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Passage Hand |
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Waiting Hand |
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10,175 Contasta Ar
A Gorean Slave Serve
as a Composite
I searched the entire series for every instance where the mechanics of a beverage serve is described.
I then took the different facets from all of these descriptions and complied a composite serve. One continuous serve, combining every part of every serve, all at once.
This is not to mean that the only true and proper serve 'must' use all parts of this Composite Serve.
More than anything what this shows is, that if it is not listed here, it is not By The Book.
Read and learn.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.
I wish you well,
- Remain as much in the background as possible until called.
- She knelt back, about a yard from the table.
- Lean forward, bending knees slightly, body graceful, voice a whisper in the ear, an invitation.
- "Wine, Master?"
- "May I serve you?" she asked.
- Carefully wipe the goblet
- Her hands, slightly, shook on the paga bottle.
- She poured wine into the crater and replaced the bottle.
- She attended to the filling of the cup, and capped the spout on the bag.
- She poured, carefully, the hot, black beverage into the tiny red cup.
- She poured carefully, terrified that she might spill it.
- she then approached delicately, as though timidly, head down.
- I, carrying the wine crater, rose to my feet and approached him.
- Kneel, back on your heels, knees widely spread, in the dictated position of the Pleasure Slave.
- Hold the goblet in both hands.
- Take the goblet and hold it against your body, pushing inward against your belly, low, below the navel.
- Press the cup into your waist.
- Press the cup into your left breast softly but firmly.
- Press the cup into your right breast softly but firmly.
- Press the cup into your shoulders.
- Touch the cup to your collar.
- Press your lips to the goblet, to its side, kissing it.
- Close your eyes.
- Again head turned to the side, press your lips softly, lovingly, lingeringly, delicately, fully, against it, kissing it.
- Open your eyes.
- Gazing over the rim at your master, kiss the goblet, tenderly, and lick it, lovingly, lingeringly, for he is your master, and he is permitting you, a mere slave, to serve him.
- Lower your head, down between your arms.
- Throw your hair forward.
- Extended your arms, lifting the goblet.
- "Wine, Master?"
- "I offer you wine, Master."
- "Paga, Master?"
- "Your paga, Master."
- "For your pleasure, I bring you paga and a slave."
- "I bring you drink, Master."
- "Thank you, Master."
- She bowed her head and with a shy smile, backed gracefully, then turned and hurried away.
- Her head down, she withdrew.
- She withdrew gracefully, gratefully, still facing the table, and then turned away.
- After the wine was poured she rose up and body bent, head down, eyes cast down, backed gracefully, silently, away, withdrawing to the side.
- She knelt back, about a yard from the table.
- Then she withdrew, a bit, to kneel in the background, where, unobtrusively, she would be at hand, should she be needed, or wanted, or desired.
