which fastened my hands behind my back. They were light, but they were, I was sure, a thousand times strong enough to hold me, and perfectly, I thought about them. They seemed obviously made for women.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 80

They wore lock manacles. Their fit was snug, efficient, inescapable. The staples on the manacles were separated by some twelve inches of chain.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 62

The manacles were closed about the wrists of the kneeling woman. One could clearly hear the decisive closure of the devices, first the one, then the other. She lifted them, regarding them, unbelievingly.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 135 - 136

A key was thrust into the lock on my manacle, and it was turned, moving the bolt, after which the sides of the device were opened, on their hinges.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 192

The chain fastened to the manacle she wore on her left ankle would not permit her to leave the alcove, but it would permit her to approach me more closely.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 16


To The Top

The Wintering was not unpleasant, although, even so far north, the days and nights were often quite chilly; the Wagon Peoples and their slaves as well, wore boskhide and furs during this time; both male and female, slave or free, wore furred boots and trousers, coats and the flopping, ear-flapped caps that tied under the chin; in this time there was often no way to mark the distinction between the free woman and the slave girl, save that the hair of the latter must needs be unbound; in some cases, of course, the Turian collar was visible, if worn on the outside of the coat, usually under the furred collar; the men, too, free and slave, were dressed similarly, save that the Kajiri, or he-slaves, wore shackles, usually with a run of about a foot of chain.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 59

I bent to the girl's shackles and removed them.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 162

"Free her," I told him.

Grinning, Thurnock bent to the shackles which graced Rissia's fair limbs, removing them one by one.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 314

The manacles on my wrists and ankles were lock shackles. Hamid thrust the key in, unsnapping them.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 130

The original thongs on her ankles, which had served as leather ankle shackles, I had had removed.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 175

I knelt where she indicated. She took the shackles from the rear ring and snapped them on my ankles.

She came around in front of me, and crouched down. "Put your wrists here," she said.

I put my wrists where she had indicated and she snapped them into the waiting manacles, those attached to the forward ring.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 57

She was shackled by the wrists, on a short chain, to an iron ring, heavy, whose plate was bolted into the boards.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 126

There are many reasons for which a woman might be chained. The women tonight, for example, were chained largely for purposes of beauty. Chains, as is well known, often enhance, and incredibly so, the beauty of a female. This matter is doubtless partly aesthetic and partly emotional and intellectual. The contrast of the unbreakable, merciless, interwoven metallic links, with their tasteful shackles, or cuffs and rings, with the confined, helpless softness of the slave is aesthetically interesting, providing, as it does, a lovely study in surfaces, textures and materials; too, of course, it is only fair to note that the meshed linkage of the chain, with its weight and harshness, with its metallic simplicity and solidity, with its uncompromising, unyielding, inescapable efficiency, merciless and unbreakable, contrasts with, calls attention to, and accentuates remarkably the vulnerability and softness, in all its beauty and curves, of its captive.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 242

They wore wrist and ankle shackles, their wrists having some six inches of play and their ankles some twelve inches of play.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 93

Radish, bent over, with short steps, those of a length permitted her by her leather shackles, made her way to Carrot.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 361

It was hot standing on the cement platform, my wrists in loose, but unslippable shackles, chained over my head. My shackle chain went through a ring, itself suspended from another chain and ring, fixed in an outjutting beam, extending forth at a right angle from the sturdy upright.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 219

"In the search for the Tatrix," said Miles, "the records of hundreds of slave houses were checked, to see if a woman fitting her description might have been processed. In this search, the records of the house of Kliomenes, we found entries pertaining to your visit there with a free woman, purportedly Lady Lita. Descriptions of this 'Lady Lita' were furnished to several members of the staff. There was no difficulty with these descriptions. They were splendidly clear, and useful and intimately detailed, even to conjectured shackle sizes, just as one would expect of descriptions of a female in a slave garment. The descriptions tallied, of course, with those available of the Tatrix of Corcyrus."
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 374

There were five of them, naked, and lashed by the rain. Their hands were shackled high over their heads, this lifting their bodies nicely. The shackles were attached to short chains, the latter depending from stout rings. The chains were hitched to different heights, depending on the height of the woman.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 40

The shackles were lock shackles. They fitted nicely, closely, about her ankles. Their staples were separated by about eighteen inches of chain, more than enough.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 62

He freed her wrist shackles from the chain and then her wrists from the shackles. He then pulled her small wrists behind her back and locked them there, in slave bracelets.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 433 - 434

"I do not want to go back," she said.

"No matter," I said. "Where is it?"

"If I am taken back to be forcibly mated," she said, "my companion may keep me in shackles."
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Pages 189 - 190

A fellow brushed past me, drawing behind him two slaves, their wrists extended before them, closely together, pulled forward, the lead chains attached to their wrist shackles.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 35

"Did you bring the bracelets, with linked shackles?" asked Marcus.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 441

The metal shackle on my neck had been put on from behind, there is variation in such things. Most often, particularly with items such as we, new to such things, and naïve, it is done in that fashion, I suppose, to minimize the tendency to bolt. At other times however, it is done from the beginning, particularly with individuals who realize clearly and fully what is going on, so that they may, in full specificity and anticipation, with full intellectual and emotional understanding, see it approach, one by one, and then find themselves, in turn, no different from others, secured within its obdurate clasp. The first, you see, might be frightened at its sight and, in their naiveté, be tempted to bolt; the second, on the other hand, might be terrified at its sight, but realizes that there is no escape.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 30

The hands of those who had been front-shackled were now being back-shackled, shackled behind their backs. No longer, as they now were, would they be able to use their hands to feed themselves. Too, back-shackling better impresses her helplessness on a captive.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Pages 419 - 420

To be sure, not every woman was on a chain. Some knelt, even front-shackled, in sirik, head down, near the very talons of the great birds.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 421

Shackles, of course, and links of chain, if one wishes, may be forced apart, or even broken, given proper tools and sufficient strength. There are files and metal saws, too, which can do such work, though it takes more time.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 581

He then, leaning her against the wall, facing away from him, lifted her foot and positioned it on the small anvil. Then, with his hammer and wedge, and with three blows, he opened the shackle on her ankle, and slipped her foot free.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 285

The widened link on the slave bracelets, which had permitted her to separate her hands, had now again been closed, in such a way that her hands, again, were pinioned behind her back; she had also been placed in ankle shackles, with a linkage of three horts; and chained by the neck to a stake.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 551

I complied, with a rustle of chain, and I felt, he beside me, through the clasping metal, a key inserted in the shackle locks. Then the shackles were removed. He rose to his feet and placed the shackles on the sill behind the double basin. In the kitchen the shackle locks all respond to a single key.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 119


Shackles - Ankle
To The Top

We passed a group of men who had captured a Kur. A heavy block of wood had been thrust into its jaws and, with leather, bound there. It was bleeding at the left side of its face. Its paws had been tied together at its belly and its legs tied in leather ankle shackles.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 260

The manacles on my wrists and ankles were lock shackles. Hamid thrust the key in, unsnapping them.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 130

The deck was white and smooth to my knees. It had been rubbed with deck stones, and washed down and scrubbed. The deck-cage girls, on their hands and knees, ankles shackled, attended to this work.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 322

They then threw her to her stomach, untied her ankles, and snapped shackles on them, steel shackles, with about a six-inch run of chain.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 149

She knelt on the hot boards of the wharf at Schendi. Her ankles were shackled, and her small wrists locked behind her in slave bracelets. A tight belly chain, locked on her, running to a heavy ring in the wood, about a foot from her, secured her in place.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 453

The left ankle of the extra girl, the fetch-and-carry girl, who was already in wrist rings, joined by a foot of chain, was then locked in one of two ankle shackles, joined by about eighteen inches of chain. The right ankle shackle was then passed under the long chain and snapped shut about her right ankle.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 457

I knelt where she indicated. She took the shackles from the rear ring and snapped them on my ankles.

She came around in front of me, and crouched down. "Put your wrists here," she said.

I put my wrists where she had indicated and she snapped them into the waiting manacles, those attached to the forward ring.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 57

Melpomene rose to her feet and stood by the ring, head down, while Pamela spread the love furs on the tiles between the tables. While she stood there Tenalion snapped an ankle ring on her left ankle. It had a chain loop. He then took the length of chain he had used before and snapped one end of it about the chain loop on her ankle ring. The other end of it he snapped about the slave ring set in the tiles. The lovely slave then stood there, shackled in place.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 295

"Keeper!" I called. "Give me the key to the shackles of this one."

He came to me and gave me a key, with which I removed the shackle from her right ankle. I returned the key to him. I did not unlock the shackle on her left ankle. She continued to wear it, with its short chain and the opened right shackle.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Pages 29 - 30

I sat up and took the Lady Gina's free shackle and jerked her ankles closely together. I prepared to close the open shackle about her right ankle. Her ankles would then be chained together, as before, with about eight inches of chain separating them. The shackles were large, and of heavy iron.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 35

She is ordered to spread the furs of love. She does so, beneath the slave ring. She must light the lamp. She does so. She returns then to the furs of love, and kneels upon them. She is then fastened by her master to the slave ring. Perhaps this is merely done by a single ankle ring, on her left ankle, or perhaps both of her ankles are shackled, the length of chain running through the slave ring. If this is done, of course, the chaining is such that her ankles may be thrust widely, even painfully apart.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 202

They wore wrist and ankle shackles, their wrists having some six inches of play and their ankles some twelve inches of play.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 93

"Are girls fastened in such wagons?" I asked.

"Usually," he said.

"How?" I asked.

"The most usual arrangement," he said, "involves a metal bar and girls who are independently shackled. The bar runs parallel to the length of the wagon bed. It is a liftable bar. It has a hinge at the end of the wagon bed near the wagon box. The bar is lifted, by means of the hinge, and the girls, by means of their ankle chains, are threaded upon it. It is then lowered and locked into a socket at the end of the wagon bed, near the gate."

"They are then well held in place," I said.

"Yes," he said.

"Are they clothed in such a wagon?" I asked.

"Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not," he said.

"I see," I said. I wondered what it might feel like to wear shackles, to have my ankles chained in proximity to one another, to have the chain looped about such a bar, so that I might not, even if I wished, be able to pull my ankles more than a few inches from it. I wondered what it might feel like, to know myself so helplessly and perfectly confined. My breath began to come more quickly.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 105

I put the shackles on her ankles. Her ankles were now shackled only some four inches apart.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 192

I could take only short steps for my ankles were shackled, the run of chain between them only some eight to ten inches.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 317

They wore the shreds of work tunics. On their ankles were shackles, separated by lengths of chain such that they might not run, but such that they also would constitute no inconvenience for guards. Iron, too, was hammered shut about their wrists, these bands linked by some eighteen inches of chain.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 373

I then drew her by the ankles forward on the furs and took a pair of shackles, separated by about a foot of chain, from the wall. I snapped one shackle on her right ankle and threaded the other through the corner ring at the right, as you enter. I then thrust up the slave bells and snapped the second shackle on her left ankle.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 409

In one aisle in the camp I encountered two female slaves, naked, chained to yokes, their ankles shackled as well. From each termination of both yokes there was suspended a large, wooden bucket of wastes.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 451

It is not pleasant to wear close shackles or a double-padlocked six-inch chain joining one's ankles.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 137

This collar-and-ring arrangement is simply and inexpensively wrought, not requiring the fusing of metals in welding. Ring mounts, and such, on the other hand, are usually fused into, welded into, thus becoming part of, the shackle or manacle. For example, the shackle on her left ankle had a common ring mount, welded into the metal, through which the ring was inserted and closed.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 208

An ankle ring was snapped about her left ankle, beneath the shackle there, and a second ring, on a short chain, some six inches in length, was slipped through the holding ring and snapped shut about her right ankle.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 260

My ankles were shackled, and a foot of chain joined them, the chain looped about the central bar.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 296

Mina must assist us, but her ankles were shackled together, with something like a foot of chain. The men were taking no chance that she would run.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 438

Tuza then snapped a pair of ankle shackles on the unconscious Darla. They would permit her ankles a play of less than a foot.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 303


Shackles - Branch
To The Top

Her hands were tied, by her long black hair, behind the back of her neck. Her hair had been twisted about her throat, knotted, and then, with the two loose strands, thick, themselves twisted, looped about her wrists, her hands had been secured. She was stripped. She wore a branch shackle, a thick, rounded branch, some eighteen inches in length, notched toward each hand, with supple tendrils, fitting into the notches and about her fair ankles, tied across the back of her legs.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Pages 296 - 297


Shackles - Breeding
To The Top

She had seen the relevant devices, of course, on posts and hanging in sheds, dark, stern, heavy, close-fitting shackles, breeding shackles.
She wondered what it would be like to be put in them, to be locked in them, to feel them on her body, their weight, and that of their short chains, and to be aware of their close, unslippable clasp on her small wrists and ankles, then so helplessly confined in their designed encirclements, and then to be led before a male and fastened by their means to him, himself their prisoner, as well.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 34

She had never been locked in the breeding shackles.
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 199

He opened his eyes, and looked into blue eyes. She drew back a little, some inches from him.
She had been brushed and combed, washed and perfumed. She was worthy of a Ubar's pleasure garden, but he was not a Ubar.
He thrust her to the side, as he could, and she whimpered, puzzled, irritably.
He then sat up, and regarded her, his fellow prisoner, his right wrist shackled to her left, his left to her right, and so, too, with their ankles.
He shook the chains, angrily, and she cried out, in pain, for this had hurt her.
Breeding shackles, he thought. Breeding shackles!
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 266

"I am chained to you, closely, inseparably, helplessly, in breeding shackles, in breeding shackles!" she wept. "Take me! Use me!"
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 271

"They have found the body," said Grendel, "that of he from whom I obtained the key to your chains, he who managed the sheds in which the breeding shackles are stored."
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 277


Shackles - Close
To The Top

"'You will now beg to wear shackles and cook,' said the leader. 'Never,' I said. They then untied me, but only to string me up by the ankles to a tree branch. In moments I begged to wear shackles and cook. They took me down, and, in horror, I saw the metal put on my ankles. They were close shackles, and gave me a play of no more than three horts. They need not fear I would run away. I then, though I was of the villas of Noviminae, cooked. It was the first time I had ever served men."
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 337

"I have never seen a sleen," said Ellen.

"You might ask to do so," said Laura. "Normally a slave girl is only brought into their presence when she is put in close shackles and has her hands braceleted behind her back. Thus she cannot break and run, an action which might prompt the beast's pursuit behavior."
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 153

"When I am out of the wagon, will you remove my shackles?" I asked.

"No," he said.


"No," he said. "Do not be concerned. There will be many wagons there, and there will doubtless be other kajirae there, several more closely shackled than you."

"More closely shackled than I?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Presumably because they will be regarded as more valuable," he said.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 306

"Put them in close shackles," said the leader, "and then free their hands. Keep the rope on their necks. If they attempt to remove it, cut off their hands."
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 342

"They seem to have an interest in them, as well," said Axel. "I am not sure what it is. It may not be easy to bring them back to Shipcamp."

"It seems our friends might object," I admitted.

"Too, it would be difficult to move them," he said, "as they are close-shackled."
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 357

I awakened suddenly, rudely, shocked and shuddering, on a rough, planked floor, in a shedlike edifice, as cold water was cast on my chained, bared body. I tried to rise, but stumbled and fell, for I could move my shackled ankles only a few inches at a time.
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 126

I pointed to my shackles, fastening my ankles so closely together. How, so shackled, could one accompany a master on the walkways or streets? One could hobble at best, even if one could gain one's feet.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 242

I had been close-shackled, my ankles separated by no more than six inches of chain. I had then been hurried about, awkwardly, often falling, to attend to numerous petty tasks about the camp.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 34

My ankles were no longer hobbled by close-shackles.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 36

"Now," said Gordon, "let her be thrown to the lowest of men, after which she will serve our feast, close-shackled, lest she, not yet metal-collared and marked, be tempted to try to run."

In 'close shackling,' the girl's ankles are fastened closely together, usually six inches to a foot apart.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 163

We were close-shackled in the wagons. In close shackling, one can move one's ankles only a few inches apart. In this way it is impossible to run or even walk normally. Indeed, it can be hard to stand.

Whereas close shackling can be used for purposes of discipline, punishment, or mere instruction in one's condition, it is usually employed, as here, to hobble a slave, keeping her close about and discouraging thoughts of escape.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Pages 301 - 302


Shackles - Cruel
To The Top

How many times had I awakened, seeming still to feel the tight bite of cruel shackles on my wrists and ankles.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 10


Shackles - Golden
To The Top

It was Talena. But she did not wear the regalia of a Ubara, as had the girl in the cage. She was barefoot and clad in a single garment, a long white robe. To my amazement, I saw that her wrists were fastened together by golden shackles.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 189


Shackles - Heavy
To The Top

I prepared to close the open shackle about her right ankle. Her ankles would then be chained together, as before, with about eight inches of chain separating them. The shackles were large, and of heavy iron.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 35

Near his table, but back a bit from it, discretely, at slave's distance, knelt luscious Inger, blond and voluptuous, from the north, from Skjern, who had come to Brundisium in the heavy shackles of Torvaldslanders.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Pages 187 - 188

She looked at her left ankle. About it there was a heavy shackle. Attached to a ring on this shackle was a stout chain. It was some five feet in length, and was composed of heavy links. The chain was, in turn, fastened to a large, heavy metal ring which was anchored in the cement. She was, accordingly, by the left ankle, chained to this ring.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 207


Shackles - Leather
To The Top

The original thongs on her ankles, which had served as leather ankle shackles, I had had removed.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 175

Radish, bent over, with short steps, those of a length permitted her by her leather shackles, made her way to Carrot.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 361

Our ankles were put in leather shackles, behind the vertical post.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 67


Shackles - Light
To The Top

I then moved my left hand downward from its hair to check the wrists. They were shackled behind its back, chained to a ring. I tested the shackles. They were light shackles. But they would be quite effective, if locked, for such an object. They were locked.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 388

On the stern deck I told her to stop. Then, as she stood, I snapped a light shackle about her left ankle. Its chain was attached to a slave ring near the aft rail.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 615


Shackles - Lock
To The Top

The manacles on my wrists and ankles were lock shackles. Hamid thrust the key in, unsnapping them.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 130


Shackles - Master's Will
To The Top

"You are not to touch the blindfold without permission," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said, standing quietly beside me. So simply, she a slave had been placed in the shackles of my will.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 169


Shackles - Neck
To The Top

With the sound of chains and collars, and some frightened sobbing, the neck-shackled beauties again took up the march.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 151

I looked about. "It is a good thing we did not bring the girls," I said.

"It was for this reason," said Grunt, "that I left them in the camp."

I nodded. They, beautiful, frightened, half-naked slaves, shackled by the neck in the Barrens, did not need to see this.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 161

The girls, in their neck shackles, of course, did not know of our decision, nor of what might be involved in it. This was appropriate, for they were merely slaves.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 253


Shackles - Pleasure
To The Top

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268


Shackles - Rope
To The Top

He went to the rope of women and put she on the rope nearest to the stake to my right in rope shackles. She would barely be able to stand and move.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 65

After we had poured our berries onto the mat, Tula was removed from the rope and her ankles were fastened together, some horts apart, by rope shackles. She could walk with care, but not run.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 293

"The rope?" inquired Emerald.

"Remove it from Tula, but put her in rope shackles," said Tuza.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 307


Shackles - Sirik
To The Top

The full sirik consists of a collar and three chains. One of these chains, a long, vertical chain, attached to the collar, dangles downward. To it are fastened two horizontal chains, one, from its attachment point near the lower belly, terminating in slave bracelets, wrist-rings, or manacles, and the other, from its attachment point at the end of the dangling chain, usually lying on the floor, or ground, terminating in shackles or ankle-rings.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 165


Slave Bit
To The Top

"Shall I use a readied gag?" asked the second man, "a slave bit?"
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 35

After dark, late, a metal-and-leather apparatus was drawn forth from a small case. It had a bit. It was put on Paula, from behind, and fastened in place.
. . .

My improvised gag was removed, and then I, too, was bitted. The device was forced into my mouth, and thrust back between my teeth. It locked behind the back of my neck. I realized that I could not tear it from my mouth, even had my hands been free.
. . .

I would later learn that there were several varieties of slave bits, which differ considerably, aesthetically, and in comfort, while being uniform in their efficiency, that with respect to rendering a slave incapable of speech. A major difference amongst such bits is with respect to their closure. That in which Paula had been placed, and that in which I was shortly thereafter placed, once snapped shut, could be opened only by a tool or key. In that sense they were much like slave collars. Such bits are commonly used when one or both hands of a girl are free. Most bits, however, indeed almost all I would become familiar with, are intended, like the common gag, to be used with a bound or braceleted slave who, given her securing, cannot reach the device. In such a case, a keyed lock, most often, is nor deemed necessary. It might, of course, be used in some cases, as when one wishes to preclude certain possibilities, say, a secured slave's responses, once relieved of the device, to a stranger's questions. Also, any attempt to adjust, ease, or remove a bit or gag is cause for discipline. Accordingly, gagged or bitted slaves, even if their hands are free, would seldom dare to touch the gag or device. It was put on them by a master. Thus, they must wait until the master sees fit to relieve them of the impediment. Such things help a girl better understand her slavery. The keyed devices in which Paula and I were placed were doubtless intended to make it impossible for us, should we attempt to do so, to dislodge the bits.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 39 - 40

I was seized from behind, a heavy hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but could not, for the hand over my mouth. It was removed, and I opened my mouth, widely, to scream, but a slave bit was thrust into my mouth and, a moment later, it was snapped shut behind my neck. I whimpered, almost inaudibly. What more can one do in a slave bit?
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 208

The locking bands of the slave bit were then unsnapped, from behind my neck, and the device was removed from my mouth.

How good it was to be rid of that effective, stern impediment, which renders a slave so helpless. How helpless a woman is when she cannot speak.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 213

Miserable, I felt tears running down my cheeks, to and beneath the curved rods of the device fastened on me, the bit drawn back between my teeth.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 249

I felt hands at the back of my neck, and the bit snaps were released, and the bit was pressed forward, and then pulled from my mouth.

It was glorious to be free of that detestable impediment! It seemed I could still feel the metal back between my teeth, the pressure at the sides of my mouth.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 258


Slave Sack
To The Top

Then I felt my body doubled up and my feet slipped inside the mouth of a slave sack. The sack was drawn up, over my body; I sat, doubled up; my head was pushed down a bit; the sack was drawn shut over my head and, with a snap, locked shut.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 334

Inside I saw a slave sack and, formed of wood, a small, stout, cord-bound, thick-barred slave cage. Such cages are quite adequate for bound slaves. The hood was then drawn over my head and, by straps, buckled shut under my chin. My feet were kicked then fully from under me. In a moment I felt myself being thrust, doubled up, in a heavy leather sack. My head was then thrust down. The sack was tied shut over my head.
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 220

The sacks into which the girls had been inserted, naked and bound, were slave sacks. They are extremely stout, heavy sacks and heavily, and doubly, sewn. The intent of this is to make them sturdy leather prisons, containers from which a girl cannot escape and in which she is absolutely helpless. A consequence of the thickness of the material and the sturdiness of the construction, of course, is that the sack, almost inadvertently, affords the girl a great deal of protection.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 390

Slave sacks, as you may have gathered, are known not only among the red savages but also among the men of the cities. Given their obvious utility, among men who own and master women, they may have arisen independently in both places. Their appearance in diverse loci, for example, need not imply borrowing. Such sacks, however, do have a utility among the men of the tower cities which they are not likely to have, or would seldom have, among the bold savages of the Barrens. To understand this utility it is well to understand that on Gor slaving, like marketing and farming, is a business. One of the problems which often arises in this business is that of getting the capture from, say, her own bedroom to your pens where she may be properly branded and collared, and taught to kiss and obey, later to be retailed naked from a suitable outlet, into her new life as a slave. Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 395

I crawled into the sack, and it was pulled up, over my head, and laced shut I then felt it dragged across the floor. He then lifted it up, partly, I now sitting in it, and left it against a wall. He then left. The confinement was not intended to be one of full security, of course. If it had been, then I would have been bound and gagged within it, that I might be able, by fingernails or teeth, to attack seams or cut through the leather. Indeed, if I caused the least bit of damage to the slave sack, I had little doubt but what I would be well punished. Confinement in the slave sack is, incidentally, a form of punishment for a girl.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 273

"In the south," he said, "we often transport slaves hooded, or in covered cages. Sometimes we ship them in boxes, the air holes of which are baffled, so that they may not be seen through."

I nodded. There are many such devices. One of the simplest and most common is the slave sack, into which the girl, gagged, and with her hands braceleted behind her back, is commonly introduced headfirst. These devices have in common the feature of ensuring the total helplessness of the slave and, if one wishes, her ignorance of her destination, route and such.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 125

Lying on the floor of the wagon there was a heavy leather slave sack, tied shut at the top. Two chains went to the sack, through the leather, one toward the top, the other toward the bottom. As the girl is preparing to enter the sack the bottom chain, with its slave ring, is locked about her left ankle. As she inches down, into the sack, the slack of this chain is taken up by the captor or master. If her hands are not, say, tied behind her in the sack, they are usually placed at her thighs, that her arms will be down, at her sides, when she is in the sack. When she is almost fully entered into the sack the collar on the neck chain, the collar within the sack, the chain entering it from the outside, is locked on her neck. She is then entered fully into the sack, and it is tied shut, usually about a foot above her head. The chains are fastened to the wagon, sometimes to the wheels, to impede their movement, or to other objects, for example, stakes or trees. The common slave sack, incidentally, is much simpler, commonly little more than a sturdy canvas or leather sack which may be tied, buckled or chained shut.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 388 - 389

Here and there, near the wagons, there were slave sacks some occupied, usually with tags on them. These, however were either locked shut, or tied or buckled shut. That could not be done from the inside.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 453

There were also open slave sacks of woven, metal cable, cables a quarter of an inch in thickness, some silverish, some black, some steel-colored, with apertures in the form of two to four-inch diamonds, which could be padlocked shut at the top.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 322

It is not uncommon for them to awaken in a stout, canvas slave sack, in which they can barely squirm, or bound hand and foot, say, on a carpet in an empty tent, or chained to a ring in the darkness. Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 382

"And male slavery," he said, "but male slavery is less obvious, as most male slaves are utilized in the quarries, on the galleys, on the great farms, in such places. Occasionally a male is taken from your former world, a typical male of your former world, suitably conditioned, and thus reduced and tamed, to be sold as a silk slave to a Gorean mistress. Such can be perilous though, for they sometimes, on this world, learn their manhood, and may thus constitute a danger to the mistress, who might find herself gagged and put in a slave sack, to be sold, or even, collared, to find herself at the feet of her former slave. Accordingly most slaves brought to Gor are women, namely, members of the slave sex."
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 90

"Slip her into the slave sack," said Tullius Quintus. "I am eager to be away."

I shook my head negatively, rears in my eyes, mutely pleading. Such a device was unpleasant. Too, such a device was seldom used for slaves, despite its name, for slaves were commonly coffled, chained in wagons, chained to a stirrup, or such. It might be useful, of course, in disciplining slaves, or stealing slaves. But I was not being disciplined, nor was I being stolen. Such a device could be useful, of course, in removing a captured free woman, perhaps one so unwise as to having intruded into a paga tavern, from her own city or town. Perhaps then she might find herself a paga girl elsewhere, given which denouement her presumed curiosity might be well satisfied.
. . .

I whimpered a little, plaintively, as I was thrust, head first, into the sack. The sack is narrow One could not turn about within its confines. It was of a size made for women, a common slave sack. It was laced shut, some inches behind my feet.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 168 - 169


Slave Strap
To The Top

She wore a slave strap, a heavy strap, buckling in the back. In the front, at her belly, there was, fixed in the strap, a plate and ring. Through the ring passed a chain, of some five inches in length, each end of which terminated in a bracelet. Her hands were confined before her body.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 65


To The Top

"I do not know," she whispered. "It is a strange, helpless feeling. I have lain here in the stocks. I have thought much."
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 242

The primary holding arrangements for women on the benches, however, are not chains. Each place on the bench is fitted with ankle and wrist stocks, and for each bench there is a plank collar, a plank which opens horizontally, each half of which contains five matching, semicircular openings, which, when it is set on pinions, closed, and chained in place, provides thusly five sturdy, wooden enclosures for the small, lovely throats of women. The plank is thick and thus the girls' chins are held high. The plank is further reinforced between each girl with a narrowly curved iron hand, the open ends of which are pierced; this is slid tight in its' slots, in its metal retainers, about the boards; and secured in place with a four-inch metal pin, which may or may not be locked in place. Each girl is held well in her place, thusly, not only by the ankle and wrist stocks, which hold her ankles back and her wrists beside her, but by the plank collar as well.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 60

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

"And here and there," I said, "attached to some of the benches, I think you can detect the presence of ankle stocks, and, on the attached armrests, wrist stocks." "But for rather small ankles and wrists," he said. "Yes," I said, "and here and there, similarly, you can see, still in place, the iron framework for the insertions of the neck planks. You will note, too, that the matching semicircular apertures in the planks, there are some there, on the floor, are rather small."
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 124

"There are chains about," I said, "but the usual security was in virtue of girl stocks. You can see there, where there are arm rests, and below, for the ankles." She went slowly toward the bench, almost as though mesmerized. She put out her hand, timidly, to touch the wood. "Oh!" she said, suddenly becoming aware of my proximity. I had come up behind her. She jerked her hand back. "Poor women," I said, "to be the prisoners of such devices. "No," she said. "They are slaves. It means nothing." "Sit," I said, "there, between those armrests. "Almost as though in a trance, she turned about and sat on the bench. "Put your hands on the armrests," I said, "but back, behind the slot in the armrests. I will tell you when to bring them forward. I then slid the lower board of a hinged pair of boards, with matching semicircular openings, into position, in the slots in the armrests. The height of this bottom board came about a hort above the level of the armrests. "You will now bring your hands forward, placing your wrists in these semicircular openings," I told her. She did so, in an almost unreal, trancelike fashion. I then swung the upper board up, on its hinge, and then down and over the lower board. I then, with the attached clip, using the hasp and staple, locked the two boards together. "You are now in wrist stocks," I told her. I then thrust two clips through matching rings, one set on the stock and armrest to my left, the other on the stock and armrest to my right, securing the stocks in the armrests. "You are now in wrist stocks, held on the bench," I said. "Although the prisoner is unable to reach any of the devices of closure another might be able to do so. Thus, if one wished, these devices could be locked in place. "She tried to withdraw her hands, but could not do so. "Put your ankles back," I said. I guided them into their places. The ankle stock is a simpler device, as the rear board is part of the bench. I then found the front board and fixed it in place. I then stepped back to regard her. "Either the wrist or the ankle stocks would serve to keep you in place," I said. However, the wrist stocks may be removed from the bench and serve as its own bond, if one wishes, Similarly it might be opened, if one wished, say, to free the prisoner's hands for feeding or, if she is a free female, perhaps for the signing of papers."
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Pages 253 - 254


To The Top

I smiled to myself as I thought of the small things on my old world that at such remoteness perhaps reenacted the ancient ceremony of the caves, the carrying of the bride over the threshold, perhaps as a prisoner, the tiny wedding bands, perhaps a small reminder of the primitive thongs that bound the wrists of the first bride, or perhaps later of the golden manacles fastened on the wrists of the daughters of kings, captive maidens led in triumph through cheering streets to the bondage of slave girls.
Priest-Kings of Gor     Book 3     Pages 205 - 206

Now I could see down the wide, grassy lane, loping towards us, two kaiila and riders. A lance was fastened between them, fixed to the stirrups of their saddles. The lance cleared the ground, given the height of the kaiila, by about five feet. Between the two animals, stumbling desperately, her throat bound by leather thongs to the lance behind her neck, ran a girl, her wrists tied behind her back.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 35

Weeping Elizabeth jerked and pulled at the thongs restraining her, helpless. The judge inspected the bonds. "The wench is secured," he said. Elizabeth moaned. "Rejoice, Little Barbarian," said Albrecht, "tonight in Pleasure Silk you will dance the Chain Dance for Kassar Warriors." The girl turned her head to one side, shuddering in the thongs. A cry of misery escaped her." Be silent," said Kamchak. Elizabeth was silent and, fighting her tears, lay quietly waiting to be freed. I cut the thongs from her wrists and ankles.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 73

Lana and I had been thonged together by the nose rings. In our sleep it had been done. A thong had been passed through the two rings and then knotted. The knotted, double thong that fastened us together was only about a foot long.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 171

Free women, in the Tahari, incidentally, usually, when out of their houses, also measure their stride. Some fasten their own ankles together with silken thongs.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 45

Surreptitiously, for I did not wish to be struck or again kicked, I tried to move my wrists and ankles. It was useless. Thongs had been used, not rope; the knots, simple and efficient, had been made by a warrior. With a minimum of means I was held with absolute perfection. A Gorean warrior had bound me.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 126

Her fur boots were pulled off and her ankles were linked by leather thongs; she had good ankles; the leather permitted them a separation of some twelve inches;
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 173

I was thrown on my back on the altar and my hands, by the wrist leashes, were fastened apart and over my head to iron rings. At the same time my legs, by the ankles, were jerked apart, painfully so. I felt thongs tied on my ankles. I cried out. My legs were pulled even more widely apart. Men strung the thongs on my ankles through the iron rings at the foot of the altar. I screamed. By the thongs my legs were drawn apart even more.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 323

I unlaced the tight thongs, from behind the back of her neck, that held the gag binding in place.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 199

There are many ways to keep a line of girls in place overnight, of course. A common way is to bind their wrists behind their backs and then place them on the ground, supine, the head of one to the feet of the other. A given girl, then, by thongs on her collar, is tied to the left ankle of the girl on her left, and to the right ankle of the girl on her right; similarly, the girl on her left is thonged, by thongs passing about her collar, to the given girl's left ankle, and the girl on the given girl's right is thonged, by thongs passing about her collar, to the right ankle of the given girl.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 152

Her wrists had been thonged behind her; her ankles, too, had been crossed and thonged. The thongs were narrow, dark and tight.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 66

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

Three thongs were at her waist, crossing it. There were deep marks in her belly, marking places where she had shifted the thongs from time to time. In their present location they were held well back in her belly, her flesh pushed out about them. Her wrists, triple thonged, were at her sides. She could not bring them forward because of the barrier of the upper crosspiece, over which her arms were hooked, nor could she draw them backwards, for their linkage by the belly thongs. From the narrowness of her waist, even more compressed by the thongs, her body with predictable but luscious subtlety flared upward to the maddening delights, the exquisite excitements, of her upper body, the softness and vulnerability of her bosom, the softness of her shoulders and throat.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 186

The master may put aside days for slave sport mastering her in a hundred ways at his leisure. She learns the blindfold, the gag, ropes, wrapped silken cords, thongs, bracelets, and chains.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 110

She had, thus, been placed in a variation of the most common slave tie which is simply, usually with two short thongs, ropes, straps, laces, or such, to bind the slave hand and foot.
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 570


To The Top

No sooner had I reached the center than one of the sections of the wall rolled back, revealing a portal almost as high as the wall and perhaps thirty feet in width. Through this portal, in two long lines, lashed by overseers, yoked slaves harnessed in chains drew a great wooden platform mounted on heavy wooden wheels. I waited for the platform to emerge into the sunlight.

There were cries of awe and wonder, of pleasure, from the thrilled silver masks of Tharna.

Slowly as the creaking platform rolled out onto the sand, drawn by its struggling slaves, yoked like oxen, I saw the tarn revealed, a black giant, hooded, its beak belted together, a great bar of silver chained to one of its legs.
Outlaw of Gor     Book 2     Pages 118 - 119

"Greetings," I said to her. She was dressed, save for her bondage strings, in much the same way as most of the women of the red hunters, bare-breasted, with high boots and panties. Thistle, however, behind her, was naked, in a northern yoke and on a leather leash. The northern yoke is either of wood or bone, and is drilled in three places. The one Thistle wore was of wood. It was not heavy. It passed behind her neck at which point one of the drilled holes occurred. The other two holes occurred at the terminations of the yoke. A leather strap is knotted about the girl's wrist, passed through the drilled hole at one end of the yoke, usually that on her left, taken up through the hole behind the neck, looped twice about her neck, threaded back down through the center hole, taken up through the other hole at the end, usually the one at her right, and tied about her right wrist. She is thus fastened in the yoke. From each end of the yoke hung a large sack.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Pages 196 - 197

"I am free!" she said.

"You do not appear to be free," I said. She knelt before me, stark naked. She wore an improvised girl-yoke. This consisted of a stout branch, about two inches thick, and some five feet in length, drilled at the center and near the extremities. It fits behind the back of the girl's neck. A long, single thong of rawhide fastens the girl in place. Her left wrist is thonged and then the thong is passed through the drilled aperture in the left end of the yoke. Her wrist is pulled tight to the yoke. The same thong is then taken behind the yoke and passed through the center hole, whence, after having been knotted, to prevent slippage to the left, and having been looped about the girl's neck, usually some five times, and having been knotted again, to prevent slippage to the right, it is returned through the same hole, whence it is taken behind the yoke to the hole drilled at the right-hand extremity of the apparatus. It is passed through that hole and then, of course, is used to fasten the girl's right wrist in place, tightly against the yoke. When this action is completed then, as you can see, the whole package is neatly tied. The knots near the throat bands, in preventing slippage, serve two functions; they hold the girl's wrists against the yoke and, at the same time, prevent any undue stress from being placed on the throat hands. The function of the throat bands is to hold the girl's throat in the yoke, securely and perfectly, not to cause her discomfort, nor to strangle her. Gorean men are not fools in tying women. Longer yokes, such as this, incidentally, are commonly used for marches.

Confined as she is, with her arms extended, a girl can exert almost no leverage to free herself. Smaller yokes, some two to two and a half feet in length, similarly constructed, can be used for other purposes, such as enjoying a girl in the furs. Afterwards she can always be kenneled or chained.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 281

Three separate thongs, incidentally, two short and one long, are sometimes used for this type of securing of the female. In this way of doing things each wrist is tied in the center of one of the short thongs. The two free ends of the short thong are then taken back through the hole and, once through the hole, are simply knotted, heavily. This knot cannot, of course, be drawn back through the small drilled hole by the girl. Her wrists are thus held in place. One end of the longer thong is taken through the center aperture and that thong is then looped about the girl's throat, usually, again, some five times, and then returned through the center aperture. Once through the aperture it is knotted together, heavily, with the other end of the thong. Again, of course, this knot, a heavy one, prevents the thongs from slipping back through the narrow aperture. The girl's neck is thus held closely to the yoke. This, too, of course, is an effective way of securing a girl. Indeed, there is, in my opinion, normally little to choose from between these two yoke ties. Which is preferred may well depend on matters so trivial as the nature and lengths of the binding material available, for example, ropes, cordage, binding fiber, twisted silk, thongs or straps. If there is a preference, perhaps it would be for the single-bond tie. It is stout, and, in its unity, aesthetically attractive. Second only to the absolute helplessness of the female in her ties, in the Gorean mind, is the attractiveness of her bonds. They should be used to enhance her beauty as Well as to imprison it with absolute perfection.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 282

These yoke ties, incidentally, are not to be, confused with a stock tie, or a stock yoke. This is normally a pair of hinged planks, with matched, semicircular openings in the planks. The girl's wrists and neck are placed appropriately between the planks, aligned with the semicircular openings. The planks are then closed and tied or locked shut. Her neck and wrists, then, of course, helplessly, are fixed in place. They find themselves enclosed in effective and perfect constraints. This yoke is sometimes placed on a girl while she is on her back. If the planks are sufficiently wide the girl cannot see what the man is doing to her. She can only feel it. Similar sensations may be induced in a woman by putting her in a slave hood. She may then either be bound or not, as the master pleases.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Pages 282 - 283

Too, it is in such a district that one will find a wide variety of other articles helpful in the identification, keeping, training and disciplining of females, such things as collars, of the fixed and lock variety, leashes, of metal and leather, neck, wrist and ankle, ranging from simple guide thongs to stern control devices, wrist belts and ankle belts, yokes and leg-stretchers, waist-and-wrist stocks, iron belts, to prevent her penetration without the master's permission, linked bracelets, with long chains and short chains, body chains, pleasure shackles, multicolored, silken binding cords, some cored with chain, and, of various types, for various purposes, whips.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 268

On the way, following Feiqa, hurrying ahead of us, we saw a female slave, stripped, carrying a heavy yoke, tied on her, supporting buckets of water.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 294

"They would be in punishment yokes, on their bellies before the overseer, within an Ahn," she said.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 341

I was in the water to my chest, before the raft I drew. I wore a small, improvised yoke, drilled in three places. This was fastened on me by means of three straps, one about each wrist and one about my neck, these straps then being threaded back through the three holes, one behind each wrist and one behind the neck, each then being fastened in its respective place, bound about the wood. This same type of simple yoke, though much lighter, sometimes no more than a narrow board of branch, is sometimes used for female slaves. If the yoke is somewhat stouter and her arms are extended a bucket may be hung on either side of such a yoke.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 103

I rose to my feet. This can be difficult to do in a heavy yoke, a punishment yoke, but was not difficult in the lighter yoke, a work yoke, which I wore.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 122

I freed the wrist stocks from the rings and clips which held it in its slots in the armrests. It could now be lifted out of the slots. She still, of course, wore it. If she were to stand it would still be on her. Sometimes, incidentally, such stocks, and similar stocks, are used to fasten a girl's hands behind her body, at the sides. There is a large variety of stocks, and yokes, of course, for various purposes.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 262

In a few moments Marcus had returned. He had also brought with him a light slave yoke, presumably purchased somewhere, perhaps from the stake attendant.

He then, with great roughness, freeing her tightly bound wrists from behind her back, fastened Phoebe, she gasping, wincing, in the yoke.

"You are yoked, slut of Cos," he said, examining his handiwork.

"Yes, Master!" she said, happily.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 492

I glanced to the two vessels, to the side, now filled with water, and the associated yoke, thrice drilled, with slender leather straps wrapped about it, at the center and near the ends. The wooden vessels would be heavy in themselves for such a small, lovely creature, let alone when weighted with a filling of liquid. She, too, following my eyes, regarded these things.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 300 301

I put the yoke across her shoulders.

"Master!" she said.

I loosened the thongs at the center of the yoke and then, by means of them, looped about her neck and tied, fastened the yoke on her. I then used the thongs on her right to fasten her right hand to the yoke there, and then, to her left, similarly served her left hand. I then stepped back to regard her, fastened in the yoke, her hands widely separated.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 327

"Where is your yoke, with the attached buckets?" I asked. "Doubtless you would look well, carrying water in such a device."
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 79

The light yoke was still across her shoulders, and, suspended from it, on two short chains, each culminating in a hook, were two pails. As she knelt, the pails could rest on the deck.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 278

My yoke, with its burden of food and drink, was heavy, at least for me. I hoped I would not see Grendel returning from the outside. One of the guards waved me forward, impatiently. He did not bother to use his translator, nor was there any need to do so. I tried to hurry, but not so much that I might fall. I was sure that would displease the beasts. What might be a simple cuff from a man might break my neck if it were delivered by a Kur. The yoke cut across my shoulders.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 557

I glanced to the river, where the prisoners, each bearing two leather sacks of water, dangling from the ends of a curved-branch yoke on their shoulders, were climbing up toward the camp from the river bank.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 357

"Do you not see what has been done to me? Take me out of this terrible place! Take me out of this pen! It is a pen! A pen! Take me out of this pen! It is a pen for slaves, for slaves! Do you not know what is done with us here, what is expected of us, what we must do! Do you not understand the dirt, the filth, the darkness, the long days in the fields, the arduous labors, the digging, the carrying of sacks of dirt on our backs, the being yoked, the carrying buckets of water, the switches of the overseers!"
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 192

"I would like to hitch you to a plow and use the whip on you," said Thurnock. It is not unusual, in the fields, to yoke slave girls and use them to plow.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 395

"What do you think of our stock?" asked Rupert.

"Pretty enough," said the Peasant. "They could do to pour swill in the tarsk pens, but they are too light for the plow, even if yoked together."
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 445