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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
"was hopeing could help get quots showing Master did whip slaves for for more then what stated and also earth slaves where whipped to be taught what they needed to know"


Be known that you are perfectly within your rights as a master to administer whatever discipline you see fit. This is obvious from many quotes, my favorite being this one;

"The discipline of a slave," I said, "may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her master did not learn of it." The legal principle was clear, and had been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar.
Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 122

But to more directly answer your question as to masters whipping slaves for a good reason, bad reason or no reason at all, following are several quotes I am sure you will appreciate.
Lastly, as for a slave being whipped in the learning of the Gorean language, this question has already been answered. Search Request #8

"It is growing late, and I am weary," said Boots to Lady Telitsia. "It will be time enough in the morning to whip you."
"Whip me?" she gasped.
"I will then be fresher and can lay the lash to you more roundly," he said.
"The lash?" she queried.
"Yes," he said.
"You're joking!" she said.
"You may ponder that tonight, while chained in the girl wagon," he said.
"But why?" she asked.
"You have not been pleasing," he said, "not that that matters that much. As you know, no excuse, explanation, defense or reason is required to justify the whipping of a female slave. She may be beaten for any reason, or for no reason, whenever the master wishes. She may be whipped even, if he wishes, on the outcome of the spinning of a wheel or the cast of a die."
Players of of Gor     Book 20     Page 202

"I do not think you have beaten her much lately," said Boabissia.
"No," I said.
"Why not?" asked Boabissia.
"She is now pretty well trained," I said.
"'Trained,'" said Boabissia.
"Yes," I said, "ideally, once a girl is trained, suitably trained, of course, there is not likely to be much call for beating her. She may also, of course," I said, "be beaten at the master's pleasure, for any reason or for no reason."
"Of course," said Boabissia. "She is a slave."
"Too, some masters feel that a girl should be whipped once in a while, if only to help her keep clearly in mind that she is still a slave. Such whippings, occasionally administered, are thought by many to have a salutary effect on her."
"Of course," said Boabissia. "One must be strict with slaves."
"To be sure," I said, "a skilled, diligent slave is seldom beaten."
"Perhaps," said Boabissia, "but I think it is still good for them to feel the whip once in a while."
"Perhaps you are right," I said.
Mercenaries of Gor Book 21     Page 233

"You taught me a lesson this evening, did you not?"
"Perhaps," I said.
"That a master requires no reason, to put me under even the harshest of disciplines."
"That is true," I said.
. . .
"A man may do to me whatever he wants, at any time, may he not?" she asked.
"Yes," I said.
"He needs no reason," she said.
"No," I said.
"But a man, commonly," she asked, "would not hurt me or abuse me without a reason, would he?"
"He may do so, if he wishes," I said, "particularly in your training, but, of course, normally he would not do so. There would simply be no point to it. There are better things to do to a woman, once she is trained, than hurt her."
"If I please my master, he will not hurt me, will he?" she asked.
"He will, if it pleases him," I said.
"But if I am totally pleasing to him, fully, and as an abject slave girl," she pressed, "he will not be likely to be pleased to hurt me, will he?"
"No," I said, "of course not. You must understand, of course, that if you are displeasing in the least particular that will be a sufficient reason for him to put you under whatever discipline he desires."
Explorers of of Gor     Book 13     Pages 297 - 298

The major point of the restraint is to restrain not hurt. Indeed, pain can interfere with many of the diverse subsidiary values of restraints, physical and psychological. It can be distractive. Pain is a bit like the whip. The slave is subject to the whip, and truly subject to it, but this does not mean that she is necessarily whipped; that she could be whipped, and will be whipped, if she is not pleasing, is what is important, not that she need be whipped. Why should one beat a pleasing slave? To be sure, there are no bargains, contracts or arrangements in these matters, and the slave may be beaten whenever the master pleases, with or without a reason. She is, after all, a slave. Similarly, along these lines, to be perfectly honest, I have upon occasion used thumb cuffs on females, when it has seemed to me there was a point in doing so, or when it pleased me to do so.
Renegades of of Gor     Book 23 Page 327

A girl must be careful, of course; should she in anyway irritate, or not please, her master she may be switched or whipped.
In some cities, once a day, a girl must kneel and kiss the whip which, if she is not sufficiently pleasing to her master, will be used to beat her.
Marauders of of Gor     Book 9     Page 151

"Are you the owner of this slave?" asked the free woman of Boots Tarsk-Bit.
"Yes, Lady," he said.
"I suggest that she be beaten," she said.
"Perhaps an excellent suggestion," said Boots Tarsk-Bit, "as she is a slave, but have you any special reason in mind, not that one needs one, of course."
Players of of Gor     Book 20     Page 126

A slave girl is subject to discipline. She may be struck with or without reason. Usually, of course, the master would have a reason, however trivial it might be. Sometimes, of course, he may strike her with no obvious reason whatsoever, even one which is trivial. This serves to remind her that she is a slave and that no reason is needed to strike her.
Fighting Slave of of Gor     Book 14     Page 104

"The whip, tell him of the whip, Master!" said Lavinia.
"It is a symbol of authority, and an instrument of discipline," I said. "The slave is subject to it. Some masters think it is useful to occasionally use it on a slave, if only to remind her that she is a slave."
Magicians of of Gor     Book 25     Page 466

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