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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
"this girl humbly begs, for all and any quotes pertaining to treason, deceit lies by a slave"


No, I will not provide ALL instances. Perhaps you did not fully understand the instructions. However here are a few quotes pertaining to your request.


Too, slave girls seldom lie, for the punishments connected with lying can be extremely severe. A girl may be thrown alive to sleen for having lied.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 299

"I would have opened the door," she said.
"A slave might be slain for such a lie," I said.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 117

"Surely you do not think him as handsome as I?" I asked.
She looked at me, startled.
"Well?" I asked.
"Master jests," she said.
"Oh?" I said, not altogether pleased.
"Apparently Master wishes to beat his slave," she said, uncertainly.
"Why?" I asked.
"If I tell the truth," she said, "it seems I shall displease my master and be beaten, and if I should not tell the truth, it seems I must lie to my master, and then, a lying slave girl, be beaten, or worse!"
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 438 - 439

"Your assertion might be construed as meaning that you had committed some treason against yourself; or, perhaps, as meaning merely that you had revealed, or manifested, yourself. Let us consider, first, the matter of treason. A free woman might, possibly, feel that she had betrayed herself, in this sense, if she had so yielded to a man as to supply him with some perhaps subtle hint as to the latency of her slave reflexes. A slave girl, on the other hand, cannot commit treason against herself in this sense, for she is a slave. To commit this type of treason one must have a right, say, to deceive others as to one's sensuality, to conceal one's sexuality, and so on. The slave girl, an owned animal, under the command of her master, does not have this sort of right. Indeed, she has no rights. Accordingly, she cannot commit this sort of treason. Her legal status precludes its possibility. She may, of course, rationally, fear the consequences of her responsiveness being discovered, thus increasing, perhaps to her terror, in a slave culture, her desirability. Similarly she may lie, or attempt to lie, about her responsiveness, but she is then, of course, merely a lying slave and, when found out, will be treated accordingly."
"Such treason, then," she said, "can be committed only by a free woman."
"Yes," I said. "It is a luxury not permitted to the slave."
"It is a function only of the free woman's right to lie, and defraud, others?" she asked.
"Yes," I said. "It is possible, of course, for the slave, subjectively, psychologically, to feel that she has committed this treason, for she may, mistakenly, be still regarding herself, implicitly, as a free woman."
"But she cannot, in fact, have committed it, because she is a slave?" asked the girl.
"Yes," I said.
"I understand, Master," she said, bitterly.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Pages 189 - 190

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