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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Age is considered a disease by the physicians caste that has been"cured" by the "stabilization serum" (I recall reference to it in books 1, 5, & 7: I'm currently on book 8). It is also, in "Tarnsmen", indicated that Tarl's father is perhaps several hundred years old, but appears to be in his 40's. Is there any reference as to the life span of men that the serum provides? A similar serum used by Priest Kings almost makes them immortal (i.e. million + year life span for them), but slave wars before Tarl became Gorean lasted a generation. Is there any indication of what a Gorean human life span is?

The earliest Stabilization Serums might wear off in a few hundred years.
Parp said he was over 300 years old.
Matthew Cabot was over 600 years old.

With refinement, the effect now lasts indefinitely.

So, while you still remain vulnerable and mortal, the Gorean human life span is indefinite.

I wish you well,

"Of course," said Misk, "but we have allowed them to develop in many areas - in medicine, for example, where something approximating the Stabilization Serums has been independently developed."

"What is that?" I asked.

"You have surely not failed to notice," said Misk, "that though you came to the Counter-Earth more than seven years ago you have undergone no significant physical alteration in that time."

"I have noticed," I said, "and I wondered on this."

"Of course," said Misk, "their serums are not as effective as ours and sometimes do not function, and sometimes the effect wears off after only a few hundred years."
Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 124

"You spoke of knowing the Cabots for four hundred years," I said.

"Yes," said Misk, "and your father, who is a brave and noble man, has served us upon occasion, though he dealt only, unknowingly, with Implanted Ones. He first came to Gor more than six hundred years ago."

"Impossible!" I cried.

"Not with the stabilization serums," remarked Misk.
Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 126

"You were English," I said.

"Yes," he said, smiling.

"Brought here on one of the Voyages of Acquisition?"

"Of course," he said.

Parp regarded his pipe with annoyance. It had gone out. He began to pinch some tobacco from the pouch he wore at his belt.

"How long ago?" I asked.

He began to try to stuff the tobacco into the bowl of the pipe. Given the gravitational alteration this was no easy task. "Do you know of these things?" asked Parp, without looking up.

"I know of the Stabilization Serums," I said.

Parp glanced up from the pipe, holding his thumb over the bowl to prevent the tobacco from floating out of it, and smiled. "Three centuries," he said, and then returned his attention to the pipe.
Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 288

But different human beings respond differently to the Stabilization Serums, and the Serums are more effective with some than with others. With some the effect lasts indefinitely, with others it wears off after but a few hundred years, with some the effect does not occur at all, with others, tragically, the effect is not to stabilize the pattern but to hasten its degeneration.
Assassin of Gor Book 5 Pages 30 - 31

"What is the meaning of the stabilization serums?" I had asked Sucha.

She had kissed me. "They will keep you much as you are," she said, "young and beautiful."
Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 282

"Not at all," he said. "You are human, very human. You are extremely mortal. It is only that you are now, assuming the serums hold, immune to the ravages of age."
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 301

By means of these serums a given phase of maturation, say, beauty in a woman, strength in a man, and so on, may be retained indefinitely.
Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 29

You will also, in your house of training, receive a set of injections. These constitute what we refer to as the 'stabilization serums'. Some centuries ago the caste of Physicians addressed itself to what is sometimes known as the drying and withering disease, what one might call in English, "ageing." This was regarded on Gor not as an inevitability, as commonly on Earth, but as a medical issue, susceptible to treatment and, later, to prevention. The stabilization serums are complex and have, I am told, a number of special applications and variations. You need not, however, concern yourselves with these, You will receive the basic series, which, in effect, in most cases, assures pattern stability. I see you do not understand. To simplify matters, your body will remain much as it is as long as you live. You will, thus, retain, indefinitely, your youth and beauty, your beauty such as it is, of course. I see you are surprised. Do not be confused. You remain vulnerable and mortal. You are spared merely the miseries and degradations of age, only those.
Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 78

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