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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
The meaning behind kissing the side of a drinking vessel.

No form of manners. No chance of being civil, or gracious, or considerate, or just plain old polite.
There is no "Hello, my name is bla-bla. Thank you so much for your work. Would you please answer a question for me. I have searched all your work here at ~The Gorean Cave~ but I cannot find my answer. So, is there a meaning behind kissing the side of a drinking vessel?"
Thank you so much Fogaban.

Just the half sentence: "The meaning behind kissing the side of a drinking vessel."

I already know the answer to your question but what if someone did not?

One could read the entire series, but that's quite an extreme.
Oh wait, someone has already done that for you.
However it's possible you've looked and just were not looking in the right place or not sure how to look, even if you were in the right place.

So, first of all, if you have a question about a slave serve, the place to look, for one, is The Gorean Cave > Serves > In Context which is here.

Now that we've found the right place, there is the "how to look".

At the bottom of the page there is a Search box where you can type in the key words.
However, this will search all of ~The Gorean Cave~ so typing in kissing drinking vessel, for instance, will return quite a few references.

The next option is a keyboard shortcut you can use to search any web page: Ctrl + F
In this case, just type in the word kiss

The word kiss shows 36 times.

Now you can read all of the instances where 'kiss' is shown in the context of a serve.

Is there a special meaning to kissing the side of a drinking vessel?

Like I said, I already know the answer.
You, on the other hand, just because you were rude, can figure it out for yourself.


- - - footnote - - -

The person originally posting this wrote to me and apologized for appearing to come across in a rude manner.
It took fortitude to do so and shows to me an integrity and personal worth of this individual.

In all fairness, it seems that my instructions for the question text box could have been interpreted to only allow the few words within the white area.
I have corrected this by adding an "allowed characters" statement.

In my reply, I also went on to isolate a few key passages from which one could reason that a girl kissing the side of a drinking vessel demonstrates her subservience, appreciation at being allowed to serve a master, her being made available to him. Indeed, perhaps even her love of him.


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