Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar


Welcome to ~The Gorean Cave~ . . . I am Fogaban.

This may not be the first Gorean website you've been to. And certainly, it may not be the only Gorean website you visit.

Many other sites talk of the Gorean Saga, the Chronicles of Counter Earth, but they may not tell you the truth. Other sites may show what looks like a quote but provide no book reference.

Here at ~The Gorean Cave~ I provide what the books say -- and then support it with book number and page.

Seriously, why else would you search the net for Gorean information if you did not want to know the truth?

Obviously, all credit goes to John Norman as the original author. I have simply compiled sections of his text into different groups and categories.

Caste of Builders

You might expect an extensive collection of Gorean knowledge to be provided and maintained by one of the Caste of Scribes.

However, I am of the Caste of Builders.

You may find it silly that I would make such a claim. So I will just say, you'll either understand this or you won't. And I'll make no excuses if you don't.

Instead of being the librarian here, I consider this as a place I have built where those who seek the truth may come to learn.

All my work here, I have done for you.

Buy The Book

~The Gorean Cave~ is NOT a substitute for the books themselves.
There is no alternative for reading the Books yourself.

Find them, buy them and read them. Here are two links where you can buy your own books, eBooks and Amazon.

Now, as you read what you find here, you can have your own copy of the book I reference. Find the page, read the quote yourself and then read all of the surrounding text too. *

You will then realize that this is the most accurate source of reference material anywhere.

By The Book

Most other Gorean websites are nothing more than deposits of what has been read elsewhere - and not what the books actually say. This only adds to the glut of misinformation.

The uninformed, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of this misinformation, cannot help but believe it to be true. They think, "This must be correct. So many different sites say so."

But is it really the truth? Is it really By The Book?

The slave position of 'Karta' is one perfect example of something that has propagated across countless Gorean websites:

"Karta Position:
Lean forward placing breasts and forehead against the floor. Reach out with arms fully extended, palms against floor. Ankles may be crossed or uncrossed. Shows utmost respect. Requests may be made from this position."

This is nothing more than blatant make-believe.
The simple fact is the word 'Karta' does not even appear in the series.

In what I provide here, I did not copy from another website.
Instead I present this material to refute what most websites say. I present here, the truth.

Just a sample of truths you will find within these pages . . .
  º Is it proper for a slave to greet a Free Person with the word Tal? - Yes
  º Did a serving slave ever hold a vessel to her breast for "three beats of a slave's heart"? - No
  º Is it true a female Physician is not admitted to full practice until she has two children? - Yes
  º Did a slave, preparing for a serve, ever 'sweeten the vessel' before serving it? - No!

* Due to different formats, publishers, printings, font sizes and words per page, my page references may not align exactly with the book you have.
All book page references throughout ~The Gorean Cave~ are taken from my own printed editions.
The publisher, edition and printing of the books I have, and from which all of my quotes are taken, can be found on the Book Statistics page.
Throughout ~The Gorean Cave~ quotes from Books 31, 32 and 33 were transcribed from eBooks. My original eBooks begin on page 1.
The printed copies of these Books, published by Open Roads, begin on page 3.
What this means is that every reference from Books 31, 32 and 33 are "off" by two page numbers.
Therefore, should you research a printed Open Roads book, add two page numbers to every quote of Books 31, 32 and 33.
While you may consider this an inconvenience, I have no intention of going through the hundreds of pages of ~The Gorean Cave~ and changing every quote.

I wish you well,
