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Gorean Book Quote Requests

Requests 1-173 were asked and answered back when there were only 25 books.
Also, some of the early questions were unintentionally truncated and cannot be restored. However, the answers are shown in their totality.

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 Q #  Question 
Tal Fogoban, I have a request for a quote on smoking a pipe on Gor. Is this somewhere in the books? Thanks! Vynka

Yes, smoking a pipe is mentioned in the books.

However Parp is the only person shown to use tobacco. And since he lived in the Sardar Mountains, his experience is unique. Other than his one example, tobacco is unknown on Gor.

I wish you well,

To my amazement a man stepped from the passage, blinking against the sun. He was clad in a white robe, somewhat resembling those of the Initiates. He wore sandals. His cheeks were red and his head bald. He had long whiskery sideburns which flared merrily from his muffinlike face. Small bright eyes twinkled under heavy white eyebrows. Most was I surprised to find him holding a tiny, round pipe from which curled a bright wisp of smoke. Tobacco is unknown on Gor, though there are certain habits or vices to take its place, in particular the stimulation afforded by chewing on the leaves of the Kanda plant, the roots of which, oddly enough, when ground and dried, constitute an extremely deadly poison.
Priest-Kings of Gor     Book 3     Page 24 - 25

"Where did you get tobacco and a pipe?" I asked, for I knew of none such on Gor."As you might imagine," said Parp, "I acquired the habit originally on Earth and, since I have returned to Earth several times as an Agent of Priest-Kings, I have had the opportunity to indulge it. On the other hand, in the last few years, I have grown my own tobacco below in the Nest under lamps."
Priest-Kings of Gor     Book 3     Page 288 - 289

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