Eleventh Month
Passage Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Caste of Fishermen

Here are relevant references from the Books where the Caste of Fishermen is mentioned.
While not specifically titled a Caste, this group is mentioned along with others that are.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

Supporting References

Another popular set of weapons, as in the ancient ludi of Rome is the net and trident. Usually those most skilled with this set of weapons are from the shore and islands of distant, gleaming Thassa, the sea, where they doubtless originally developed among fishermen.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 189

"What were you before?" I asked.
"An eel fisher," he said.
"What city?"
"The Isle of Cos," he said.
I looked to another man.
"What is your caste?" I asked.
"I am of the peasants," he said proudly.
Then I again regarded the eel fisher, who was first oar.
"Were you a good fisherman?" I asked.
"Yes," he said. "I was."
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 84

Thurnock, the peasant, and Clitus, the fisherman
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 87

He had purchased the net in the morning, with a trident, the traditional weapons of the fisherman of the western shore and the western islands.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 112

We could smell fish and the river.
Through the fog we could see men moving about, here and there, some low wooden huts. Several of the men must be fishermen, already returning with a first catch, who had hunted the river's surface with torches and tridents at night. Others, with nets, were moving down toward the water. We could see poles of fish hanging to the sides.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 78

I suddenly became afraid that I might be sold in this river port to spend the rest of my life as the slave of a fisherman or woodsman, cooking and tending his hut.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 87

I looked about myself. Most of the people seemed poor, fishermen, sawyers, porters, peasants. Most wore simple garments of plain wool, or even rep-cloth. The feet of many were bound in skins.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 33

The peasant tilled his fields, the fisherman went out in his boat, the merchant risked his capital.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 35

Captains and rovers, farmers, fishermen, hunters, weavers of nets, smiths, carvers of wood, tradesmen and traders, men with little more than leather and an ax to their name, and jarls in purple cloaks, with golden pommels on their swords.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 238

Sharks, and sometimes marine saurians, sometimes trail the ships, to secure discarded garbage and rob the lines of the fishermen.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 360

He had sheathed his jagged-edged knife, a fisherman's knife.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 285

Kisu, with a knife, was cutting a length from the rough, red-dyed cloth, plaited and pounded, derived from the inner bark of the pod tree, which we had obtained in trade some days ago at the fishermen's village.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 294

I did not know what the "other food" might be. One always inquires. It would vary seasonally, depend on the local suppliers, and, in some cases, even on the luck of local hunters and fishermen. In most inns the fare is simple and hearty.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Pages 282 - 283

Rumors were being spread by Lord Temmu's men, disguised as fishermen, herdsmen, and such, of new allies for Lord Temmu, strange warriors, arrived from far off, and, terrifyingly, of dragon birds, which might fly forth and destroy armies.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 386

I was somewhat surprised to note the seeming agitation on the part of my friend. I had supposed, given the observation of the sea, and the occasional coming and going of ships, that I was already likely to be apprised of what slender news might have come recently to the Cove of Harpalos.

"I have this from a caste brother," said Clitus.
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Pages 58 - 59

"I think these tiny islets are temporary resting places for fishermen," I said, "transitory camps, scattered locations enlarging their fishing grounds."
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 89

Clitus had cast his net expertly, it enveloping and settling about the opponent like a swift, soft, corded rain. Another turn and twist and the opponent's feet were drawn from under him, and Clitus stood over him, his trident poised at the opponent's throat.

"A kill," announced the umpire.

"Nicely done," said several of the spectators.

A judge awarded Clitus the copper tarsk.

The opponent disentangled himself from the net, carefully, folded it, and returned it to Clitus. "Well done," he said.

Few blades in the islands can divide a loose, falling, unresisting net. I had seen one or two which could do so at the World's End. I was not sure whether the opponent had thought to cut through the net or simply lift it, or brush it, aside. Whatever might have been his intention, it had been unsuccessful. In dealing with the net and trident, it is desirable, if possible, which it seldom is, to have seen the fishermen earlier, in other matches. Many fishermen have habits, techniques, or tricks which tend to characterize their play, an over-the-head cast, a side cast, a certain movement of the feet before the cast, and so on. Clitus varied such things from match to match, which made it difficult to anticipate, and thus compensate for, his moves. Some fishermen sometimes feign an awkwardness or loss of balance to lure the opponent within range. Sometimes I had seen Clitus use the net as a distraction, preparing for a thrust of the trident. No rule determines whether the net or trident is to have priority. The common foe of the fisherman is a swordsman or spearman, but sometimes it is another fisherman. Who says that fishermen cannot have disagreements with one another, who is to cast first and where, over women, and so on? It is common for a swordsman or spearman to underestimate the fisherman as a foe. He does not seem an armed warrior. He is different. Can the net and trident be taken seriously as weapons? Are they not rather, merely, the tools of a trade, not weapons but the equipment of a way of life, like the peasant's sickle and plow? Needless to say, in war, such an error of judgment is likely to be made only once. Each net, of course, has a diameter and a likely range of flight. Such things can be important. Few fishermen will risk a long cast for two reasons, first, the extra bit of an Ihn that the net is in the air gives the opponent that much more time to avoid the net, and, second, the net, if avoided, may be lost. Without the net the fisherman is little more than a lightly armed spearman, the bearer of a javelin. My recommendation for the foe in these matters is movement and patience, maintaining a constant change of place while staying outside the range of the net as much as possible. One tries to make oneself a difficult target while searching for opportunities. If the net is being spun it can be spun only so long before the arm tires and weakens. When the arm lowers or the arm draws back for a cast, that is an opportunity. Sometimes one can roll under the net before it settles, and then spring up, blade ready, between the net and the fisherman.
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Pages 130 - 131

I reminded myself that Clitus was of the Fishermen and Thurnock of the Peasants. What do Fishermen and Peasants know of tospits?
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 294

"Serve me well," says the assassin to his dagger, the woodsman to his ax, the fisherman to his net and trident, the scribe to his pen, the warrior to his sword.
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 307

"The tridents make them fishermen," said Thurnock.

"My dear friend," said Clitus, "it takes more than a trident to make a fisherman." His eyes were narrow. He shook out his own net, and unstrapped his trident.
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 400

"I was unsuccessful," I said.

"That was anticipated," said Grendel. "Accordingly, two servitors, known to you, came to Ar, to protect you, to assist you, and, if necessary, to die with you."

"Not servitors," I said, "but friends."

"A Peasant and a fisherman," said Grendel.

"Thurnock and Clitus," I said.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 225

"Surely you do not think I simply walked into the Beast Caves, picked up the Home Stone, and walked back out. Five individuals were involved, myself, Aetius of Venna, Grendel, a Kurlike creature, and two others, known to me, Thurnock and Clitus, the first a Peasant, the second, a Fisherman. Each is entitled to a full share, two hundred gold pieces each. I will, however, split my share with you, and thus we will each receive a hundred gold pieces, first weight."
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 282

"You were seen with me in the stadium," I said, "a Peasant with a bow, a fisherman with a net and trident. Inquiries will be made. Sooner or later men will be referred to that building."
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 387


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