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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
"do you have anything on the rite of knives"


Using the word 'rite', I found only one reference the 'rite of knives'. It is here.

I wish you well,

"May I not remain a moment, Captain?" asked Rissia. She turned to face me.
"Very well," I said.
"I ask the rite of knives," she said.
"Very well," I said.
One of my men held Ilene by the arms. She was frightened.
Two daggers were brought. One was given to Rissia. The other was pressed into the unwilling hand of Ilene.
Ilene was thrust forward to the sand before my chair. Rissia faced her.
"I, I do not understand," stammered Ilene.
"You are to fight to the death," I told her.
She looked at Rissia. "No!" she wept. "No!" Ilene threw away the knife.
"Kneel," ordered Rissia.
Ilene did.
Rissia stood behind her.
"Do not hurt me," begged Ilene.
"Address me as Mistress," said Rissia.
"Please do not hurt me, Mistress," begged Ilene.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Pages 314 - 315

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