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10,175 Contasta Ar
Gorean Weapons
This is the most accurate (if not the most complete) description of Gorean weapons known to exist.
By this, I mean there were no additions, suppositions or guesswork used in compiling these pages.
As an example, it seems most other websites add this to their description of the Gorean short sword:
'the blade of the Gorean short sword is narrow at the hilt, tapers to three inches wide and then tapers to a point at the tip'.
This addition simply does not appear anywhere in the Books. It is a blatant supposition. Sure, the blade -may- indeed taper, but the text does not -say- that it does.
Everything here is substantiated with direct references to text. If it isn't in the Books, it isn't here.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.
I wish you well,
-A- |
Acid |
Alar Sword |
Anangan Dart |
Anango Dart |
Anesthetic Dart |
Armor |
Armored Sleeve |
Armored Tharlarion |
Arrows |
Axes |
-B- |
Balanced Throwing Knife |
Ballistae |
Barbed War Net |
Battering Ram |
Beam of Wood |
Beanshooter |
Beauty |
Beheading Sword |
Belt Dagger |
Belt Knife |
Black Quarrel |
Bladed Chain |
Bladed Hook |
Blubber Hammer |
Bludgeon |
Boat Hook |
Boiling Oil |
Bola |
Bow, Crossbow |
Bow, Horn |
Bow, Long |
Bow, Pani |
Bow, Peasant |
Bow, Saddle |
Bow, Ship |
Bow, Small |
Bow, Straight |
Bow, Tuchuk |
Branches of Trees |
Buckler |
Burning Oil |
Burning Pitch |
Bush Knife |
Butcher Knife |
-C- |
Canhpi |
Capture Scent |
Carving Knife |
Catapult |
Cestae and Cesti |
Chain |
Chain Garrote |
Chain Mail |
Chain-Sling |
Chemical |
Chisel |
Claws, Steel |
Club |
Club Knife |
Cordage |
Crate Hook |
Crossbow |
Crossbow, Kur |
Crutch |
Curved Sword, Pani |
Curved Sword, Scimitar |
-D- |
Dagger Cestae |
Dagger, Belt |
Dagger, Kur |
Dagger, Shoulder |
Dagger, Sleeve |
Dagger, Tiny |
Dagger, Turian |
Deceit |
Drug, Anesthetic Dart |
Drug, Capture Scent |
Drug, Frobicain |
Drug, Kanda |
Drug, Paralysis |
Drug, Tassa Powder |
Drugged Liqueur |
-E- |
Edged Battle Weights |
-F- |
Farming Brand |
Farming Implements |
Fiery Quarrel |
Fiery Rocks |
Fire |
Fire Arrow |
Fire Bomb |
Fire Javelin |
Fisherman's Knife |
Flail |
Flailing Chain |
Flame Basket |
Flame Vases and Flasks |
Flaming Bundle |
Flaming Naphtha |
Flaming Oil |
Flare |
Flaying Knife |
Fletching |
Flight Arrow |
Fork |
Fragments of Pavement |
Francisca |
Frobicain |
Fungus Knife |
Fungus Mallet |
-G- |
Gaff |
Garden Fork |
Garrote |
Garrote, Chain |
Gauntlets |
Gieron |
Girl Capture Chain |
Glaive |
Goad |
Goblet |
Gold |
Grapnels and Grappling Irons |
-H- |
Half Staff |
Hammer |
Hammer, Blubber |
Hammer, Siege |
Hammer, War |
Knife, Hamstringing |
Hand Knife |
Hand Ram |
Harpoon |
Hatchet Gauntlets |
Heat Knife |
Heated Oil |
Heated Stones |
Helmet |
Hoe |
Hook Knife |
Horn Bow |
Hot Oil |
Hunjer War Hammer |
Hunting Arrow |
Hunting Spear |
Hurling Stones |
-I- |
Impaling Spear |
Implements of Farming |
Instruments of a Trade |
Iron Bar |
Iron Lever |
Iron Pan |
-J- |
Javelin |
Javelin, Fire |
Javelin, Siege |
-K- |
Kanda |
Karjuk |
Killing Knife |
Kitchen Knife |
Knife Gauntlets |
Knife Lock |
Knife, Balanced Throwing |
Knife, Belt |
Knife, Bush |
Knife, Butcher |
Knife, Carving |
Knife, Club |
Knife, Fisherman's |
Knife, Flaying |
Knife, Fungus |
Knife, Hamstringing |
Knife, Hand |
Knife, Heat |
Knife, Hook |
Knife, Killing |
Knife, Kitchen |
Knife, Mariner's |
Knife, Quiva |
Knife, Rence |
Knife, Ritual |
Knife, Scaling |
Knife, Scribe's |
Knife, Shaving |
Knife, Ship's |
Knife, Side, Kur |
Knife, Slaughtering |
Knife, Slave |
Knife, Sleen |
Knife, Sleeve |
Knife, Snow |
Knife, Sod |
Knife, Suicide |
Knife, Tarn |
Knife, Thieves' |
Knife, Throwing |
Knife, Trade |
Knife, Triangular-bladed |
Knife, Tunic |
Knife, Turf |
Knife, Ulo |
Knife, War |
Knife, Whip |
Knife, Woman's |
Kur Acid |
Kur Axe |
Kur Dagger |
Kur Crossbow |
Kur Side Knife |
Kur Panga |
Kur Metal Bar |
Kur Poison |
Kur Rifle |
Kur Spear |
-L- |
Lance |
Light Spear |
Liqueur, Drugged |
Living Island |
Lock, Knife |
Long Bow |
Long Sword, Alar |
Long Sword, Pani |
Long Sword, Saber |
Long Sword, Sacramasax |
Long Sword, Scimitar |
Long Sword, Spatha |
Loops of Wire |
-M- |
Mace |
Mangonel |
Mariner's Knife |
Marked Arrow |
Marsh Spear |
Message Arrow |
Metal Bar, Kur |
Metal Pellets |
Misinformation |
Molotov Cocktail |
-N- |
Naginata |
Naphtha, Flaming |
Needles |
Net |
Net, Barbed War |
-O- |
Oil |
Oil Bomb |
Oil-Soaked Cloth |
Oil, Boiling |
Oil, Burning |
Oil, Flaming |
Oil, Heated |
Oil, Hot |
Onager |
Ost Venom |
Ost Venom Antidote |
-P- |
Padded Arrow |
Panga |
Panga, Kur |
Pani Arrow |
Pani Bow |
Pani Bow Ballista |
Pani Sword |
Panther Girl Spear |
Paralysis Drug |
Parasol |
Pavement |
Paving Stone |
Peasant Staff |
Pellets, Metal |
Pike |
Pile Arrow |
Pins |
Pitch |
Plank |
Pointed Stick |
Poison Arrow |
Poison Drink |
Poison Girls |
Poison Locks |
Poison Needles |
Poison Pellet |
Poison Pins |
Poison Rings |
Poison Syrup |
Poison, Kanda |
Poison, Kur |
Poison, Ost Venom |
Poison, Unidentified |
Pole |
Punishment Stick |
-Q- |
Quarrel |
Quarrel, Black |
Quiva |
Quiver |
-R- |
Red-Hot Irons |
Red Savages Arrow |
Rence Knife |
Rifle, Kur |
Ritual Knife |
Rock Hammer |
Rocks |
Roofing Tile |
Rope |
-S- |
Saber |
Sacramasax |
Saddle Bow |
Sajel |
Scaling Knife |
Scaling Ladder |
Scimitar |
Scimitarus |
Scribe's Knife |
Scythe |
Shackles |
Sharpened Half-Staff |
Sharpened Pole |
Sharpened Stick Arrow |
Shaving Knife |
Sheaf Arrow |
Shield |
Ship |
Ship Bow |
Ship's Knife |
Short Sword |
Shoulder Dagger |
Shovel |
Siege Catapult |
Siege Ditch |
Siege Hammer |
Siege Javelin |
Siege Pole |
Siege Tower |
Signal Arrow |
Slaughtering Knife |
Slave Goad |
Slave Knife |
Slave Net |
Slave Snare |
Slave Trap |
Slave Wire |
Sleen Knife |
Sleeping Powder |
Sleeve Dagger |
Sleeve Knife |
Sling |
Small Bow |
Smoke Arrow |
Smoke Bomb |
Snow Knife |
Sod Knife |
Spatha |
Spear |
Spear, Hunting |
Spear, Impaling |
Spear, Kur |
Spear, Light |
Spear, Panther Girl |
Spear, War |
Spiked Cestae |
Spiked Gauntlets |
Spiked Leather |
Spiked Planks |
Spiked Yokes |
Springal |
Stabilization Serums |
Staff |
Staff, Half |
Steel Claws |
Steel Crescent |
Stick |
Stick, Throwing |
Stones |
Stones, Heated |
Stones, Hurling |
Straight Bow |
Suicide Knife |
Switch |
Sword, Beheading |
Sword, Curved, Pani |
Sword, Curved, Scimitar |
Sword, Long, Saber |
Sword, Long, Sacramasax |
Sword, Long, Spatha |
Sword, Short |
-T- |
Tanto |
Tarn Knife |
Tarn Wire |
Tassa Powder |
Tent Peg |
Thieves' Knife |
Throwing Knife |
Throwing Stick |
Timbers |
Tiny Dagger |
Torch |
Torvaldsland |
Trade Knife |
Transformation Injections |
Tree Branch |
Triangular-bladed Knife |
Trident |
Tuchuk Bow |
Tunic Knife |
Turf Knife |
Turian Dagger |
-U- |
Ulo |
Umbrella |
Unnamed Drug |
Unidentified Poison |
Uru |
-V- |
Vart |
Vine |
-W- |
War Arrow |
War Arrow of Torvald |
War Fan |
War Hammer, Hunjer |
War Knife |
War Net, Barbed |
War Sleen |
War Spear |
War Torch |
Whip |
Whip Knife |
Whistling Arrow |
Wire Noose |
Wire, Garrote |
Wire, Slave |
Wire, Tarn |
Woman's Knife |
