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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Tal. I am looking for some reference to the "Independent Islands" mentioned on your map page, thus; "Independent Islands, N of Cos, form archipelago shaped like a NE leaning scimitar" If you can find some definitive reference, I would appreciate it. I wish you well.


The words "Independent Islands" do not appear anywhere within the series.

The reference you make to these words comes from the research of Marcus_of_Ar and what he used to create the very popular map of Gor.

As he begins the outline of his research he says:
"This unofficial map of known Gor was assembled by me as part of an ongoing project, through which I hoped to gain a better understanding of the action described in John Norman's Gor series, and as an aid to any who felt that such a map would enable them to better visualize Norman's fictional world."
Therefore, there is no mention of "Independent Islands". This was just one heading of many clues Marcus_of_Ar used to create his map.

If you wish quotes from the series on the islands, I suggest going to my research I refer to as the Gorean Index.

You can find a link to it as one of the big boxes on the right side of ~The Gorean Cave~.
From that page, look for a link on the left titled Land Areas.
Next, click on Islands and press the Search button.

There you will find references to all the mentioned islands on Gor.

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