![]() RootsHere are relevant references from the Books where roots are mentioned. I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them. Arrive at your own conclusions. I wish you well, Fogaban Lotus Root Poisoned Sip Root Teslik
"You asked her a question, beloved daughter," said Lord Yamada. "She responded as best she could. Dismiss her. Permit her to continue serving." He then addressed the other diners. "Note the kelp, the bamboo shoots, the fish, the lotus roots, and mushrooms."
"That she knows little of Gor," said the first man, "is imminently suitable to our purposes, but, paradoxically, if she knows too little, she may frustrate the same purposes, say, by unwittingly courting danger, by eating poisoned fruit or roots, exposing herself to theft, naively crossing the path of wild animals, stepping into a stand of leech plants, touching an ost, even attempting to escape. Such errors would provide our project with little profit. We would require a new kajira and time is short."
"We make them chew carefully and watch closely to see that they swallow, bit by bit, in small swallows, sip roots, as well," said another. "We then examine their mouths, forcing them widely open, to determine that they have finished their entire allotment of the root," said another. I nodded. Sip roots are extremely bitter. Slave wine, incidentally, is made from sip roots. "We were made to chew sip roots on the way to the camp," she said, "to protect us, if our red masters should choose to seize and rape us." "I have chewed sip root," she said, plaintively. "We women from the compound, dragging the travois, were all made to do that, to protect us should we be taken and raped by our masters." I held the object before her. She regarded it with dismay. "I have already chewed sip root within the moon," she said. "Open your mouth," I said. "Yes, Master," she said. I then thrust the object into her mouth. "Chew it well," I said, "and swallow it, bit by bit." She grimaced, at the barest taste of the object. "Begin," I told her. She began. "Not so quickly," I told her. "More slowly. Very slowly. Very, very slowly. Savor it well." She whimpered in obedience. "I have finished it," gasped the girl, shuddering. "Open your mouth," I said, "widely." I forced her mouth open, even more widely, with my thumbs and forefingers. I examined her mouth, closely. The sip root was gone. She still held her wrists crossed, touching, behind her. She was still bound, as it is said, by the master's will. "You are unbound," I told her. She removed her hands from behind her back. She looked at me, knowing that I was her master. "Lick and wipe your mouth," I told her. She ran her tongue over her lips, and wiped them with the back of her right forearm. If I should choose to kiss her I did not desire to taste the residue of sip root. Then the tray was empty, save for one object, a segment of a dried root, about two to three inches long and a half inch wide. "Open your mouth," said Seibar to Tuka. She did so immediately, unquestioningly. "This is for you," he said. She nodded. He broke the root in two and thrust it in her mouth. "Chew it well," he said, "and swallow it, every particle." She nodded. "Open your mouth," he said. She did so. The sip root, every bit of it, was gone. I put the flask, which he had opened, to my lips. Its opening was large enough to drink freely from. "It is bitter!" I said, touching my lips to it. "It is the standard concentration, and dosage," he said, "plus a little more, for assurance. Its effect is indefinite, but it is normally renewed annually, primarily for symbolic purposes. I could not believe how bitter it was. I had learned from Susan, whom I had once questioned on the matter, the objective and nature of slave wine. It is prepared from a derivative of sip root. The formula, too, I had learned, at the insistence of masters and slavers, had been improved by the caste of physicians within the last few years. It was now, for most practical purposes, universally effective. Too, as Drusus Rencius had mentioned, its effects, at least for most practical purposes, lasted indefinitely. "Slave wine," which, as administered to slaves, is terribly bitter, from the sip root, found in the Barrens, precluded conception. "As you have had 'the wine of the noble free woman,'" I said, "it does not much matter. The substances, save in the pleasantness of their imbibings, are equivalent. Indeed, both have as their active ingredient sip root." Whereas, as suggested earlier, the effects of slave wine and "the wine of the noble free woman" are identical, the common ingredient being sip root, there is a considerable difference in the two drinks. Slave wine makes no attempt to conceal the bitterness of ground, raw sip root, whereas "the wine of the noble free woman" is flavored, spiced, and sweetened in such a way that it offers no offense to the delicate and more refined sensibility of the free woman. I was well satisfied in this. Indeed, given improvements in slave wine, dating back some years, brewed from the sip root, the first administering of the wine would be sufficient indefinitely, until the administration of a releaser, which removes its effects. I now had no fear, at least at present, at least until winter, of starving in the forest. Other than Tur-Pah, I could recognize the leafage which betokened Suls, usually found in the open, in drier, sandier soils, and was familiar with a number of edible nuts and berries, such as ram berries and gim berries, the latter common at this time of year. Even the horrid sip root was edible, despite its bitterness. "What is slave wine?" I asked, tears in my eyes. "The masters spoke of it," she said. "It is brewed from sip root. It prevents conception. Be pleased you are not a white kajira owned by the red savages of the Barrens, who do not care for white men or white women. There you must chew and swallow the root, raw." "Sakim," said I, "inquire of our stores, and of those of the Dorna, what quantities of sip root we have on board." Sip root is the active ingredient of slave wine. It is ground, and added to a brew of scarlet meal and water. It is used to control conception in female slaves for, obviously, the reproductivity of the female slave, as that of many other forms of domestic animals, is subject to the discretion of the owner. I am told the taste is horrid. Commonly the female, always a slave or a woman soon to be enslaved, is knelt naked, with her hands braceleted or tied behind her. Her head is then held back and her nostrils are pinched shut. The brew is poured into her mouth, filling it. After a time she must breathe, and, to do so, she has no choice but to swallow the brew. It is felt that two things are hereby accomplished. First, conception is blocked, until a master might decide otherwise, and the woman is well reminded, so treated, that she is, or will soon be, a slave. It is common for Gorean war ships to have sip root or prepared slave wine amongst their stores. Captured women are commonly enslaved. Gorean men tend to prefer the woman in a collar at their feet to a ransom.
The active ingredient in the breeding wine, or the "second wine," is a derivative of teslik. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 320 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |