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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
"are the names of the moons mentioned in the scrolls and if so what are they. If they are not...would the Master still know what are the on-line names."


To answer your question first, the moons of Gor are referred to as one larger and the other two smaller. One of the smaller moons is named the Prison Moon for no reason that is understood.

"I looked up and saw the three moons of Gor, the large moon and the two small ones, one of the latter called the Prison Moon, for no reason I understood."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 170

In the first book, Tarl says all three moons are "small" but this might be in comparison to Earth's moon. They usually seem to be full but do have individual phases and there are lunar eclipses.

Evidently in their orbits they move across the sky fairly quickly for they are said to be hurtling, rushing, coursing, swift, and having fled across the black sky.
As here on Earth, the moons appear to be larger when close to the horizon and then smaller when overhead since it is said that the moons were down to being looming, large, dominating, seemingly close enough to touch to being high in the sky.

They are described as being white and bright, to being faint, pale white disks.

And finally, the largest of the three is evidently the one used to count lunar months and affect breeding cycles.

As far as what the moons are called online, I would have no idea. Obviously though, if they are named anything other than what is here, it is as "made up" as the Kassar language.

I wish you well,

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