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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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Hello! Thank you for reading this and I hope you're having a good day. I remember reading in one of the books about men dressing their slaves up in free womens attire, robes of concealment etc. I think it was for entertainment purposes but I can't recall fully. Any pointers to it would be helpful! Thank you again.


Yes, there are indeed cases within the books where a slave is dressed as a Free Woman.

I can recall three times.
One is in Book 10 when Tarl dresses Alyena in the haik of a Free Woman.
Next, shortly after this, Tarl encounters Ibn Saran who has disguised Vella as a Free Woman.
And then, in Book 25, Phoebe is disguised as a Free Woman.

I also remember a situation with Lady Bina and a slave disguised as a Free Woman to effect a swap but I was unable to put my finger on the quote.

Following me down the gangplank, clad in a black haik, could have been only my companion, the pitiful free woman who shared my poverty. The haik, black, covers the woman from head to toe. At the eyes, there is a tiny bit of black lace, through which she may see. On her feet were soft, black, nonheeled slippers, with curled toes; they were decorated with a line of silver thread.

Beneath the haik none needed know the woman was naked and wore a collar.
. . .

A merchant passed me, climbing the stones of the street. He wore a striped, hooded, sleeved, loose robe, a djellaba. The striping was that of the Teehra, a district southwest of Tor, bordering on the Tahari. Following him, in a black haik, was a woman. Suddenly I was startled. As she passed me, her stride small and measured, I heard the clink of light chain, the sound of ankle bells. She was slave.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 44

In attending the great theater last night we had conceded to public opinion, or, more particularly, to the sensibilities of free women, clothing Phoebe modestly, or at least somewhat modestly. Indeed, had we not, we would probably not have been permitted within with her. First we draped a sheet about her. Then, with a piece of cloth, we rigged a veil. After this we drew the sheet up in the back and put it about her head, that it might also serve as a hood. Phoebe herself, of course, held the sheet about her. When we were finished we thought it a job rather well done, an approximation to the robes of concealment, hood and veil. Little more than Phoebe's soft, dark eyes and the bridge of her nose could be seen, except, of course, at the bottom, where one might detect her bared ankles and feet. We did not think that Phoebe would relax her vigilance in clutching the sheet about her. She was naked beneath it.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 112

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