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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
I was in The Lost City today and was told one of the warriors of the city, broke into a ans house, punched the mans slave, dragged her out of the house, slit her throat an then cut open her belly, ripped the slaves unborn baby out (she was 5 months pregnant) and then slit the babys throat. I have been in Gor for 15 years and I FULLY believe what just happened is NOT Gorean, could a slave be killed for any reason? Yes, but NOT if pregnant. Goreans valued life above all. Can you please find me ANY quote regarding a pregnant woman, slave or not, being killed. Mσяgσтн Ƙσвιcнєηкσ Ɗαηѕє (Chaos Diesel)


Could such a thing have happened? Yes, I suppose so. But more than likely some much greater, underlying intrigue and a major plot line would need to be the driving force. Something involving the unborn baby destined to become some future leader, or the bastard son of a great Ubar who would have been able to claim some linage or some such drivel.

There is no doubt Gor is a harsh world and some pretty gruesome shit happens from time to time. But you won’t find a quote where a slave is shown to be killed, pregnant or not because there are no quotes showing ANY slave being killed. And then you won’t find a quote where a slave WOULD have been killed but she was spared because she is pregnant. And finally, in no way am I going down the road of “well, the books don’t say it DIDN’T happen so it COULD happen” in an attempt to prove a negative silliness.

Since there is no direct proof for what you ask, I would need to resort to reason. This means looking at what 37 books tell us of the Gorean experience and drawing conclusions based on what we DO know.

Again, this requires reason and it seems evident whomever played out this scenario is sorely lacking any reasoning ability. Therefore, I am not going to spend several hours of my time in an attempt to refute the actions.

All of that is my basis for agreeing with you that “what just happened is NOT Gorean” just not WHY you believe it wrong.

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