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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Tal, Master...In just about every instance of a girl serving in the books it states she knelt "before" him. Never to the his side. When we serve in the virtual world we serve kneeling to the left side. Is "before him" literal, as in facing him? Or would she still be kneeling before him even if on the side? I am not even sure there will be a clear answer for this. I am not able to find one instance where she knelt to his side when serving. It is not a huge deal, but if it was clear that she was actually facing him, we would change this. Unless he was at a table, which is rarely the case for us. Though, kneeling under the table can be fun :) Thank you.


Interesting question and one I have not considered before.

In looking through the page here at ~The Gorean Cave~ where every instance of a serve is described, I didn’t find where it is mandated the slave kneel directly in front.

However, if something keeps the girl from being "before" him, I also didn’t find where she is punished. Here is one example where had the girl moved to "kneel before him" she would have obscured the map and no doubt would have been punished.
One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it. I looked at him, angrily over the brim of the cup. Then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him. He took it, scarcely noticing me, and returned his attention to the map in the dirt, which was of importance.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 89
The overall preponderance of the evidence suggests that kneeling before him is appropriate but not required.

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