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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Is there ever any physical description of the Others? I believe they are mentioned to be humanoid at some point, but that is very vague, is there any further description?


I believe you are referring to the men with grayish skin and eyes like glass. These men are mentioned in Book 4, the first time on page 47

With him had been a tall, strange man, broad of shoulder with large hands, a grayish face, eyes almost like glass. He had frightened her. He wore a dark suit of expensive cloth and tailoring, and yet somehow it seemed not that he wore it as one accustomed to such garments.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 47

"How then are you a rich merchant?" I asked.

"A man met me," said Saphrar, "a tall man rather dreadful actually - with a face as gray as stone and eyes like glass."

I immediately recalled Elizabeth's description of the man who had examined her for fitness to bear the message collar - on Earth!
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 196

And then, with this mention, it sounds like these “Gray Men” are the Others.

"How did the gray man know where the golden sphere was?" I asked.

"He said once," said Saphrar, "that he was told -"

"By whom?" I asked.

"I do not know," said Saphrar.

"You know no more?"

"No," said Saphrar.

I speculated. The Others - those of power, not Priest-Kings, must, to some extent, understand or sense the politics the needs and policies of the remote denizens of the Sardar - they were probably not altogether unaware of the business of Priest-Kings, particularly not now, following the recent War of Priest-Kings, after which many humans had escaped the Place of Priest-Kings and now wandered free, if scoffed at and scorned for the tales they might bear - possibly from these, or from spies or traitors in the Nest itself, the Others had learned - the Others, I was sure, would neither jeer nor scoff at the stories told by vagabonds of Priest-Kings.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 200

However, on the very next page it shows that the “Gray Men” are not the Others but perhaps a man or men who work for the Others.

The second objective, that of obtaining the egg for themselves, was already almost accomplished; Kutaituchik had been killed and it had been stolen from his wagon; there was left only to deliver it to the gray man, who would, in turn, deliver it to the Others whoever or whatever they might be.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 201

So then, who are the Others?
Book 5 begins to give us more clues

"Priest-Kings," said Misk, "unlike humans are not an aggressive organism. It is enough for us to have the security of our own territory. Moreover, those whom you call the Others no longer have their own world. It died with their sun. They live in a set of Master Ships, each almost an artificial planet in itself. As long as these ships remain outside the fifth ring, that of the planet Earthmen call Jupiter, the Goreans Hersius, after a legendary hero of Ar, we do not fight."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 65

And finally, Book 9 gives us the direct connection saying the Others are the Kurii.

This was, to my knowledge, the boldest and most dangerous move of the Others, the Kurii, to this date.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 176

And then to conclude with the answer to your question, here is at least one of the descriptions of a Kur.

It was an incredibly hideous, large-eyed, furred thing. It had wide, pointed ears. It stood perhaps eight or nine feet high. It may have weighed seven or eight hundred pounds. It had a wide, two-nostriled, leathery snout. Its mouth was huge, large enough to take a man's head into it, and it was rimmed with two rows of stout fangs. There were four larger fangs, long and curved, for grasping, in the position of the canines. The upper two fangs protruded at the side of the jaws when its mouth was closed. It had a long, dark tongue. Its forelegs were larger than its hind legs. I had seen it move, shambling on its hind legs, and on the knuckles of its forelegs, but now I saw that what I had taken as forelegs were not unlike arms and hands. Indeed, they had six digits, several jointed, almost like tentacles, which terminated in clawlike growths, which had been blunted and filed. It also had claws on its hind legs, or feet, which were retractable, as the mountebank demonstrated, issuing sharp voice commands to the beast. The hind legs, or feet, like the forelegs, or hands, if one may so speak, were also six-digited and multiply jointed. They were large and spreading. The claws, as I saw when they were exposed, upon the order of the mountebank, were better than four inches long, curved and sharp. I could not even determine in my mind whether to think of it as a four-footed animal, with unusual prehensile forelegs, or as something manlike, with two legs and two arms, with hands. It was tailless.

Perhaps most horrifying were the eyes. They were large and black-pupiled. For an instant I thought they rested upon me, and saw me, but not as an animal sees, but as something might see that is not an animal. Then, again, they were simple and vacant, those of a mountebank's performing beast.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 103

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