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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Are there specific book quotes that only Initiates, Players, and Assassins castes do not admit women? I found such a statement in Luther's scroll on Female Warriors. I agree with him and you that women may be in the Warrior Caste, BtB, though not as warriors. But I just heard a teacher claim women couldn't even be in the Warrior Caste and teach this as BtB. (Her reasoning was specious to me, but many new students might have accepted what she said as BtB.) I'm trying to collect book quotes to correct this so that students aren't misled, and if Luther's statement is backed by the books, that would help. (I personally believe that what you teach in your Women and Swords essay is correct BtB, and I hate to see others taught wrongly.) But if the books don't support this statement, though, I'd like to know as well. Thank you for providing such excellent information!


Those of the Caste of Initiates abstain from women, to the point of not even touching them.

The only Gorean caste which, as far as I know, officially believes in an afterlife is that of the Initiates,
. . .

They also, supposedly, and perhaps actually, on the whole, abstain from alcohol and women.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 279

It is forbidden for Initiates to touch women, and, of course, for women to touch them.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 17

So it is a reasonable statement to say there are no women Initiates.

It also seems reasonable that there would not be any women Assassins. However, there is no quote to support, or even allude to, that.

As for the Caste of Players, I don't know how this group even got included. Again, there is no quote to support, or even allude to, the fact that there are no women allowed.

It is impossible to prove a negative.

I do appreciate you mentioning my essay on Women and Swords. And I stand by what I wrote there.

Finally, your mention of some "teacher" saying there are no women in the Caste of Warriors . . . she would have to claim Talena never actually existed.

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