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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
In one of the books Tarl was on a travel rode driving a Bosk wagon and there was a mention of places on the road like Gorean truck stops called something like, "canaverse". I think I was in only one book. Could you give me the correct spelling and book?


I believe the word you are looking for is caravanserai.

A caravanserai, this time specifically the caravanserai of Hogarth, is described in detail in Book 34, Plunder of Gor, chapter 64.

Here are a couple excerpts:

Toward the fifteenth Ahn our wagon had drawn into the large caravanserai of Hogarth, thirty pasangs from Ar, by the pasang stone, and, already, better than a hundred wagons were housed there. By the eighteenth Ahn there must have been more than four hundred. It is said that during the holidays, particularly those associated with the vernal equinox, at which point Goreans begin their year, as many as a thousand wagons might be quartered in the "Hogarth fields," which includes the compass of the caravanserai proper and, beyond that, an extensive over-flow area. Despite the fact that we had arrived fairly early at the caravanserai, the masters had rented space rather at the edge of the caravanserai, bordering on the enlarged area, which now at this time of year, was largely vacant. Paula and I were not clear on the motivation for this selection, but we supposed that it had to do either with price or a desire for privacy, most likely privacy, given the fact that our party included Lord Grendel and Eve, the sight of whom would doubtless arouse curiosity, if not provoke alarm. We noticed, shortly after our arrival, as our wagon patiently threaded its way amongst other wagons, on its way to our lot, the wagon we had wondered about earlier. It had apparently arrived well ahead of us. Paula and I felt chagrined. How foolish had been our fears.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 613

The caravanserai of Hogarth was extensive, but it was also, in many ways, typical of such enterprises, furnished with amenities, a commissary, and various shops. An administration building was prominent, nearly fronting on the Viktel Aria. It was there that spaces, marked with numbered poles, might be rented. Near the administration building was an inn, where one might eat and lodge, though few of the guests, proportionately, availed themselves of this luxury. On the way through the wagons I noted several kitchens where food might be purchased, a clothing emporium, a barbering shop, two bakeries, four wine shops, two outlets of houses on the Street of Coins in Ar, sheds for wagon repair, an infirmary or clinic, under the green sign of the caste of Physicians, and at least five taverns. Each wagon yard had its tiny corral, or pen, for the housing and feeding of draft animals, whether tharlarion, kaiila, or bosk, and a bricked fire pit. As a number of wells were scattered about the grounds water was readily available, seldom more than a few Ehn from any marked location. Of special interest to Paula and myself was the fact that our wagon yard, which bordered on the periphery of the caravanserai property was adjacent to one of the slave pools, these located about the periphery of the caravanserai proper, away from the road. Closer to the center of the camp were private enclosures where free women might refresh themselves, bathing themselves or being bathed by serving slaves. Similar arrangements were available to free men, but were not enclosed. Goreans, on the whole, tend to be concerned with matters of personal cleanliness.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 614

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